So school has started back up which is why it's taking me forever to update now. I apologize for that but I am trying to get on a schedule. Stick with me people!

"Seriously Marshall. You've been my friend for centuries but I don't get what you're doing here…Are you serious about her?"

Marshall shifted in his chair in the corner of the room as he watched Fionna sleep. He lifted the phone closer to his mouth so he could whisper. "Dead serious Bubba." He could hear a sigh on the other end. "Why don't you think I'm serious?"

"Well, your history isn't exactly the best…."

"Watch it Bubba."

"Okay, okay. Just….take care of Fionna. I know I hurt her and we didn't even date…"

"Oh, so am I your redemption?"

"Haha. You could say that." Marshall smirked. Gumball could be a little bitter sometimes. How punny. "In reality, I just want Fionna to be happy."

"What about me Bubba? Where's my love?"

"It's the friendship that somehow endures every trial." Marshall could hear Gumball laugh. "Anyway, I wanted to let you know about a special event going on in the Candy Kingdom today."

Marshall sat up in his chair. "Oh? What has his royal highness done now?"

"Today….is TAX FREE DAY!" Gumball had screamed into the phone in excitement but heard no response. "Marshall…?"

"You….are so…lame." Marshall fell back into his chair.

"Whaaaat…..No. I worked hard on this…." Gumball was met with more silence. "Okay, okay. How about, for you and Fionna I'll make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Marshall didn't even bother sitting up this time.

"For one favor, I'll let you and Fionna get whatever you want, within reason of course, for free."

Marshall's eyes snapped open. "For real!?" Pausing, the vampire narrowed his eyes at the phone. "What's the favor Bub?" He could literally hear the pink prince smirking.

"That will remain a secret until the time comes."

Marshall glanced at Fionna. She was stirring now and had turned over to face Marshall. "Fine. Fine. It better not be something stupid."


Marshall hung up before Gumball could slip into maniacal laughter. Setting the phone down, he crawled back into bed to Fionna and was instantly caught in a life threatening hug.

"Where did you go?" The blonde muttered as she snuggled into the vampire's chest.

"I had to make a phone call." Marshall ran his fingers through his girlfriend's long locks and caught of whiff of her scent. She always smelled like vanilla and dirt. He liked that.

"That sounds suspicious." Fionna lifted her head up so she could eye Marshall.

Marshall couldn't help but let his signature smirk hit his face. "I bet it sounds even more suspicious when I say we're going shopping in the candy kingdom today."

Fionna snuggled back into Marshall's chest. "Not interested."

"You can buy all the weapons you want."


"Maybe even some cyclops's tears…"

Fionna jumped up and started pulling on some skinny jeans and one of Marshall's plaid shirts. She did this all with amazing speed and turned on the vampire. "Why aren't you getting ready?"

"Heh…My bad."

Fionna and Marshall practically went through every shop in town and got new outfits for the both of them along with some epic new swords for Fionna.

She couldn't stop spinning a new one on her finger as it shrunk and grew repeatedly. Marshall floated to her other side as he held all the bags in one hand. "Hey, Fionna, you might wanna watch where you're swinging that thing…"

"Oh? Is the vampire king suddenly afraid of a little danger?" Fionna smirked.

"Tch. Yeah right." The vampire rolled his eyes and led them over to a smoothie stand. They sat down at one of the tables surrounding the stand.

Fionna hummed happily as she sipped on her orange smoothie and leaned back in her chair. Marshall watched as she looked up at the sky and the wind blew through her hair. Glob, she was beautiful. Sipping his cherry smoothie, Marshall let his eyes wander. He noticed a clothing store with a bit of a punk style to it. Surprising, considering this was the candy kingdom. Marshall's interest was especially peaked by the fact that the store was dark and the dressing rooms were way in the back.

Glancing back over at Fionna, an idea popped into Marshall's head. He waited patiently for Fionna to finish her shake before standing up. "You want to check out one last store?"

Fionna smiled. "Yeah. Which one?" Looking around, Fionna tried to pick one. Marshall pointed in the direction of the store he had noticed earlier.

"That one."

Fionna looked at it. "Pop Topic? Looks cool." Jumping up, Fionna grabbed Marshall's free hand and walked over to the store. They parted ways as Fionna began looking over some tanks. Marshall found his way to the back but not without picking up a tight fitting pair of jeans. He floated into a dressing room and called out to Fionna.

"Hey, Fi! Come here for a sec."

