I crouched low, creeping past the lady at the administration desk, who was conveniently peering at her computer screen, and down the hall. When I found the door labelled security, I looked around the corridor to check it was clear and eased it open.

Inside it was empty.


Along one wall was a mass of computers and television screens, opposite a large map of the state of Montana, suspected strigoi hideouts labelled on it with red pins. One wall was reserved for filing, and the last- rows upon rows of small drawers.


I scoured the labels and reached for the drawer labelled KEYS- DAMPHIR GIRLS. Searching through the mass of keys that sat on the bottom- whoever created this system was less organised than me, and that's saying something- I found the one with 214 engraved on the top. My room. I grabbed it out quickly, slamming the drawer shut with a wave of excitement. However, when I turned around, the smile slipped from my face. Standing in front of me was a muscly, six foot six Russian and he did not look impressed. He stood with his feet apart, arms crossed over his chest, and a suspicious expression. He raised an eyebrow. "Looking for something?"

Of all the guardians to be manning the security room tonight. I flashed a winning smile and dangled the key from my fingertips. "Well, I was, but I found it. Thanks!" I tried to push past him but before I could blink, his arms were there, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me back in front of him. I quickly snatched the key back, trying to keep it out of his reach- but honestly, with arms as long as his it was hard- and he noticed. "And what exactly would you need a key for, Miss Hathaway?"

I winced. I hated when he used my professional title, and I hated it when he ruined my plans. "Errr…. Just checking security."

Dimitri smirked. "And what is your impression so far?"

"Oh!" I nodded. "Very good. Mmm-hmmm. Very thorough. Except for, you know, leaving the door to the security room unlocked. Might want to investigate that."

Dimitri nodded. "Well, by all means, now I've passed the test, how about you put that key back?"

I tilted my head to the side, pretending to consider. "Nope. No can do, comrade."

Dimitri's face grew more reserved. "I'm serious. If you're not going to tell me what it's for, Rose, I'll have to tell you to put it back."

"Afraid I can't do that, Sir." I replied, weighing my odds. Dimitri was standing between me and the door. I couldn't fight him. He could easily grab the key from me anyway.

Any playfulness left Dimitri's face and I was dealing with Guardian Belikov. "Put it back, Rose."

I stood my ground, trying to imitate his guardian mask. When I didn't show any inclination of putting the key back, he reached for it. I jumped back, pulling my hand away and holding it to my chest.

A wave of irritation passed Dimitri's face. He reached for it again, this time using the other hand to hold me in place, but I surprised myself by beating him to it, this time shoving the key down my half open jacket, sliding it into my bra. If he wanted it, he was going to have to go fishing.

Dimitri's hand tightened, now on my left arm. "Rose, this isn't a game! Give it back."

I looked him in the eye. "Look, how many times does that drawer even get checked? From the looks of it, not very often. I need this key. I'm obviously not going to rob banks with it, so why don't we just forget this happened?"

Dimitri studied my face sceptically. "If I'd agree with what you're doing, why don't you tell me? You usually include me in your plans. "

I struggled against his grip. "Well, you're not going to be here for me anyway, so what's the point?"

I thought I saw hurt and anger cross Dimitri's face for a moment before he replaced it with his guardian mask. "The point is that I do care about you, maybe not in the way you want, but in some way, and I want to help you Rose, but this is my job."

I finally managed to jerk myself away from him. "Not for long," I muttered resentfully as I ran out the door.