Hey y'all. I know I have been a way for a while but I have finally caught a full free moment again. I just graduated and am currently taking a gap year so hopefully I have more time this year to update and hopefully finish some stories. I had this chapter for a while but finished today. I hope there are no mistakes but I kinda wanted to post it now. I hope you guys enjoy! ;-)

Disclaimer: I do not own hetalia...also the song is Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

The gang walked over to a 4 person booth near the back of the restaurant. Mercedes slid in first on the right side of the booth. Tina was about to slide in next to the diva when Sam quickly maneuvered his way in front of her and managed to sit down first by Mercedes. Tina nearly sat down on Sam before she realized what just happened and stop herself.
"Ummm..." she said, eyeing her blond friend somewhat taken aback. "Sam?"
"Hmm?" Sam said, sitting there with a simple smile. He then noticed the other three looking at him weirdly. "What's up?"
"What's up?" Blaine repeated. "You just like ninja'd yourself behind Tina to sit down next to Mercedes."
Sam scoffed.
"Wha? Please, no I just, just wanted to sit on the edge of the booth."
"Why?" Tina asked.
"Why?" Sam repeated.
"Yeah, why?"
"Um why...what?"
"Why do you want to sit on the edge of the booth?"
"Wait, just so we are clear you are asking me why I want to sit on the edge of the booth? Where I am sitting right now?"
"Yes, that is what I am asking you," Tina said, rolling her eyes. "Can you answer the question?"
"Well, to be perfectly frank, if you must know, I will tell you-"
"Sam, get to the point please. Sometime this century if you could."
"Jeez jeez, okay." Sam paused and thought for a second. He took his phone out of his pocket and checked some of his messages.
The other three just looked at him for a solid minute before Tina spoke again.
"Hmm?" the blond said looking up from his phone. "How can I help you?"
"How can I help y- you still havent answered my question!"
Sam squinted his eyes and looked questioningly at his brunette friend.
"Question about?"
"About wh-" Tina paused and pinched the bridge of her nose while closing her eyes. "About why you need to sit at the edge."

"Ohhhhh, right right right right right. Ummm... I'm a pee-er, okay?"

"A pee-er?" Blaine repeated. "What is a pee-er?"

"Um...one who pees Blaine, come on! What is this first grade?"

"Okay, I'm going to ignore that because obviously, 'Pee-er' is not a word that people use."

"Ok well it basically means I pee a lot so I should sit on the edge so I do not have to bother anybody else."

"What? Since when?!"

"It was a recent diagnosis."


"Oh. My. Goodness. Guys, I am not feeling like playing this game of 100 questions with each of you. Can we please just eat now?"

"Yeah, you know, I think I am just gonna sit down," she said sliding into the other side of the booth. Blaine followed suit and sat down at the edge of the booth.

"So um, what is good here?" Mercedes asked, picking up one of the menu off the table. "I am actually pretty hungry now."

"Well I think we should start off with some wings to share. I personally like the sesame wings. Blaine, how 'bout you?...Blaine?...BLAINE?"

"Hmm? What?" Blaine replied, looking up from his phone.

"Wings? What kind?"

"Whatever kind you want," the brunet answered quickly, looking down at his phone again.

"What? 'Whatever kind I want'?" Tina repeated incredulously. "No, I expected the usual heavily contentious debate we usually have on this subject. What is it?"

"Nothing," Blaine said, his eyes not shifting from his cell. "Its just- I don't know. Nothing."

"Blaine, tell me."

"Yeah dude," Sam chimed in. "What is it?" Blaine looked up and at his 2 best friends.

"Well ok," he sighed. "I was just checking my snapchat and Sebastian posted a video of Kurt watching The Notebook in his room. He even captioned it "look at this cutie"with like hearts behind it. And I have just been rewatching it on like a loop for the past five minutes."

"What? Blaine!" Tina screamed, playfully punching the brunet in the shoulder. "Why would you do that?"

"What?! Why would I do that? Why would he do that? He said that he was gonna help him on his homework and that there are just friends. This video basically means that he was lying. Sebastian is such a jerk, why would he do that?"

"Look dude, why do you even care? You don't even like Kurt, remember?" Sam said.

"Well I...I may not like him in that way but I do love him still. He is my best friend and I do not want him getting hurt again but that jerkwad. You know what? There has to be a reason for this. No way, this actually means anything. I think I am going to go check up on him. Just real quickly. Just past by Sebastian's dorm real quick."

"What?! That is crazy talk, Blaine. Stop overreacting," Tina advised. "You can't just walk in there like that. There are watching a movie together. That's it."

"That's it,huh?" Blaine sighed, looking back down at his phone. "Then explain this new picture on Sebastian's Snapchat story. It's him with his arm around Kurt and kissing his forehead."

"Dude," Sam began. "I-"

"Nope," Blaine quickly interrupted, standing up. "Nope, I refuse to think anything or come to any conclusions before I talk to Kurt. He has to have something to explain."


"Nope,"' the brunet said again. "I'm sorry guys, I have to go now. Mercedes, let's hang out again some other time. Soon." And with that, he made a bee-line to the exit.

"Blaine!" Tina yelled after him, scooting out of the booth and standing up. "Blaine, come back!" But he was already out of the restaurant. The brunette turned back to Sam and Mercedes. "Damn, guys, Ive got to go after him before he does anything stupid. I'm sorry Mercedes, this was supposed to be like the first fun Friday night but that quickly got derailed."

"Oh I mean, its fine. I guess I can just go back to the dorm and order a pizza or something. Maybe try this again some other time," Mercedes replied.