Fionna put down the belt she had been considering and navigated her way to the back of the store. "Marshall? What's up?"

A hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the blonde, pulling her into one of the dressing rooms. The door closed behind her. She looked up in surprise at her boyfriend who had quite the devilish smirk on his face.

"Try this on for me." Marshall held up the pair of jeans. Fionna looked confused.

"What? That's it? You startled me." Fionna reached for the jeans but missed as they were pulled back. She looked back up at her boyfriend who was still smirking.

"So I can take them off of you."

Fionna's eyes grew wide. "Wha…" She looked around. The dressing room was pretty closed off except for the bottom. They were still in public. "You want to do that? Here? In public!?" Fionna was half whisper screaming at her boyfriend now.

"Oh. Is the adventuress actually scared of a little adventure?" Marshall floated towards Fionna until he had her cornered.

Maintaining eye contact, the vampire slowly ghosted his fingers up Fionna's leg and to her thigh. The vampire had somehow managed to get between her legs. Grabbing one of Fionna's arms, Marshall held it above her head and began to kiss her behind her ear.

Fionna turned her head away, attempting to resist. She could feel him breathe, as unnecessary as it was, on her neck and it made her whole body tingle. "You can't use that excuse every time Marshall…"

"Then stop me bunny. Push me off. I won't force you." Marshall made this quite the challenge by beginning to nip at her ear. His hand had repeated the same, agonizingly slow paced trail along her inner thigh to her butt.

Fionna's legs quivered from the ticklish sensation his touch left behind. "Marshall, come on. What if somebody finds us? Ah!"

Marshall had suddenly grabbed Fionna's butt and was nibbling hard on her neck. He hadn't bitten down but he was definitely attempting to leave behind a different mark.

"Then I guess you'll just have to be quiet bunny."

Marshall's eyes were switching between demonic and normal. Fionna had finally turned to look at him but seeing that somehow managed arouse her. She could feel something wet between her legs and she began to fidget.

Marshall lifted his head up and sniffed the air. A wide smirk landed on his face as he eyed his lovely Fionna. He stared right into her eyes as his hand drifted from her thigh towards her jeans. Unzipping them with amazing speed, his fingers slid into her underwear and traced the outline of her sex. The blonde's breath hitched but she did her best not to look away from her boyfriend's face.

Marshall slid a finger into Fionna and watched as she lifted up in reaction to the intrusion. Her face relayed that it wasn't unpleasant so Marshall slipped in another and then another.

"You're already so wet…so eager for me Fionna." The vampire's eyes had turned completely demonic now. He could feel an extreme lust for this woman in his groin but he ignored it. He instead let go of her arm and used his free hand to push her hair back. He kissed the back of her neck and listened to her moan.

"Marshy-ah…we can't…"

"I told you Fionna…just push me off. Tell me no. I'll stop." Marshall said this but he also began pounding his fingers into her.

"AH! Oh glob! Marsh-aaah!"

Marshall took his free hand and covered Fionna's mouth. "You have to be quiet, remember bunny?"

Fionna looked at her demonic boyfriend with glazed over eyes and spoke through his fingers. "You're…ha…making that…mmm…a little difficult Ma-Marshy…"

Marshall smirked at her. He could feel her walls tighten against his fingers every time he slammed back into her. "You make it difficult not to bone you right here, right now."

Fionna's eyes dilated for a second before she focused back on Marshall. She was overwhelmed by his constant scissoring inside of her along with that insane speed he had begun. "Then please, just do it."

Marshall's demon eyes grew wide. "Fionna…It would be our first time. You want that to be in a public, dirty place like this?"

Fionna may have been a little lost in ecstasy at the moment but she knew what she wanted. What she has been wanting for a while now. "Ha…Ma…Marshy…You're already finger banging me-ah…in here. Stop making excuses every-haaa…." Fionna's eyes rolled back for a second before her whole body shook and spasmed. She fell into the vampire's arms and gripped his shirt. Shakily, she managed to pull her head up to look her boyfriend in the eyes.

"I want it. Right here. Right now."

Marshall glanced over her face and smirked. "Fine." The vampire slipped both his hands under her butt and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist in a tight grip. "I hope you're prepared."

Okay. I am sorry to stop there at a cliffhanger but I have to go to sleep. I promise to update this weekend with the smuttiest chapter you have ever read. Seriously. It's going to continue right from this point. Don't read the next chapter in public or near small children. ;) Also, don't hate me for taking so long to update only to leave you with a cliffhanger like that. :D