The street below Higurashi Shrine was quiet. It hadn't seen too much traffic during the evening, from either vehicles or pedestrians, making it the perfect place to keep an eye on things without being noticed.

So far the two yokai camped out in a little gray sedan hadn't seen anything accept an old woman as she made her way up the shrine steps to pay her respects to the local Kami.

"Man these long stake outs are so effing boring."

"No kidding. Thank god for late night burger joints. And seriously Kabiki, effing. If you're going to curse, at least use the actual fucking word."

"Oh shut up Kaito. My kid's just learning to talk, and she's in that repeats everything she hears stage. I'm trying to curb my swearing before it bites me in the ass." The young Neko yokai explained to his partner.

"I bet your mate jumped down your throat about it, and you laid down and took it like a pussy. " The weasel yokai laughed as he took a swig of his soda and grimaced- it tasted bitter from ice melt.

"At least I've got a mate." Kabiki snapped. He unwrapped his burger and took a large bite, chewing angrily.

"Like I'd want to chain myself down like that." Kaito scoffed, leaning his chair back. "You're right though. Watching this place is fucking boring. Why are we even here?"

"Sesshomaru sama wants it under surveillance because Inuyasha's in laws live here."


"So? Did you listen at the briefing this morning? Apparently the hanyo's miko is being targeted by some rogue yokai. We're just keeping an eye on the place to make sure nothing happens." Kabiki explained.

"That's stupid." The weasel scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly there was a frantic tapping on the the driver's side window, a man in his thirties stood there, waving frantically. Kabiki rolled the windows down and gave the guy an annoyed glare. "You need something?' He asked.

"I think Higurashi Shrine is one fire!" The man yelled, pointing up the hill where four pillars of smoke rose above the hill at the top of the stone stairway.

"Fuck!" Kaito snapped, jumping out of his chair.

"I'm heading up there! You call the fire department!" Kabiki yelled over his shoulder at him as he bounded up the steps three and four at a time.

Kaito grabbed his phone and dialed. He remembered the man that had tapped on their window to get their attention, but he was nowhere to be seen.


"Shit!" Kabiki swore as he saw the smoke rising from the residence on the shrine grounds. The shrine itself and a few other smaller buildings were up in flames as well. The neko ran to the front door of the house and barged in.

It was like walking into a wall of smoke. The grey clouds filled his lungs as he searched every room for signs of life. The flames were quickly engulfing the entire house, and if he didn't act fast, he would die from smoke inhalation. Finally, crumpled half way down the hall on the second floor between the bedroom and the stairs, Kabiki found the old shrine keeper. The flames had almost engulfed the old man's entire body, but Kabiki snatched him up and left the house.

The old man coughed as fresh air hit his lungs, and he sputtered. "Kg... K'gome." He muttered.

"Just stay calm sir. We've called the fire department. You're going to be fine." But looking at the old man's wounds, he wasn't going to be fine. The old man gasped loudly, taking the young yokai by the collar of his shirt.

"He, he said ... it's because of... K'gome."

"Who sir? Who said this?"

"H-he said his name was N- Naraku!" He breathed deeply for a moment or two more and then passed out once again.

"God damn it. " He could hear the fire trucks pull up the driveway. He had to get back to Kaito and call Sesshomaru sama. Luckily, he could still hear the old man's weak breath as he stood up and ran off back down the steps.

A group of neighbors had begun to congregate in the street, curious about all of the ruckus going on so late ate night. Kaito stood there in the thick of them, watching as the smoke billowed from the top of the hill.

"Hey! The fire department just showed up!" The weasel yelled, pointing down the street.

"We've got to call Sesshomaru sama." Kabiki hissed, running back to the car to grab his phone. He reached through the door and was about to pick it up when he noticed something setting on the hood of the car. He picked it up and studied it curiously.

"What's that?" Kaito asked.

Kabiki studied it carefully. "It's some sort of doll. There's a note." He said, noticing the small piece of paper tied to the wooden figure's neck like a noose.

"What's it say?"

"I'm coming for you Kagome~Naraku. " Kabiki read aloud. "Call Sesshoumaru sama. I think he's going to want to know about this."


"My Lord! My Lord!"

Sesshomaru sat up in his large bed as the door flung open and Jaken came bursting in.

"My Lord!" the little green youkai squawked.

