It was graduation day for Rai and Ayumu. Their parents had spent all morning helping them prepare for the ceremony. Now, the couple was waiting for it to begin. Izuru would be seven months a week from tomorrow, and constantly craved canned sardines.

Unfortunately, his peace was about to be shattered.

Hana and Kila hurriedly made their way toward them through the crowd, and Izuru noticed. Anxious, he directed Gin's attention towards them. They seemed shaken.

"Captain Ichimaru," Kila said. "Um, uh…"

"Captain, Lieutenant, we need to speak to you privately," Hana cut in.

"The graduating group has been attacked," Hana said hesitantly, once the four were alone.

"A-attacked?" Izuru said fearfully.

"By a powerful Hollow. It took three captains to take it down." She hesitated again. Gin drew Izuru closer to him.

"They're all okay, though, aren't they?" Gin asked.

"Most of them are. Captain. Lieutenant. I hate to tell you this, but… Ayumu… Ayumu is gone."

Izuru fell against Gin, feeling weak. "Ayumu… she's… dead, isn't she?"

"We think so."