
John Winchester was thinking of his little sisters when Mary was killed. Little did he know that Lily Potter nee Evans was dead for three years when Mary was killed. He didn't know that Lily had a child a year younger than his son Dean. He wouldn't know until the day Lily's daughter came to find them.


Cristal Rose Potter-Weasley was in the middle of bathing her twins James and Lily, she named them after her parents. She married Fred Weasley, her best friend's older brother, Fred was downstairs feeding their youngest Remus, who she named after her honorary uncle. She had been thinking about her parents a lot, she after all is 25, an age her parents never made it to. They died at 21, in the cusps of adulthood and parenthood. James, her son, looked almost like her dad except with big differences, he had auburn hair just as messy as his and blue eyes and freckles. They were 3, and already causing trouble, but then again having one of the Weasley twins as their father and a marauder as a grandfather and grand-godfather they tend to cause trouble. Lily, Cris thought was the spitting image of her mother just with Weasley genes added to the mix. Lily had bright red hair, green eyes with freckles as well. Cris smiled when they ran downstairs as Fred called that breakfast was ready. Remus was opposite of the twins in her opinion well looks anyway. Remus just turned 1 recently and he had the messy black hair and blue eyes and freckles, he looked like Fred just with black hair.

"Morning love," Fred said giving her a kiss. Cris kissed back, they had been married for 6 years, when she was 19 and didn't have the twins until she was 22. Her birthday was right around the corner and she would be 25.

"How's Remus doing?" Cris asked. Remus had a mess all over him and she would have to give him a bath after they were done eating.

"He's good, a mess as usual." Fred said with a smile.

"What baby isn't?" Cris asked with a smirk. As they were eating, Cris made a two bowls of Oatmeal for James and Lily, the Floo flared up and out stepped her godfather Sirius Black.

"Sirius, what are you doing here?" Cris asked with a smile.

"I need to talk to you." Sirius said with a mysterious expression. Cris knitted her eyebrows together and left the table to follow her godfather to the study down the hallway.

"What's up?" Cris asked.

"You know for the last few days you've thought about your parents?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, why?" Cris asked.

"Well I was looking through my copies of their wedding pictures and there was a guy I never told you about." Sirius said. He pulled out a photo of a guy who looked in his late twenties standing next to her mum and her grandparents. He had a blonde beside him who was holding a baby boy.

"Who is he?" Cris asked.

"His name is John Winchester, he's your mum's older brother. Your grandma was married to an American before she married your grandfather. John was the result of the first marriage. He left for America when he turned 18, when your mum was in second year. He joined their military and married a woman named Mary and they had a son named Dean. They still live in America." Sirius said.

"You're telling me I have more family?" Cris asked shocked. Sirius nodded and she sat down staring at the photo. "How can I find them?"

"Lily told me that they lived in Lawrence, Kansas. But they could've moved by now." Sirius said.

"I need to talk to Hermione, she'll know how to find them." Cris said. Sirius nodded.

"I'll stay here, Robin will bring the kids over and we can help Fred with the kids." Sirius said. Cris stood and hugged her godfather.

"Does he know about magic?" Cris asked. Sirius nodded and Cris sighed in relief. "Thank you Siri,"

"You're welcome Prongslet." Sirius said. Cris walked back into the kitchen with Sirius behind her. Fred looked up and went over to her.

"What's up Bambi?" Fred asked.

"We need to talk, Sirius will watch the kids." Cris said. Fred nodded a little confused.

"What's this about?" he asked.

"My parents," Cris said. Fred was even more confused but didn't say anything as they went to the study.

"Okay, what about your parents?" he asked.

"My mum has an older brother, who is still alive, living in America." Cris said. Fred went wide eyed and sat down next to her.

"You want to try and find him?" Fred asked. Cris nodded and looked away. Fred moved her head to where her green eyes met his blue.

"Go talk to Hermione, she'll help you." Fred said. Cris looked shocked.

"Are you sure?" Cris asked.

"Absolutely, he's your uncle, family, another connection to your mother. I won't stop you, but I will say you better not leave your mirror here." Fred said. Cris smiled and kissed her husband soundly and lovingly.

"Now go, I'm sure Padfoot, Kit and I can mind the kids." Fred said. Cris smiled and they left the study back to the kitchen

"Mummy, why are you crying?" Lily asked.

"I'm just happy, Lils, now, I want you and James to behave for daddy and grandpa, I'm going out for a while." Cris said kissing her children.

