Surprise! Normally I try not to post two times in one day, but I really couldn't wait on this one, I wanted to wait also until the second chapter was more fleshed out but like I said can't wait. So I didn't think I'd have internet here at the in-laws their wifi is a total joke, apparently it all depends on where someone is standing in the house... Le sigh... See you at the bottom!

"Danny! Hurry up, seriously you are the slowest!" Charlie shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh my god!" Danny shouted back. "Would you chill out!" Danny's head popped out from behind a wall as he shouted the last part.

Charlie had moved to Chicago not long after graduating for two reasons, one she was accepted to a school of arts there and two she wanted to be closer to her uncle Miles. She and her mom had never really gotten along given her mothers inherent favoritism of Danny, so when Miles suggested she come out to Chicago she jumped on it, he'd given her a job at the bar he owned with Bass. she'd been there a few years now and at twenty-three she still worked there but she was serving drinks behind the bar now, a huge step up from the start of busing tables. The whole family had decided to go for a vacation and Mexico was where they had decided they would go, so the week before they left Danny went to Chicago to stay with Charlie, it was pretty well-known that being anywhere near Rachel and Ben before a big vacation was a huge nightmare so Danny escaped early.

"Miles is going to be here any minute to get us and if we miss this flight I swear Danny I will kill you!" Charlie shouted again.

"Holy crap. Charlie I know!" Danny appeared pulling his suitcase behind him.

"Finally, There is breakfast on the counter eat fast." Charlie said taking his suitcase from him as he reached the bottom of the stairs."

"What's your rush?" Danny asked stuffing his face with toast.

"I just want to get out of here, I want to be where the drinks are free and the sun is warm." Charlie said sitting next to her brother, stealing a corner of his toast she popped it in her mouth. The buzzer rang and Charlie got up to let Miles in. "Come on up." She hit the release button and hung up the phone. Charlie had just sat back down with Danny when the door opened.

"Hey!" Miles shouted from the door. "We're here."

"We?" Charlie questioned

"Yah we, Bass is coming with." Miles said rounding the corner, Bass appeared behind him giving Charlie and Danny a two fingered salute in greeting.

"Miles just couldn't be without me so he begged me to come along." Bass said giving the siblings a wink.

Charlie laughed as Miles smacked Bass while Danny rolled his eyes. "So bad news, my car is in the shop so I had to bring my truck, and since Bass is apparently to much of a man's man to own a car he has his truck to, so we're going to have to split up our stuff and meet at the airport." Miles explained sitting next to Danny stealing a piece of his bacon.

"Hey, that was mine." Danny pouted at Miles.

"You can have it back, or you can quit your whining." Miles said holding out a now tiny piece of bacon, Danny grabbed the tiny bacon and tossed it in his mouth smiling at Miles. "Smart-ass." He said rolling his eyes at his nephew. "You guys got everything you need?" Miles turned to Charlie who nodded back at him. "Awesome well I have your tickets here." Miles pulled the tickets from his pocket and handed them out to the three waiting hands.

"Who am I sitting with?" Charlie asked inspecting her ticket.

"What seat are you?" Danny asked glaring at Miles who had just stolen another piece of bacon. "Seriously dude."

"A20." Charlie replied ignoring the smacks being shared between uncle and nephew.

"Guess I'm your travelling buddy." Bass said showing Charlie his ticket.

Charlie smiled up at him. "That's good, didn't really want to be stuck with either of these two." She said backing away from them.

Bass laughed and leaned across the counter also stealing a piece of bacon from the distracted Danny. Charlie giggled trying not to draw attention to Bass' thievery, her efforts were pretty much in vain the moment Miles outted him.

"Hey!" Miles said pointing at his best friend, Danny turned and swatted at Bass' hand.

"Guys come on! Stop eating my breakfast!" Danny said grabbing his plate and holding it away from Robin and Little John.

"Chill out." Charlie said echoing Danny's words from earlier. "I made more." She turned and grabbed the plate of bacon plopping down on the counter between the three men. "Go for it, I ate while waiting for his royal highness." Charlie grinned at her brother.

The three didn't waste anytime devouring Charlie's well made breakfast. "We should probably head out guys. our flight is in three hours and with you three creepy looking dudes we might get searched so we should go a little early." Charlie said lifting her bag over her shoulder.