The Taiyokai shot icy daggers at his assistant. "Jaken. If this is anything but an emergency, I will kill you."

Jaken gulped nervously and nodded his head. "Yes My Lord. I have just recieved word from the surveillance team watching Higurashi Shrine. The entire establishment has burned to the ground, and Shinjiro Higurashi was caught in the fire! He was burned badly, but is still alive."

That got the taiyokai's attention, and Sesshomaru was out of bed in an instant, heading to his study. "Has Kagome's family been notified?"

"No my Lord. The fire department had only just arrived."

"You get my brother on the phone, now!"

"Of course my Lord, but there is more." Jaken continued, doing his best to keep up with Sesshomaru's pace.

"More you say?"

"Yes! When the men got back to their car they found a wooden figure. It was from Naraku my Lord."

"The same yokai that attacked my brother the other night?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"The very same." Jaken nodded.

The taiyokai growled as he entered his study. "Jaken, get me in touch with the doctors at the hospital and tell them that they'll be expecting a burn victim very soon. I want Kagome's grandfather given the utmost of care. Spare no expense."

"Of course my Lord! Right away!" Jaken sqwaked. He took off running, only to trip over his short legs on the way out the door.

Sesshomaru grabbed the phone from his desk and dialed a number.


There was a loud knock at the bedroom door, and Inuyasha growled as he stumbled over one of the baby's toys on his way to answer it.

"What?" He grumbled, squinting his eyes against the light in the hall.

"Inuyasha sama. It's your Lord brother. It's an emergency." Kato said urgently, handing Inuyasha a cell phone.

"You better have a damn good reason for calling so late." He answered, putting it to his ear.

"Naraku struck again." Sesshomaru said, his voice steady. Inuyasha's stomach sank like a stone.

"What happened?"

"He set fire to Higurashi Shrine. The entire establishment is up in flames. Luckily I had some of my men watching the place as a precaution. They pulled Shinjiro Higurashi from the flames, but he was badly wounded. "

"Fuck." Inuyasha swore. "Did they catch him?"

He heard Kagome yawn and sit up in bed. "Did they catch who?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Inuyasha turned to her, holding up his hand for quiet.

"Unfortunatly, no. But I will have a guard posted at the hospital just in case."

"Good. Do you think he know's where we are?"

"I have no evidence to say either way, but if it at all possible I would highly suggest you leave for the safe house immediatly." Sesshoumaru answered curtly. "I have my best men on this. Rest assured, this Naraku cannot stay hidden forever. I must go, but give Kagome and her family my condolences."

"Sure. And thanks." Inuyasha said as the call ended. He handed the phone back to Kato, who stood in the doorway looking wide awake and ready to act. "You get all of that?" He asked.

"I did. Should I prepare the car?"

Inuyasha stood there, his head spinning. "No, not yet. I'll let you know when we're ready."

"Of course." Kato bowed low, then disappeared down the hall once again. Inuyasha looked at Kagome sitting there in bed, waiting for him to explain what was going on. He wished so desperately that he didn't have to give her such terrible news.

"What's the matter?" Kagome asked as he moved to join her in the bed once again.

"It was Sesshomaru. Something happened." Inuyasha started.


"The shrine was set on fire." He answered gently. Kagome gasped, her eyes welling with tears.

"What about Grandpa? Please tell me he got out alright!" she begged. Inuyasha shook his head.

"They managed to get him out, but he was badly burned. He's not doing very well, but Sesshoumaru wanted me to tell you that he will make sure he gets the best care available."

Kagome's tears fell freely now, and she threw herself at Inuyasha's chest, needing him to ground her as her world came crashing down around her once again. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her up as she collapsed.

"It was Naraku. He left a note on the guard's car as a warning to you." Inuyasha added, doing his best to keep himself calm.

"Oh my god! Does he know where we are?" Kagome gasped, realizing what that might mean.

"We're not sure, but I think it's best if we move somewhere safe."

"Ipanema?" Kagome sniffed, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Inuyasha nodded.

"Yes. Ipanema." He confirmed. Kagome frowned as she prepared to argue. She truly wished there was another option. She felt like she should be headed to the hospital to sit at her Grandfather's bedside until he recovered. She also knew however that Inuyasha was right. They had more than just their own lives to think about now.