"Where you going?" James asked.

"To see Auntie Mione, and no, you can't come with me, next time alright." Cris said. The twins pouted but nodded anyway. She then flooed to Ron and Hermione's house. Ron and Hermione a few months after her and Fred but they've been having problems getting pregnant. Hermione has had two miscarriages and they were devastated. All the Weasley's married. Bill married Fleur and have two kids with one on the way. Charlie surprising married Angelina Johnson and have one child with one more on the way. Sadly Percy died in the final battle, they all were devastated, he had just apologized and they lost him. George married a girl names Rachel, a girl was a year before him in school. They have a son names Fred, who is a few months younger than James and Lily. Ginny married Neville Longbottom a few years ago.

Cris arrived in Ron and Hermione's dining room in the middle of breakfast. Hermione and Ron looked up at her as she arrived.

"Bolt, what are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"I need your help Mione." Cris said. Hermione looked at her with a curious expression on her face.

"With what?" she asked.

"I just found out that I have an uncle, my mum has an older brother and he has a son a year older than me." Cris said. Ron and Hermione's eyes went wide.

"Where does he live?" Hermione asked immediately getting up to help.

"Last Sirius heard they were living in Kansas, in America." Cris said. Hermione nodded and went to her computer that she made work in the wizard house-hold. Cris pulled up a chair next to her.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"John Winchester, he married a Mary Winchester." Cris said. Hermione nodded and did a quick search. It didn't take long to find an article about a house fire in 1983. Mary Winchester had died in the fire that was centered in the nursery of her sixth month old son Sam. There were no other records.

"Great, now what?" Cris asked.

"One of your cousins may have gone to college." Hermione said. Cris nodded hoping that was the case. A few minutes later they found Sam going to school at Stanford in California.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Hermione asked.

"Well first I'm going to talk it over with Fred and Sirius." Cris said. Hermione nodded and turned to look at Cris, her sister in all but blood.

"Alright, we'll help Fred watch over the kids." Hermione said.

"Yeah, we love having them over." Ron said. Cris smiled and hugged her two best friends.

"Thank you, I'll floo just as soon as I've talked it over with Fred and Sirius." Cris said. They nodded and Cris flooed back home. When Cris came out of the fireplace Robin was sitting at the table nursing a cup of tea while reading the paper. She looked up as soon as Cris was wiping the ash off of her clothes.

"So how did it go?" Robin asked.

"Okay, we found some information but I need to talk to Fred and Sirius." Cris said. As soon as she said that Fred and Sirius walked through the door they looked exhausted already. Apparently the kids had driven them crazy before they put them down for a nap.

"So how did it go Prongslet?" Sirius asked.

"Okay for the most part. We found an article about Mary's death in 83, she died in a house fire in the nursery of their six month old son Sam." Cris said.

"So you found nothing." Sirius said sadly.

"I didn't say that, we found Sam." Cris said.

"What about Dean and John?" Robin asked.

"It's like they disappeared. Anyway, Sam is at college, Stanford, in California." Cris said.

"So what are you going to do?" Fred asked. Cris sat down in a chair and looked at her husband.

"I'm going to send him a letter, and possibly the picture of his dad and my mum. Hopefully he'll believe me." Cris said. The other three nodded in agreement that would be the best idea. Sirius made a copy of the picture and made it still like a Muggle picture. Cris pulled out parchment and a quill and began to write to her cousin.

Dear Sam,

My name is Cristal Potter-Weasley, you probably don't know me or anything and I don't know if your Dad told you but he and my mom are siblings. Half siblings but siblings nonetheless. If you want the story ask your dad about Petunia and Lily, his sisters, my mum is Lily. I'm sending you an old picture taken in the '79 when your dad and mum came to my parents wedding; I'm guessing the baby would be your brother Dean. Anyway, I was born in 1980, July 31st. I live in England, so sorry if you get this a few days after I've written this. If you're wondering how we found you, the internet is a wonderful thing. By the way, I'm sorry about your mom, my parents died too, I know how it feels. I'll explain more if you want to meet me. I am married and have three children. If you want to send a letter back just give it to my owl Athena, she'll get it here.

Your cousin,


Cris reread the note and nodded, that should be fine and tied it to her owl, Athena, after Hedwig died and after the war she went and bought a new owl, Athena was a white-faced Scops owl. After tying it to her leg Athena flew off to California.