Err it has been a while since I have updated, but I've been so busy with school and other shit. WARNING: UKE!SEBASTIAN. I know, you're probably like 'um..ew...why is sebastian taking it up the ass?' um because he obviously extremely ooc in this fic. I don't even like this story tbh, but I will finish it for the people who enjoy it. Okay, now read ^^

"His name was Claude," he said.

"He's an asshole," Ciel said. It was then that Ciel noticed the long scar on Sebastian's neck.

"He didn't just hurt you. He tried to kill you..." Ciel realized. Sebastian looked up and rubbed the scar on his neck.

"Why didn't I ever notice that before?" Ciel wondered. Sebastian shrugged.

"I usually wear turtlenecks," he answered quietly.

"I don't want you to feel awkward around me, Sebastian. I really like you. I don't care about the scars or your past. I care about your future... and I'm hoping I'll be in it," Ciel said. Sebastian stared silently for a moment before nodding.

"I hope so too." He smiled. They continued eating and making small talk. The awkwardness was gone and Sebastian began to open up. They talked for hours until Ciel looked at his watch.

"Oh shit, the babysitter was supposed to leave an hour ago." He stood up, pulling on his jacket.

"Shit I gotta go and-"

"Tanaka will get it, its what I pay him for," Sebastian smiled and stopped Ciel from picking up the dishes.

"Are you sure?" Ciel asked, worried.

"Of course, with the money he makes I have to give him SOMETHING to do around here," Sebastian smiled. Ciel relaxed and smiled back.

"Okay, I gotta go. Bye," he raced out the door. Sebastian stood there silently and was about to turn to go upstairs when Ciel rushed back in and kissed him firmly on the lips.

"I had a really good night," he smiled.

"Me too," Sebastian whispered as Ciel ran down the street.

"I'm SO sorry I'm late," Ciel said to the annoyed babysitter. He paid her extra and thanked her before rushing upstairs to put Luca to bed.

"Where were you?" Luca asked.

"I had a date with Sebastian. I took your advice." Ciel smiled and Luca returned it.

"Did he have fun? Does he like you?" Luca asked.

"Yeah I think he did and does," Ciel winked at Luca.

"Get some sleep." He kissed him on the forehead before turning off the lights and shutting the door.

"I'll get it," Sebastian watched Tanaka walk to the door and saw him stiffen.

"You're not welcome here," he said firmly.

"Come on, I just want to see him. I need to apologize. I might have gone a little far." Chills crawled up Sebastian's spine at the voice. He saw a foot step into the house and Tanaka stop him with a hand on his chest.

"No." He wasn't backing down. Sebastian would have hid if he could move on his own, but he couldn't.

"Come on, Tanaka. Just let me see him."

"Fuck off." Tanaka closed the door. It opened again and Claude stepped inside.

"I just want to talk to him." Claude stepped towards the living room, where Sebastian sat.

"I said you're not welcome here," Tanaka punctuated the statement with a punch to the jaw. Claude stumbled back and held his jaw. He stared at Tanaka, for anyone who knew him it was a strange to see him this angry. He had always been very easy going and fun. Even to people he didn't like. Sebastian had never seen him this angry before.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops," Tanaka said, his voice low with anger.

"Whatever, he wasn't that great of a fuck anyways." Claude turned and left. Tanaka shut the door behind him and stared at the closed door for a moment. Sebastian felt the tears dripping down his face. It stung the cuts and he couldn't help but sob. Tanaka turned and walked quickly to him, getting on his knees, and held him while he cried.

"He's gone. And I promise he won't come back," Tanaka whispered.

Sebastian's eyes snapped open, but not with tears in them or fear constricting his heart like usual. This dream was only a memory. He sighed and rolled out of bed. He rubbed his temples and stood. He got dressed quickly and went downstairs. His breakfast was already on the table and he sat.

"Tell me everything!" Tanaka sat down next to him and waited to hear about the date.

"One, never kidnap me again. Two, I don't have to tell you everything," Sebastian chewed a piece of bacon.

"And three?" Tanaka asked.

"Three... it was fantastic," Sebastian smiled. Tanaka gave a victory shout and slapped him on the back.

"My duties and a lover's begin." He smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"It was a date! He isn't a lover!" he shouted after Tanaka.

"Yet!" he heard from the kitchen. Sebastian shook his head and laughed.

The fountain was finished a few weeks later but that didn't stop Ciel from seeing Sebastian. A month later their relationship had grown even more.

"Good morning, my beautiful man," Ciel handed him the single red rose. Sebastian smiled it and held it close to his chest.

"Thank you." They had been working on their relationship. Trying to control Sebastian's anger problems, and his self esteem. Ciel called him beautiful every chance he got and it was paying off.

"How are you today?" Ciel sat down at the piano bench.

