A/N So I haven't done much in fanfiction for a while, but this popped into my head while doing a Supernatural marathon and thought I should write it out. It's the first poem I've had published on fanfiction, and no beta, so be kind (and if you find an spelling error let me know!) Reviews are awesome and inspire more, but likes are also nice :D Content kinda angsty, and general spoilers for all seasons to present (end S9)



A frightened child,

An adult too soon,

With weight too much to carry

Watching a father drink away,

Missing the one named Mary.

A soldier boy,

Made too soon

With orders now to follow.

A brother and a mother, one

Protect- "take care of Sammy"

A man with eyes much too old,

A soul worn thin with pain.

A history he can't ignore,

A brother filled with shame.

Nothing left and torn apart

He knows no life but this.

No peace or rest, he still goes on

It's always "for the best"

Then God and all his angels,

Heaven and the depths of hell

Started whole new problems

To make sure that he fell.

He made a deal, and went to Hell,

To save his family.

An angel came, on God's command

And said come work for me.

The Apocalypse has come and gone

And with it friends and foe,

Ash and Ellen and the old Roadhouse,

And Ellen's daughter Jo.

Another crisis here and past,

And here and gone again.

But still the brothers carry on,

The small lost boys now men.

But now the fight is over,

The heroes' now can rest.

All to soon they'll wake again

Doing what they do best.

But victory come with prices

And this one's much too steep.

For while Sam is outside weeping,

Dean lies in eternal sleep.

The mark of Cain upon his arm,

The first blade in his hand.

An angel grieves in heaven,

A demon has a plan.

But this story is not yet over,

The soldier is not done,

The music in the silence says

Carry On My Wayward Son.