"I go where you go." She finally said. "Has anyone told Mama yet?"

"I don't think so." he answered honestly.

"We should wake her up to tell her. She has to know." Kagome was adamate as she stood up from the bed and headed for the door. With a quick glance at the baby to make sure she was still asleep, Inuyasha headed out the door after his mate.


As Kagome had expected, her mother immediatly jumped into action. Without a second thought about the time of night, or even how she was going to get herself there, Asami insisted on getting herself to the hospital. She ran about her room, grabbing her things, haphazardly stuffing them into her bag. In minutes she was finished and heading for the door.

"Mama, wait. You don't have a car!" Kagome yelped as she hurried to catch up.

"I'll hitch hike if I have to dear, but I can't stay here any longer. Not if your grandfather needs me." Asami explained.

Sango and Miroku's door opened a crack, and the newly weds peeked out, curious about what all the noise was about. "Is everything alright?" Miroku asked as he finished tieing his robe.

"The shrine was set on fire, and Grandpa is in the hospital. It doesn't look good." Kagome explained quickly as she scrambled after her mother. "Mama, would you just wait a minute!" She called.

"Inuyasha, is he alright?" Sango asked, leaving the room to follow everyone toward the front door.

"He was burned pretty badly." Inuyasha explained.

"Just stop for a moment? We need to make a plan." Kagome cried, taking her mother's bag in her hand. Asami looked at her daughter for a moment, then pulled her into her arms, clinging tightly for dear life as sobs wracked her slim frame. Kagome just stood there, rubbing her mother's back soothingly.

"Kagome is right Asami san. I know that I speak for everyone when I say that we're all leaving with you." Miroku piped up.

"We're not letting you go alone Mama." Sango agreed. "Just give us some time get ready. We still have to tell Sota and Kohaku."

Asami slowly loosened her grip on Kagome and looked around the room. "Alright. But please hurry."

"Right." Miroku agreed. The four young adults headed down the hall to their respective rooms.

Inuyasha slowed his pace, grabbing Miroku by the shoulder before he disappeared into his room. "Can I talk to you?" He asked quietly. Miroku gave him a questioning look and nodded.

"I'll be there in a minute Sango." He called, then turned back to Inuyasha.

"Kagome and I aren't going back."

"I assume you have a good reason." Miroku folded his arms over his chest disapprovingly.

"Don't look at me like that. Of course we have a good reason." Inuyasha snapped defensively.


"It was Naraku that set the shrine on fire. He left a warning for Kagome." The hanyou answered, crossing his own arms over his chest. Miroku's eyes went wide with surprise, his dark brows disappearing under his sleep disheveled bangs.

"What do you need my help with exactly?"

Inuyasha paused for a moment. "I don't know if Naraku is tracking us. It would make me feel a lot better if we could borrow your car for the trip. I'll have Kato drive you two and Asami back. You can keep the car too if you need it."

"If you need it my friend, I am happy to oblige." Miroku agreed.

"Good. Thanks."

"Think nothing of it. I'd better get packing." Miroku suggested, heading to his room to join his wife.


Kagome had tears in her eyes as she hugged her mother good bye. "Mama, I should be going with you. What if... what if he doesn't make it?" She wondered aloud.

"You can't think like that dear. Stay positive. Your grandfather is a strong man, and he'll pull through. " Asami chided gently. "And honestly, I would prefer knowing the three of you were somewhere safe than with us risking your lives."

"Oh Mama!" Kagome sobbed, pulling her close for another hug.

"We're all packed." Inuyasha said as he finished strapping Aiko's car seat into the back.

"I love you dear. Be safe." Asami said, kissing Kagome's forehead lovingly.

"We will. I promise. Tell Sota that I love him too."

"I will dear. He and Kohaku are going to stay the rest of the night, then drive back in the morning." Mama pulled Inuyasha into a hug. "Stay safe." She whispered with a sad smile.

"You too Mama." He offered as he pulled away and slid into the car. "Keep them safe." He instructed Kato, who nodded obediently.

Sango, Miroku and Asami all stood in the driveway waving as they pulled away. Kagome waved back, doing her best to hold back her tears, but failing miserably. Inuyasha blew a breath from between his lips and reached for Kagome's hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

"I love you, you know that right?"

Kagome managed a smile. "I know, and I love you too."