"She's right, you two are just asking to get strip searched." Bass said crossing his arms smiling at the hurt looks on Miles and Danny's faces, Charlie giggled behind him. "You with me travel buddy?" Bass asked turning to Charlies smiling face.

"Only if you stop calling me that." Charlie raised her eyebrow at him.

"Don't see that happening anytime soon but I can try." Bass winked at her. "Where's your stuff we can toss it in my truck." He followed Charlie down the hall to the closet by the door.

"In here." Charlie yanked the doors opened and revealed her large suitcase.

"Planning on moving there?" Bass asked eyeing up the huge case.

"It's not full, I usually want to bring stuff back so I got a bigger suitcase so I'd have room." She said pulling it from the closet.

"Smart, never would have thought of that." Bass said moving out-of-the-way. "Here let me take it." Bass wrapped his fingers around hers as he pulled the suitcase from her grasp, Charlie yanked her hand out from under his and stepped back. Bass looked down at her perplexed and she just stared up at him, just then Danny and Miles appeared behind them Danny's suitcase in hand and bags slung over shoulders.

"Everything ok?" Miles asked coming to a stop, Danny how ever looked between the two and realization dawned over his face.

"Yah, fine." Charlie smiled at her uncle. "Come on, time to go." Charlie opened the front door and stepped out waiting for the group of people to vacate her home, Danny and Miles walked down the hall shoving each other as they went. Charlie turned to lock her door holding the handle a moment longer she let out a long breath.

"You coming?" Charlie jumped at the voice behind her, whipping around Bass stood smile gracing his features with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup." Charlie plastered a smile on her face. "Vacation time can't wait." Charlie threw her head back and headed down the hall. "Come on mister times wasten'."

Once outside Charlie stopped to follow Bass to his truck and watched and he tossed her bag in the back with his before moving to the driver's side. "Getting in?" One of his legs was up in the cab door hanging open as he looked over the roof sun shining in his blonde hair.

"Yup one second." Charlie went to the back of the truck and hauled her carry on bag into the back making sure nothing was going to fly out the open back. She hopped into the passenger side and slammed the heavy door behind her. "Lets see if we can beat Danny and Miles there." She wiggled in her seat getting comfortable.

"I think we can do that." Bass turned the key and his engine roared to life, he pulled the truck up beside Miles' and waved to him. "See you there." And with that Bass tore out of the parking lot leaving Danny and Miles still standing next to the truck.

Charlie reached over and started fiddling with the radio dials. "Does your radio not work?" Charlie asked twisting the knob side to side.

"Nope, I usually plug my phone into it, I've got better music then the radio anyways." Bass reached across Charlie and popped the glove compartment open, pulling a cord out her handed it to Charlie. "Here just plug your phone it should just start when you press play." He was watching the road or he would have seen the pink that was spreading across her face as his arm brushed across her bare leg.

"Ok." Charlie look the cord from his fingers and plugged in her phone and started up her music. The song hummed to life over the speakers and Charlie settled back knees up on the dashboard eyes closed. Bass glanced over and admired the content look on her face, smiling to himself he looked back at the road.

"ETA fifteen minutes if the traffic is good. when we get there we should check our bags and head right to security give ourselves time to get coffee on the other side. sound good?" Bass asked risking another glance at the girl beside him.

Charlie hummed back in response. "Sounds like the ideal plan." Her eyes were still closed, she'd opened the window and was enjoying the breeze running across her face.

fifteen minutes later Bass was pulling into the airport long term parking. "Up and attem' travel buddy." Bass said shaking her knee slightly to get her attention, Charlie sprung to life sitting up suddenly. The two jumped out of the cab and headed to the back of the truck. Bass was securing his carry on back over his shoulder when Miles and Danny pulled in beside them. "'Bout time!" Bass shouted at the pair getting out.

"Well you kind of drive like a crazy person." Danny said raising his hands in defence. "We wanted to get here alive."

"Well hurry up we have a plan and we want to stick to it." Bass said grinning at Charlie who nodded back in affirmation.

