A/N: First I want to say, thank you all for your feedback for this story. It really means more to me than you'll ever know. I'm not sure if anyone is still interested in reading this fic, since it's been close to a year since my last update. I do apologize, but my muse for this story has been all over the place. Hopefully this update will be one of many.

Bonnie Bennett usually hated slow nights; actually she found herself despising them. She would have to blame it on the future forensic pathologist in her, because in all reality, a slow night at the morgue was a good thing. It meant that people hadn't died. Many people would probably diagnose her disturbed because she found herself usually itching for a dead body to be delivered, just so she could dissect and determine the cause of death. But, tonight… tonight was different. Tonight, she was actually elated to be experiencing a slow night.

Currently, her eyes were glued to a new grimoire of her grandmother's that Damon gave her a little while ago. This grimoire was more than just a book of spells and ingredients to make a potion; this one documented specific parts of her Gram's life; like a journal. Finding out certain aspects about her grandmother was definitely interesting; especially knowing that she was over a hundred years old, and used an aging spell to keep her young up until she met Gramps.

"This is actually the first time I've ever seen you read something that wasn't school related." Hayley's voice entered her ears, as she flipped another page.

Bonnie provided a light smile when their eyes connected. "Well, when supernatural creatures enter your life and you find out you're one too, it's probably best to know absolutely everything I can."

Other than trainings, this was the first time she was able to have some alone time with Hayley. She missed just hanging out with her best friend, whether it were for fun or just studying. Learning that she was a werewolf had been a shocker, but that didn't change all that they've been through.

"How's Elijah doing?" Bonnie asked. Hayley informed her that her lifemate was Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus's brother.

"He seems to be doing well." she shrugged, picking at her nails. It was silent for a moment until she noticed how hesitant Bonnie was. "Okay, you've been on that same page for ten minutes, spill."

Bonnie closed the book. "Okay, so I have to know. This lifemate business; is it really so bad? I look at how Tyler raves over Jeremy. When he talks about him, you can just see in his eyes how much he's in love with him. It's actually coming to a point where I can actually feel his emotion. And then there's Katherine, who's obsessed over Matt and Matt seems really into her, even though he just met her physical form not too long ago. But, then there's you and Elijah, and Stefan and Caroline. Tyler said it's harder when you try to resist it, is that true for you?" Bonnie knew her mouth was going a mile a minute, but she was starting to feel things for Damon that she really didn't think she should be feeling, especially in such a short amount of time.

"We're all different, Bons. With Tyler and Jeremy it wasn't easy. And I'm not pulling a Stefan and Caroline. Elijah and I… we're… we want a lot of different things, we see the world differently, and we just…we have a lot to work on. Space right now is good between us, but that doesn't mean we're going to be with anyone else. And yes, it is harder when you resist it. The first few weeks we decided that a break was in order, we kept going back to each other, and it took at least two months for both of us to stop stalking each other, and killing those that…" Hayley paused, noticing the wide eyes Bonnie had obtained. It was probably best if she left the fact that she and Elijah both had jealous issues and killed a few people because of it. She already had enough on her plate. "Plus, it's only been six years."

Bonnie almost forgot that time was different in the supernatural world. Six years practically meant nothing to them.

"How old are you again?"

"Well, technically I'm forty six, but I stopped aging at twenty four." She answered, like it was nothing. "So, trust me when I say, a thousand year old vampire who is stuck in his ways can get a little frustrating."

All Bonnie could really provide was a nod. She was only twenty two, and just broke off an engagement, and was now feeling a tug and pull to a four hundred and something year old vampire. She was definitely not the one to give any type of advice.

"Okay, so expand my knowledge a bit." She said, joining Hayley on the counter. "I have a gist on how vampires operate, and I'm still trying to process demons and rogues, but I'm lacking on the werewolf side of it all. Care to fill me in?"

"Is it wrong to say that I'm still learning?" Hayley stated sheepishly.

Bonnie just shook her head. To be honest, even if Bonnie lived to be a thousand, she may never fully grasp it all, so she definitely understood where Hayley was coming from.

