It's been seventeen years, seventeen years of love and fun, but regardless it's been seventeen years and he still doesn't know where or how she gets the rose petals to fall when she needs them.

Nagasumi and Sun have been happily married for seventeen years, and he wouldn't have it any other way, however every time his darling wife gets on the soap box and explains how whatever currently is happening would be a "Disgrace to all Seto mermaids".

"You see Nagasumi if I can't drop my own children off at school, it would be a disgrace to all Seto mermaids, and moms alike" Sun declared, with near tears in her eyes. Nagasumi told her countless times that since his children's school was on his way to work, it would be no problem just dropping them off on his own, but nevertheless Sun never backed down, another reason why he loved her.

"Honey like i've said, the school is on my way to work I can just drop them off there and head on to the office" He said, with a smile tugging at his lips.

Sun looked at him, eyes pleading, but a smile on her lips to, "But Nagasumi"

She instantly felt his lips onto her's, Sun knew that this was him shutting her up, but she wouldn't have it anyother way.

"By mom!" Their children declared as Nagasumi walked to the car, Sun stood at the door of their house waving with that beautiful smile of her's, that smile always left Nagasumi speechless everytime he saw it.

Nagasumi blew her a kiss, and got into the car with their two kids. He loved his family, and he loved his life.

But he still wondered where she got those rose petals from.