"Good," Sebastian set down the rose where he could see it. He pushed down a few keys lazily, not really playing anything.

"Will you teach me?"

"To play?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow.


"Uh, okay," Sebastian blushed. He showed him the basics. Where middle C was and taught him which notes were which. In the middle of teaching him how to read sheet music Tanaka came home.

"Hello you two," Tanaka smiled.

"Hey Tanaka," they both called out. Tanaka stared at them silently.

"What?" Ciel asked.

"Oh, nothing," he shrugged and moved into the kitchen to put the groceries away. Sebastian rolled his eyes and Ciel wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him close and kissing him on the temple. Sebastian smiled and leaned into the embrace.

"Everything is perfect," Sebastian whispered.

"What?" Ciel asked.


"Come on you two, I got pizza," Tanaka called out. They walked into the dining room and ate together.

"So, any plans for this weekend?" Ciel asked Tanaka.

"Not really. Cleaning up after this one here." Tanaka threw a piece of pepperoni at Sebastian, who brushed it out of his hair. "What about you?"

"Taking Luca to the park. You two should come," Ciel said, stuffing another slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Sure, sounds fun," Tanaka smiled.

"I'll pass," Sebastian growled.

"Oh come on, Sebastian. Please come?" Ciel begged, using the nickname he only used when he really wanted something.

"No." Sebastian glared at him.

"Why not, I thought we got over this?" Ciel asked.

"Ciel, drop it," Tanaka whispered.

"Why? I just want-" Suddenly Sebastian stood and stormed out of the room, he could be heard climbing the stairs.

"What did I say?" Ciel shrugged.

"Their anniversary is this weekend," Tanaka said quietly.

"Oh..." Suddenly Ciel felt like an ass. He sighed, wiped his mouth, before following Sebastian up the steps.

"Hey?" he knocked on the door.

"Fuck off."

"Come on let me in, Tanaka told me what's up. Why didn't you tell me?" Suddenly the door flung open and Sebastian stormed back to his bed, sitting down. Ciel walked in and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry. If you had told me I wouldn't have asked. Why didn't you?" Ciel asked.

"I don't want our relationship to be about him. About what we used to be. I want to be able to go out with you and not think about what happened. I want to forget." Tears dripped down his face. Ciel hugged him close and kissed his forehead.

"Then don't make it about him. Forget about him, forget about what he did to you. And just... be with me." Ciel claimed his lips in a sweet kiss and brought them both down on the bed. He scooted up until they were lying on the large soft pillows. He continued to kiss and whisper declarations of love and devotion as Sebastian cried. Soon they were both overcome by sleep and drifted off in each others arms.

Sebastian woke with the feeling of arms around him. He snuggled deeper into the arms and didn't think of the past the future, or even the present. All the existed in his mind at that moment was him, Ciel, and a bed. Nothing else. Unfortunately that bliss didn't last forever.

"Hey," Ciel whispered. Instead of replying Sebastian just buried his head. Ciel chuckled and let him hide in his chest. After a moment Sebastian sighed and looked up at Ciel. Ciel looked into those beautiful eyes and saw how tired Sebastian was. He had spent so much time building up those walls around himself, now that they were down, he was this tiny and defenseless shell of a man. One word from Ciel could crush him. Ciel knew he had to tread carefully.

"How are you feeling?" He peppered his forehead with light kisses.

"Okay," Sebastian lied. Ciel stroked his hair and the two shared a moment of intimate silence.

"Stay here, okay? I'll be right back," Ciel crawled away from the bed and left the room. Sebastian watched him leave and after a second crawled under the covers. Once under the warm blankets he stripped down to his underwear, throwing the clothes onto the floor and waited for Ciel to return. A few minutes later he returned with a tray of food. He closed the door behind him and set the tray down on the nightstand.

"I just want us to be alone for awhile, I hope you don't mind," Ciel said. Sebastian shook his head and looked at the tray. Ciel stripped and crawled into bed with Sebastian, setting the tray down on the bed in front of them. They took turns feeding each other pieces of fruit, cheese, crackers, and other small bits of food. The act wasn't sexual, just intimate. Ciel tried to reassure Sebastian that he was here to stay and would never hurt him the way Claude had. And Sebastian struggled to believe that. Few words were exchanged between the two, caresses and glanced were shared but neither one of them felt the need to speak. What they were feeling went beyond words.

Ciel finally set the tray aside when both had their fill and he scooted closer to Sebastian. He kissed him firmly on the mouth and after a second of hesitation, felt Sebastian return the kiss. He brushed his hand against Sebastian's hairless chest and across his nipples. Sebastian gasped put his hand over Ciel's encouraging him to do more.

