A/N: This is a sequel to my story "Harley and Ivy: Psychotic" set eight years in the future. If you haven't read Psychotic yet, go read that one first, then come back for this one. I hope you enjoy! Oh, also, unlike Psychotic, this story will have POV's from both Harley and Ivy.

POV: Ivy

Life has been amazing in Metropolis. It's been eight years since Harley and I moved here. Eight years since the Joker's death. There's a lot that you need to be caught up on, so I'll try to do my best. It took Harley about four months to make the connection that Clark and Superman were the same person, and we still live in the floor beneath him. Harley has been using her family's money to support us, despite the fact that her family despises both of us, trust me, I know, we went to visit them for Christmas two years ago and it was not pleasant, but they still let us use the money. But Harley and I have officially given up the lives of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. She started going by Harleen again, but I still call her Harley. I legally changed my name to Ivy Pepper just because I hated the name Pamela since it sounds all preppy and douchey and I hated the name Isley because it comes from my father. We still have Bud and Lou, who have actually started to grow on me. Since moving here I've softened up quite a bit. At first I disgusted myself, but I've grown to like it. Despite not being Poison Ivy anymore I still fight for mother Earth as an environmental lawyer, which makes a fair amount of money. Harley, however, became a therapist at a nearby middle school and she loves to tell me about the drama going on in the lives of the prepubescent teens. In eight years you'd think there would be at least one occasion where we'd put on the costumes and do something mischievous, but no, we actually haven't. I'm not saying we haven't done interesting things, just nothing illegal.

I think the most important change in between now and eight years ago is that Harley and I have a daughter. We adopted her about a year after moving in together. Her name's Lucy Quinzel and she is the cutest little thing ever. She's extremely polite too, she cares about plants and she's just a wee bit ditsy. She takes after both of us quite a bit. I couldn't be happier. I never pictured my life turning out this way, but there is no other way I'd want it to be.

POV: Harley

Ah, life is great. Metropolis is so much better than Gotham ever was! You could never find a kid like Lucy in Gotham. I love my little angel so much.

Although, there is just one thing I don't like about Metropolis: Random people can be so rude! In Gotham if you bumped into somebody on the road they at least had the common courtesy to say something like "Watch it punk" or "Bump into me again or I'll cut you", but no, in Metropolis all you get is a half-hearted sorry and you're on your way.

Wow my train of thought gets derailed really quickly. Geez, the car pick-up lane at Lucy's elementary school takes forever. There's this one car that is always right in front of me and it parks so freaking far behind the car ahead of it, and the soccer mom that drives it has like octuplets so they take forever to get loaded into the car and when they're all in she's gotta readjust everything and she waits in line after picking up all of her kids! Everyone else gets their kids and goes, but this idiot keeps driving along and if I was still Harley Quinn, they would be deader than the Joker.

I saw Lucy waiting outside so I rolled down the window and shouted "Lucy! I'm over here!"

She saw me and her face lit up. My god she is so adorable! She came running towards the car with all her accessories on her backpack jangling behind her. She opened the door and hopped up in the front seat, throwing her backpack onto the ground.

"Hi, mommy! Hi, Bud! Hi, Lou!" she said to me and the hyenas in the backseat.

"Hi, sweetie!" I said as I pulled out of the pickup lane and I honked at the idiot in front of me and Lucy stuck her tongue out at her like we do every day. After we got out of the lane and into the roads I asked "How was your day?"

"Boring! School is so boring I already know everything they say in there!"

"That's what every kid thinks, Lucy."

"No, but really! I see what Mrs. Allen is writing on the board and I know how she's gonna finish it before she does!"

I grinned and ruffled her hair. "Well that's just because you're a little genius. So, did anything interesting happen today?"

She stroked an imaginary beard for a few seconds. "Well, Scott said something that I didn't really understand."

"What did the little turd say?" she complained about Scott a lot. I think she's got a little crush on him. He's not the cutest little kid in her class, but she could do worse.

"Well, he said that our family wasn't real."

I slammed on the breaks. We reached a red light, but I could have gone a little slower, she just caught me by surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"He said that since I don't have a daddy my family doesn't count. Is he right?"

I gulped. I can't wait for the next PTA meeting where I can rip Scott's dad's dick off.

"No, sweetie, he's not right. As long as someone's parents love them, whether it's a mommy and a daddy, or two mommies or two daddies, then their family counts."

"That's what I thought. Since you and mommy love me I thought that Scott was stupid and that his cooties were starting to hurt his brain."

I smiled. "Yeah that's gotta be it. I don't want you to listen to anything else Scott says, okay?"

She looked at me and gave me a big smile showing off her missing front tooth.

"Alright. You wanna get ice cream before we go home?"


"Alright, don't tell mommy!"

She then pretended to zip up her lips, she rolled down the window and tossed the imaginary key out. I pretended to gasp "But now how are you supposed to eat the ice cream?"

She then started freaking out, trying to reach out the window to regain her key, but I just turned her around and pulled out my own key and unlocked her mouth. She then smiled big once again, causing a smile of my own to spread across my face. After we had our ice cream and got home, Lucy went into her room to color and I went over to the couch and sat next to Ivy.

"Hey!" she greeted me with a kiss which I happily returned. "What took you guys so long to get back?"

"Um, the traffic was really bad."

I doubt she actually bought it but she let it go.

"You know that kid in Lucy's class, Scott?"

"The boy she has a crush on?"

"Yeah… I don't think she has a crush on him."

"What do you mean?"

Then I told her about what Lucy told me and, well let's just say we still have four lamps that aren't broken.

"How ignorant can people be?! This is freaking 2022, you'd think people would be a little more open-minded by now!"

"Ivy, Ivy, calm down!" I said, grabbing her shoulders, spinning her around and looking her in the eyes. "It's okay. It's one guy. Who gives a damn what he says?"

She took a deep breath. "Okay. Okay you're right."

POV: Ivy

"Mommy?" asked Lucy, who was peeking out from the doorway.

Shit. I walked over to her and kneeled down. "I'm sorry I was shouting, sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you."

She hugged me. "It's okay mommy. I wanted to scream at Scott too but then Mrs. Allen would have screamed at me."

I smiled and hugged her back. I gently rubbed her back and said "I love you, Lucy."

"I love you too mommy."

I sniffled and pulled back, wiping a tear from my eye and smiled. "Now why don't you go back to drawing?"

"Okay!" she said excitedly and ran back to her room.

I looked back and Harley was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Eight years go by and I still can't believe what I see. Poison Ivy is a loving mother."

I chuckled and said "Shut up." Before pulling her into a kiss.