A/N: Unless I wind up writing more itty bitty drabbles this is the last one. Thank you all for reading!


Tokaku had noticed Haru's gaze fall on the shop window every afternoon on their way home from class.

"Do you want to try it on?" Tokaku said, stopping in front of the bridal shop. Haru continued walking a few paces, not noticing that her girlfriend had paused until she asked the question. She jumped, face red.

"T-try what on, Tokaku?" she stuttered, poorly feigning ignorance.

"That dress." She nodded towards the dress in the center. It was a strapless, white wedding dress in an elegant style. The hem was high in the front, then fell downwards in ruffles. The pleats of the dress were rounded, similar to the way rose petals curved inwards to embrace the center of the flower. " You always look at it when we pass this shop."

Haru laughed nervously. "Haru doesn't need it."

"You don't think so?" Tokaku suddenly turned toward her.

Haru fumbled with her hands, looking at her sneakers. "T-talking like that only teases Haru."

Tokaku cupped Haru's shaking hands and leaned forward. "I want to see you in it."

Haru flushed bright red and wondered how the tables had turned. Without Haru even realizing it, Tokaku had become the pursuer, flustering her so she felt she couldn't breathe.

Silently, she nodded, letting Tokaku lead the way.