Danny and Miles both rolled there eyes at the pair watching them impatiently. "You two are going to be the worst to travel with aren't you?" Miles asked exasperated.

"Most definitely" Charlie laughed back.

"Wait Danny where are our seats?" Miles asked turning to Danny as he pulled out their bags.

Danny pulled there tickets from his bag. "Were at the front a full fifteen rows between us." Danny sighed with relief. "Thank-god if I had to listen to them the whole flight I was going to throw them out the emergency hatch." He said dramatically holding the back of his hand to his forehead.

"Har-har funny man, get your shit let's go." Charlie glared at him.

The four of them checked there bags and headed to the security check point, none of the boys of pulled aside but Charlie did and got her bags searched which brought much laughter from the three of them as they stood off to the side waiting for her.

"I can't believe I got searched!" Charlie said flopping down into the cafe's table coffee in hand. "Do I look suspicious to you!" She asked turning to Miles.

"No, but you are travelling with three men, they're going to target you as you are the least likely looking." Danny said laughing as he sitting in the chair next to Charlie's

"Ugh." She scowled into the table which she now had her head resting on. "This isn't fair, you guys don't need ammunition."

"Aww come on, it was kind of funny." Bass flipped his chair around and sat next to Charlie. "Here." He said holding out a giant cookie, Charlie raised her head slightly and looked at the cookie. "Baked goods make everything better."

Charlie took the cookie and smiled at him. "Thanks Bass." She pulled a piece off and handed it to him as she took a bite. "Delicious."

Bass took the piece and popped it into his mouth smiling. "Everyone got there drinks?" He said looking around. "We should probably head to the gate they're going to board soon."

The four strapped their bags back on and grabbed their coffee's heading to the gate. When they arrived they noticed a line was already forming so they jumped into line as well.

"Well, we'll see you guys on the other side." Charlie said as they passed the already seated Danny and Miles, who responded by waving and smiling cheekily at them. Charlie slid into the window seat Bass following closely. "What kind of flyer are you?" Charlie asked after she'd done her belt and settled in.

"I'm alright I guess, not a lot bothers me anymore, you know the whole army thing, spent a lot of time in planes and being jerked around so planes are kind of a non-issue for me." He said shrugging.

"Fantastic." Charlie grinned at him.

"Why?" Bass asked curiously.

"I'm a horrible flyer, I hate heights, and any amount of bouncing around makes me want to vomit." Her grin grew.

Bass just started at her looking for any signs that she was joking, it was then that he realized what the cheeky grins and waves were about from Danny and Miles. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. I promise you won't get sucked out a window or anything." He patted her head in reassurance.

"Oh gee thanks... I hadn't even thought of that fabulous." She scowled and thunked her head against the back of the seat in front of her as Bass laughed.

"I'm sorry, I was kidding." Putting his hand on the back of her head he tried to calm her nerves. "I'm right here, I swear nothing will happen to you." His voice coming out soft and soothing.

Charlie didn't answer but she sat back and closed her eyes. "Let this just be over and let me be sitting in the sun."

Bass didn't get to respond as the flight attendants come over the speakers and started their demonstrations, both sat and watched and hadn't even noticed that the plane had started to taxi towards the take off destination. The engines get louder and that's when the panic races across her face and she white knuckles the arm rest.

"Here." Bass holds out his hand and Charlie gladly and without thinking takes it, Bass squeezes her hand and she relaxes a bit. "Everything will be fine Charlie." Bass says soothingly. "Soon we'll be in the sun and we'll get a drink in your hand, sound good?" He's looking directly at her trying to keep her eyes locked with his as the plane speeds up. Charlie nods at him slowly, the plane reaches the end of the runway and they're in the air. Charlie closes her eyes again and holds her breath. "We got this Charlie." Soon the plane is level and Charlie opens her eyes and lets out the air she's been holding. She looks over at Bass and smiles, Bass smiles back and releases her hand. "Try to sleep, it'll make this go way faster." He smooths his hand over her arm as she nods at him, he raises the armrest between them to let Charlie lean against him and she closes her eyes again and tries to nod off.

Bass leans back into his chair and nods off as well.

What did you think? worth continuing? Let me know. Love you all :) Leave me some love! Also Let me know about any mistakes or continuity errors.