It was odd, both Heinz's patron Inquisitor, and the dreams he had endured while traveling aboard the free-trading vessel towards Throne knew what. Even now the Kriegman still had lingering thoughts… thoughts of bacon. Not just any bacon, but bacon shaped animals running through an open meadow, skipping along the open greasy pastors, mooing like bovine animals, sizzling in the open sun, but then the dreams always seemed to turn into nightmares as these things with spear shaped arms dug themselves out of the ground and started to systematically slaughter the tasty, tasty animals. Heinz always remembered his last words prior to these things attacking him, 'No, not the bacon,' and then these monsters always gored him to death.

"Something wrong?" asked the Inquisitor while looking over her shoulder, hardened eyes piercing his heart like a dagger. The woman was like a demon when it came to that gaze… something that rattled the poor Kriegman to the very soles of his boots.

The pair, he and she, were waiting in an airlock as the freighter came to rest, bridging the gap with space marine valkyrie gunship with a reinforced airlock tube. Behind the doors currently at rest before the pair, was Sigma's personal wet-work squad still holding fast to their mission despite being one man down, or more to the point… one man missing. Shortly thereafter Rin had asked her initial question, her eyes filled with caution as the ships magnetic seals reverberated across the deck plates with a metallic 'clang' as both vessels interlocked.

"It's…" Heinz stalled briefly, "Nothing, just remembering some old nightmares I had while in transit." Transit, ha, no sooner than his first transport had arrived at the Eldar craftworld of Yme-Loc, and the seemingly bizarre accident had occurred which nearly killed a red headed Eldar woman, than Rin had quickly drafted him into this odd little swaray in search of another Inquisitors missing Wet Work Team.

In reflection Heinz couldn't help but laugh, the poor Eldar woman had followed him to the docks to deliver him a vicious beating, but… after the accident it had taken a lot of people to pries her off of his Kriegman wool coat. It's the small things… he chuckled, perhaps it was the uniform… or the gas mask.

Then again he WAS wrangled into this fool's errand shortly thereafter. Thus far, the trip had proven slightly disappointing… well… despite the dreams of bacon…

It was now that Heinz noticed her, the Inquisitor, still staring at him, studying him briefly with those two sharp green eyes, "Do you always get nightmares or is this a rarity?" she asked sharply.

Heinz actually reflected upon this for a short brief moment. For the most part his dreams were always about the lusted after luxuries of the Kriegman ranks, petty things, small things that he could never ever have… like bacon. Oh by the Emperor, just the thoughts of those thin crispy slivers of meat frying in a metal skillet over a campfire made Heinz's mouth water. He quickly snapped out of his daydream to notice the Inquisitor looking up at the lenses of his gas mask with a raised eyebrow.

"Er uh, no my lady. I rarely have nightmares." He rambled off. Rin nodded curtly and turned away, whispering under her breath, "Noted, I get the feeling that something is very wrong with that ship. I might have some later follow up questions for you… but for now say nothing about your nightmares."

The airlock now cycled and the door peeled away to reveal a cramped holding area filled with four broad shouldered space marines in black power armor and a single lumbering black dreadnought taking up the latter half of the hold all to himself.

"My lady," addressed the nearest man with a subtle nod, "This is Kill Team Talon. Following most recent events I have assumed control of the mission. My name is Ignatio Solarion, Battlebrother, former Ultrama…"

Before he could finish he was rudely interrupted by another slightly taller space marine, "That's quite enough Prophet, you know as well as I that this situation demands a quick resolution so lingering on formalities isn't going to help the situation. We still need to save Watcher…"

"I beg your pardon, but I am your leader," angrily slurred the former Ultramarine in Deathwatch armor, "And we both know that Watcher must be dead. You saw what happened. He was clearly touched by the Warp…"

"You do not know that…" voxed the dreadnought in a monotone rumble, "And while you were the next in line for mission control the presence of this Inquisitor now trumps your prior authority so you will do well to hold your tongue."

The ultramarine waved away the insult in anger and stalked towards the other side of the small confined hold. This left both Heinz and Rin to approach the rest of Kill Team Talon for council.

"Care to explain the situation?" asked Rin towards the shortest of the assembled Kill Team. Shortest, it was an understatement. Even by Space Marine standards this stocky man was delightfully average in height compared to a normal non-gene-augmented human.

"With all due respect my lady," he started ever so boldly, "That's a Warp Ship, and we should consider Scholar lost. There is nothing left here to salvage… that hasn't yet been tainted by Chaos."

"Enough of your mindless accusations Omni, you know as well as I do that this isn't Chaos. We all saw things… things from the past…" replied another of the Brothers. On his words the entire compartment fell silent as the entire Kill Team reflected upon the comment.

"What did you see?" asked Rin, still eyeing Heinz out of the side of her vision.

"The usual," mocked one of the Space Marines with elaborate hand gestures, "People being horrifically killed by monsters and turned into monsters themselves. Cult stuff. Lots of blood and gore… Oh, and those monsters with spears for arms."

Rin grinned wickedly and turned towards Heinz. The Kriegman could once more feel her eyes studying him. Needless to say it was an eerie sensation.

"Spears for arms?" she smirked, "I'll remember that. As for your kill team… start… from… the… top… I want to know everything that happened. No matter how obscure the details."

And on that note the assembled Kill Team circled before the Inquisitor and started to tell her the tale of their misadventure from the very beginning. Meanwhile, as they spoke, Heinz couldn't help but glance out of nearby viewing port at the massive wreckage drifting through a neabry asteroid belt before him.

This thing… it was a warp ship, a very old design… and… it gave off a very bad feeling. Yes, something was horribly wrong… bacon be damned.