They took their time, exploring each others bodies. Finding out what they liked and didn't like. What made them gasp or what made them moan. What made them bite their lips in ecstasy. Soon they were both naked and their cocks rubbed against each other, leaking precum that each man licked from their fingers. Ciel straddled Sebastian, pushing him down onto the mattress and began licking and nibbling the tiny nubs until they were hard peaks. Sebastian arched his back and opened his mouth in a gasp. Ciel took the moment to dart up and claim his mouth again. He moved down his body and found his quickly hardening cock. He sucked the warm flesh into his mouth and Sebastian groaned.

After a moment Sebastian pulled him off his cock and crawled down his body to give him the same treatment. After a while of enjoying Sebastian's mouth on his cock Ciel pulled him up and laid him back down on the bed. After a second Sebastian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He pushed his knees to his chest and waited. Ciel felt tears sting his eyes. The love and trust that Sebastian carried with him was beautiful to Ciel. He lowered his head and began licking and kissing the tight pucker of Sebastian's opening. Sebastian gasped and let Ciel please him. He used one hand to raise Ciel's head to they were looking at each other. Ciel nodded silently and and reached for the nightstand. He grabbed a condom and tore the wrapper with his teeth. He quickly rolled on the condom and used a bottle of lube to cover his cock and Sebastian's hole.

He pushed in slowly and Sebastian hissed. He gasped in pain and Ciel stopped, giving him time to adjust. Sebastian nodded and Ciel pushed in more. Soon his balls were touching Sebastian's smooth ass. He kissed Sebastian and began pumping in and out of his tight hole.

"Gonna cum," Sebastian gasped after only a few minutes. Ciel thrusted harder, making sure he brushed Sebastian's prostate. He thrusted in once more before he exploded. He felt the warmth and stickiness below him that signaled Sebastian's release. He collapsed on top of him and took a second to catch his breath before pulling out and rolling over. He threw the condom in the trash and rolled back towards Sebastian, who was falling asleep quickly. He kissed him and pulled his back to his chest, spooning behind him. His now flaccid cock was wedged tightly between Sebastian's cheeks. He could feel Sebastian's breathing slow and felt it when he drifted off to sleep. He hugged him tighter and followed him into dark bliss.

"Morning," Sebastian heard behind him. The whisper was groggy and right next to his ear. His heart sped up when he felt Ciel's naked body behind him.

"How did you know I was up?" Sebastian smiled.

"Your breathing changes," Ciel whispered. Sebastian could feel his lips brushing against his ear, his warm breath touching his neck. Sebastian rolled over so they were facing each other. They stayed just as close as before, Sebastian pressed up against Ciel's warm chest.

"I'm cold," he whispered.

"Then let me warm you up." Ciel squeezed him tighter and made sure he was completely covered up.

"That's better," Sebastian laughed. Ciel chuckled and they made sure they were close together.

"Thank you," Ciel said seriously.

"For what?"

"Trusting me. Giving me the love that I wanted, so that I could give you the love you deserve." Sebastian pulled away from Ciel just enough to look at him.

"You deserve it too," he whispered. Ciel smiled.

"We deserve each other."

"That you do," Tanaka leaned against the door frame.

"Tanaka," they both said, their heads darting towards the door.

"Morning, should I leave you two more time?" he smiled.

"No, I think it's about time we got up," Ciel sighed.

"Breakfast is ready." Tanaka walked down the hallway. The two new lovers got dressed and headed downstairs.

"You haven't made french toast in a long time." Sebastian smiled and dug into the food.

"Hope you like it," Tanaka sat down to eat with them.

"Ciel, what did you do about Luca?" Sebastian asked.

"He had a sleepover. I have to go pick him up around noon," Ciel explained.


"But I should go home and shower and change first. But I'll come back tonight if that's okay," Ciel smiled.

"Will you bring Luca? I feel like you're always here and don't spend any time with him anymore," Sebastian shrugged. When he was met with silence he looked up from his food to see Ciel and Tanaka staring at him.

"You want me to bring my son over here?" Ciel asked, astonished.

"Yeah... why?" Sebastian asked.

"Sebastian, you hate kids," Tanaka reminded him.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do," both Tanaka and Ciel said simultaneously. Sebastian stared at them.

"No, I don't!" he laughed. Ciel and Tanaka looked at each other. And rolled their eyes. "What?" Sebastian asked again.

"You hate everyone," Tanaka laughed.

"I do not."

"Yes you-"

"Okay, well maybe I've had a change of heart. Ever thought of that?" Sebastian laughed. Tanaka stared at him a second before looking at Ciel seriously.

"Will you move in here and marry him?"

"I plan on it," Ciel smiled. Sebastian spit hot coffee all over the table, staring at Ciel who just laughed.

Ciel really? Marriage already? Crazy bitch. Anyways, yeah the whole smut scene wasn't that great but i'm writing this at school and kids are peaking at my screen as I type, it is extremely awkward. Oh, well if you liked it review, if you hated it, still review and tell me how much you hate it. Idk. Bye.