"Next week!"

"I was supposed to have her this weekend Liv! I had plans for her and everything!"

"Yes, I know I know! I'm sorry to change plans at the last minute"

"Sorry? Oh, how I highly doubt that!"

"Come on, I said I'm sorry.."

"So tell me again why I have to wait another week to see Piper, instead of this weekend, like we originally planned?"

"Well, the family came into town unexpectedly and I thought it would be fair for them to get her while they're here. I mean, you do live basically down the street, you have access to her anytime."

"Fair to them? Seriously Olivia?"

"Yes, seriously!"

"This is so unfair! You can't do this to me Liv!"

"You'll get her next week!"


"Yes, I promise."

"Ugh, don't get my hopes up Olivia!"

"You know, I really wish you would stop acting like you were my man!"

"Oh please, I haven't had any complaints for the last two months that Fitz has been gone! Speaking of which, did you get the stuff?"

"Yes, I got everything on the list. I never knew you were so freaky. Like seriously, the guy in the store just winked at me all creepy-like when I finally approached the register. He probably thinks I'm some sex fiend nympho chick. Not to mention, it took forever to find everything. I don't even think I'm gonna use half of this stuff tonight, yet alone any other night."

"Cut the bull Liv! Do NOT blame this all on me! You wanted to do this, I just gave you some help."

"I know, but sex toys? What was I thinking? He's so not gonna go for this!"

"Yes he will! Fitz worships the ground you walk on! You're married for goodness sake! You guys should have been using sex toys. I promise, it's not that bad. Plus, the lingerie ALWAYS helps. Just ask Harrison..."

"I will do NO such thing! I can't believe you guys are still together. I would have thought he would have gotten rid of you by now..."

"Well, I guess I you and Fitz a great big 'Thank You!'. I mean, I know it's so cliche for bridesmaids and groomsmen to get together during the reception, but we've still been smooth sailing. Plus, getting rid of me would include getting rid of the best sex of his life!"

"Oh gross..."

"Gross nothing! Now get upstairs, lay out those goodies, put on those pretty panties and get yourself ready for some deep dickin' tonight!"

"Well, if you'd stop arguing with me and let me get off the phone..."

"I only promise to hang up if you promise to fill me in on every single detail..."

"Fine, I'll tell you how it goes..."

"Oh, you'd better!"

"Goodbye Abigail!"

To say that Olivia missed her man would have been an understatement.

She craved him.

With him finally opening yet another branch, but also his first international branch of Grant Architecture & Design, Fitz had been stationed in the Caribbean for the last three months. The new site was located in Jamaica, an area Fitz found fit due to having completed numerous projects on the island. Olivia had joined him for the first month for press conferences, promotional parties, the ribbon cutting ceremony, and even a late honeymoon that they made sure to devote a full two weeks to. But, after the first month, Olivia had gotten home sick, was beginning to get behind on her own work, and was desperately missing her Pep.

Piper was now three years old, with a head full of dirty blonde curls and bursting with energy. Her eyes, which had taken on a beautiful shade of turquoise with a hint of a chocolate brown outline of her orbs, were well known for sparking with mischief. She was the apple of the family's eye; cherished by her parents, spoiled by her grandparents and aunt, and even seemed to soften the hearts of her often promiscuous twin uncles.

She was the sweetest little girl ever, being so kind and considerate, even at a young age. Olivia had made sure to start her off with the basics when it came to manners; "Yes, please" and "No, thank you" were typical responses, although the words never came out as clear. She had learned to ask permission before entering a room, calmly asking "come in?", and she knew to look for an adult whenever she wanted something from the fridge or pantry. She rarely left messes, cleaning up her playroom after a session of dolls or coloring and even trying to spread the sheets in her crib, like she'd seen Mommy do plenty of times before.

It was no surprise that Piper was a "mommy's girl". They had play dates, where Olivia would prepare small snacks for their tea parties; or dress them both up and letting Pep dabble in her make-up (not the good stuff, but a special kid-tested makeup kit she would bring out just for these occasions); having tickle wars on the living room couch; and reading bed stories at night. Olivia took pride in nurturing her daughter, raising her to be a young lady. Fitz, on the other hand, did his best to go against Olivia, trying to raise Piper as a tyrant.

He would spend evenings running around the backyard with Piper and a football, rolling around in the mud after she had tackled him to the floor. Olivia was always there with washcloth to try to clean Pep up as much as possible before letting her inside the house, throwing angry glances in Fitz's direction. There was one occasion, after a fishing trip, where Piper's fascination with the worms used as bait had prompted her to steal some from the bucket when Fitz wasn't looking. The sound of Olivia's piercing scream echoed through the house and Fitz ran into the bathroom to find Olivia hiding in the corner from a Piper that had five or six large worms wiggling in her shorts pocket.

Both were adoring parents, alternating their schedules between working and taking care of their child. Fitz's business was booming, while Olivia's was just getting started. While she was at home nursing Piper for the first few months, she came upon an online degree for a Master's in business administration. She had successfully passed all of her classes, landing on the Dean's list three semesters in a row and on the President's the semester she graduated. She had immediately went to work starting a small event management company. She had a few clients here and there, nothing major, and even hosted a charity dinner for Robert DeNiro, thanks to Marsha and Anthony. She was currently pursuing a certification for event management, hoping to learn the skills that would combine with her already established business ones. They had a lot on their plates.

But, tonight was going to be different.

Piper would now be spending the weekend with the Grants, who all decided to come into town for a commercial ad Kelly was shooting, and immediately came to kidnap the toddler as soon as they landed in Miami. She had originally planned for Abby to babysit Piper for the weekend when Fitz had called to notify her of his return. She wanted to try something new, something fun to make him feel warm and special and loved upon his return. Plus, she was extremely horny lately and she wanted to go above and beyond. They hadn't been together in two months, and aside from the one or two Skype sex chats that had occurred since their time apart, Olivia seriously needed some action. So, she went to Abby for help (which was a silly mistake, now that she thought about it), who had somehow convinced her to try to bring some kinkiness into the bedroom.

So here she stood, adjusting the elastic waistband of the lavender lace boy shorts she had just slipped on, looking in the mirror to see just how much they accentuated her ass. She turned back around, tugging the cup of the matching lace bra, to make sure her breasts sat perfect. Her hair, which she had in two large braided pigtails as she cleaned up the house earlier, now framed her face in loose waves. She had on no makeup, but her lips were tinted with her nude lip gloss, creating a smooth but not sticky sheen. Her body looked well moisturized after a quick shower and an application of a sweet smelling lotion. She sat on the edge of the bed, sliding her feet into a pair of black heels, fastening the side buckles. As she stood up to check herself over once again, she heard the sound of the alarm system chime, ensuring that the front door had been opened.

He was home and she was going to fuck his brains out.

AN: The idea for this story just magically popped up in my head and I had to write it all down before it left my brain lol. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It's a short one because 1) I just want to see the feedback before I continue, 2) I'm not completely sure as to where they story is going as yet, and 3) for some odd reason I can never get that much past 2000+ words before I feel like I'm rambling on. I know people always ask for longer chapters, but whenever a chapter gets too long for me, it's kinda difficult to write. Anywho, with that being said, Trial & Error should be updated sometime this week (I mean, how many times have I said that already lol) and Oliver & Company might be updated this weekend.

Also, a special shoutout to ScandalFanatic, who was a victim of some serious cyberbullying this weekend. Some people can be so mean, especially when behind a keyboard. I hope you fellow readers and writers NEVER let someone's rude and hateful comments deter you from not only writing, but anything you plan to achieve in life!