"What, no. Don't do that. Just stay here with Sam tonight. You guys can still have fun. Ive got to go now though. Blaine's got a serious head start now. Bye," she said before turning around and running towards the exit.

"Oh wow," Sam said, looking at Mercedes. "So um, that happened."

"Uh yeah, it sure did." Mercedes agreed. She paused for a moment and then looked back at Sam. "Its not usually like that is it?"

"Oh no, not at all. Blaine usually waits until the appetizers are done to run out of the restaurant," the blond smiled.

"Oh really?" the diva laughed. "Noted. Well um, I guess I should just ask you. What's good here?"

"I actually like the sesame wings as starter."

"So I guess we can get that then." There was a moment of silence where they both stared at each other. Sam smiled, causing Mercedes to chuckle slightly and look away.

"Uh, so pee-er huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, if we could just not bring that up ever again, much would be appreciated," the blond laughed.

"So tonight was pretty fun," Mercedes said, as the two arrived to the diva's room door. She unlocked her door and turned to faced Sam. "I'm glad you convinced me to stay."
"Really?" the blond smiled. "That's great. Yeah, I thought tonight was pretty awesome too. Well except for that one part about the 'pee-er' thing." He added.
"Yeah," Mercedes began. "That was-"
"But like I am not you know," Sam clarified. "A 'pee-er'. Well I mean, I am. We all are. We all pee, you know. I just meant I don't pee more than the average human being. I pee a regular amount. Like, I don't know, how often do people pee? Like on an average basis? Whatever it is, that's how much I pee." He paused. "The average amount, whatever that exactly is."
"Uh," Mercedes let out. She was raising an eyebrow. "Okay."
"Shit,I just made it weird, didn't I?" the blond cursed, running his hand through his hair, just to be quickly reminded that he was unsuccessful at taking all the gel out of his hair earlier. "Shit shit shit," he cursed again looking at his hand covered in hair gel. "Now my hands covered in gel too. I promise you I am not usually like this."
"You mean you don't talk about how often you pee for like a solid 5 minutes and have like a healthy amount of hair gel on your hands. I find that hard to believe," Mercedes smirked.
"Well I mean, I am not sure what you consider a healthy amount of hair gel," Sam started, examining his gel covered hand. "But its l-" Sam stopped himself and looked at Mercedes with a smile. "Oh I see. You're making jokes."
"Yeah," the diva laughed. "Is that not allowed?"
"No, its allowed. Its just I am out here sweating like buckets thinking I've made a fool of myself and you are out here making jokes," Sam chuckled.
"What no, you are great, trust me," Mercedes reassured with a smile. "In fact, everyone has been great. Like super friendly and cool. I thought I was gonna feel like an outsider here but like everyone has been so welcoming. There was even this girl, I think Rachel was her name, who asked me to join glee club. She did say it was so I could sing behind her but I still think it was somewhat nice."
"Oh yeah," the blond laughed. "That definitely sounds like Rachel. She is like the lead female vocal of the club. And trust me, that is nice for her. She is better once you get to know her but yeah, she is pretty serious about the club. She wants to be on broadway one day."
"Oh wow..she must be good."
"Yeah she is but I dont know. Im in the club too but I am in it just for fun. And uh... you should."
Mercedes eyed Sam weirdly.
"Should what?"
"Join. Glee club. Even if you don't sing. It can be a great way for us to hang and get to know each other better."
"Ummm.." The diva raised on eyebrow. "Us? Like just us?"
"Oh um well, you know, um, us among the others," Sam chuckled nervously. "Them among us. Us among them, you know?"
"Uh no, I can't say I do."
"Well ok. Uh to put it as simply as I can, I had a really good time tonight. Just hanging out with you and talking," the blond smiled, putting his hands in his jean pockets, forgetting about the gel on his hands. His fingers were somewhat glued together on the inside on his pockets and gel seeped through the jean, making the area on his pants seem wet. Mercedes looked down at the spot on Sam's pants.
"Um Sam, your pants."

"Yeah, just ignore it for now," the blond said, slightly shaking his head. "The damage has been done. My point is I had fun with you tonight."
"Uh yeah," Mercedes chuckled, looking on the slowing growing spot on Sam's jeans as more gel seeped through. "Me too."
"Yeah, and um, I gotta admit this is not what I pictured in my head when I asked you this but like knowing me and who I am, it could have been a lot worse."
"Um.. ask me what?"
"I uh...um..I wanted t..." Sam paused to take a deep breath. "Sorry uh.. I think I am just nervous. Uh Mercedes, will you go ou-"
Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but where is that music coming from?" Mercedes asked.
More lines.
"Danggit. That's my ringtone, I so sorry about that." Sam quickly took out his phone with his hand and saw Blaine was calling him. He declined the call and looked back at Mercedes. "It's just Blaine. Probably just wondering where I am."
"Shouldn't you answer it then?"
"I'll get back to him later. I wanted to ask if you wanted to get dinn-"
Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar

"God dammit," Sam cursed, looking at his phone again. "Its Blaine again. What could be so urgent?"
"Maybe you should answer it. It seems important," Mercedes suggested, slowly backing up into her room. "It's late anyway and I promised some of my friends back in Kansas I would call them tonight."
Sam's face fell.
"Oh ok. Um, I guess I'll see you later then."
"Yes, for sure. Good night," the diva smiled before closing her room door.
"Good night," the blond whispered back, staring at the closed door. Damn, I thought she was beautiful before but man, everything about her is amazing, Sam thought. I was so close to asking her out. Jesus, why could Blaine need me so much right now?

So that is officially that chapter. Please review! Tata for now!