Another day Merlin thought polishing Arthur's armour how wrong he was.

Merlin was happy sat in the armoury polishing the armour for the royal prat he calls his friend. Arthur had ridden out early that morning on another quest to find Morgana. He thought uther would stop the search by now it had been three months since she had been taken and there had been no sign of her. He thought back to that day where he had to poison her to break the enchantment. He wished so much that he could have done it differently rather then try to take her life. But there was no other way round it. If he hadn't of done it then the kingdom would've been attacked and there would be someone else ruling.

Merlin was well away with his thoughts that he didn't hear the door to the armoury open and someone sliding in. Suddenly a gloved hand lashed out and wrapped around Merlin pulling him up. Merlin made to yell out but a hand stopped him from making any sound.

"Shhh" the voice said. "Be quiet"

Merlin tensed up. He knew that voice. It was the voice of the king. What did he want with him. Merlin could feel his magic coming to life but he managed to push it back down. He was scared and started to struggle to try and break free of the grip but Uther was one much stronger then he was. He felt some thing push against his backside and Merlin shook his head tears forming in his eyes.

"You're so beautiful when you struggle. I now see why Arthur has kept you for so long and not gotten rid of you like his old servants"

Uther said brushing his hard on against Merlin. The tears that had been in Merlins eyes were now falling freely down his cheeks.

"Shhh my pet don't cry"

Uther whispered in his ear. Merlin tried biting Uthers hand to get him off him but had no luck as Uther was wearing gloves.

Curse those gloves. Merlin thought.

Suddenly without knowing Uther quickly pulled his hand away from merlins mouth and held a rag over it cutting off Merlins breathing. he couldn't breath he struggled with all his might to get a breath. He tried kicking the man but Uther was stronger then him and could with stand the kicks. Merlin could feel himself getting weaker and weaker he knew something was on that rag that was sending him into unconsciousness.

After a few minutes his eyes shut and he was gone. But the last thing he heard was Uther laughing evilly saying.

"Now we can have some fun my pet"