"There are different clans in the werewolf community, a lot in fact. Some stand together, some drift apart, and some are just plain enemies. Pretty much the way humans are. About three to four thousand years ago it was said that the first witch, your ancestor by the way, was trying to conduct a spell in ridding a village of the men who brought death and abuse among women. I found out that one of my ancestors went to the witch for help to bring the men pain and suffering. Well, it was the witch's first big spell, and it went against nature, which just fyi, witches are very keen on never disrupting the balance of nature.

"Well, the spell ended up backfiring in away. The men did get their pain and suffering, but the women were transformed into wolves to commit the act. And it didn't stop there, it was a brush of power, so some women went on a killing craze and just couldn't stop. Because of that, your ancestor tried to back track everything, but the only thing that could be done, with the help of other witches, was make it where the wolves turned only at a full moon. That way it would humanize them more and keep the villages prepared and to take the proper precautions."

Bonnie was rendered a little speechless as she took everything in.

"And then as time went on it was found out that you can become a werewolf in two different ways. You can either be born one or turned into one. Being born one means that you're more powerful and you have more control. As for being human and getting turned, you're still strong, but not as much. You also have to be bitten to turn, whereas those born with it like me have to kill someone. The only thing similar is that when you become a werewolf, either way, it's going to hurt like a bitch on your first transition. The only difference is that when you have the werewolf gene inside of you, it stops after a few transformations and when you're just bit, it will always hurt. But, on another note, both of our bites can kill vampires and rogues."

Bonnie nodded; actually fascinated with the information. And that surprised her a great deal.

"So, how can you tell each other apart when you transform? Do you all look like wolves? And are you only strong in your wolf state?

"Good questions." Hayley crossed her legs to face her. "Those who are born with the gene will look like a real wolf and those who aren't kind of resembles a ferocious big foot beast." Okay, so maybe that was going overboard, but Hayley couldn't stand the ones she's met over the years who had been turned, they all had these annoying attitudes that didn't sit well with her. She even had to put some down back in the day. "And we're all pretty strong without having the full moon on our side. I could still bite a vampire and have him in delusional deathly state come nightfall."

"Wow… that's just… wow…"

"I know it's a lot to take in."

"Oh yeah." She crossed her legs. "So, how does Klaus come into play, since he's both?"

Before Hayley could provide an answer, a male voice interrupted them. "Incoming!"

Bonnie immediately jumped up and went over to Luka, as he brought in a new body.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6'2 in height. Deep lacerations on the face and neck… deep wound in the abdomen."

Bonnie grabbed the paperwork.

"When are you ever going to go on a date with me? I hear you and your fiancé are done."

The fact that news traveled fast in this city made her question a few things. But then again, Ben was pretty well known.

"Since we somewhat work together, I think it's a bit inappropriate." She began unzipping the bag.

"Only if you make it." He winked.

Something seemed off about Luka's demeanor tonight, but she tried her best to ignore it, because he always flirted with her.

Unzipping the body bag, Bonnie felt her knees go a little weak. She honestly didn't know what was helping her stand up straight, because her whole world began to get dizzy.

"Matt?!" She didn't know if her voice was audible as she pulled his body against hers. "Matt…. Matt, wake up."

"Bonnie," She heard Luka say her name, but she disregarded him.

"Matt… oh… w-what happened? Matt!" She checked for a pulse, knowing that she wouldn't find one. "Please wake up"

"He's dead, Bonnie."

Medical equipment began to rattle behind her, at Luka's voice, and things began to fall off the shelves.

This couldn't be happening. This was not happening. They were just hanging out yesterday.

"And he's never coming back."

Her crying began to slowly cease at the change in Luka's voice. It was darker and she could practically feel the rage emerging from his body. Before she turned around to face him, she looked back down at Matt's face, and instead of seeing her best friend, she was now seeing her ex fiancé.

And that's when she realized Hayley was nowhere in the room. What the hell was going on? She was just here.

When she turned around to face Luka, she tried to back up but she couldn't. His face looked distorted like…

"Rogue…" she whispered more to herself than anyone. "Luka?"

She was so shocked, that the moment she thought attempting to give him an aneurysm, his hand went around her throat. She couldn't do anything, but struggle to breathe. She could feel her own life slipping away, and the moment he as she struggled to breathe. She could feel her own life force slipping away, and the moment he cracked her head to the side, her eyes snapped open with so much force, she fell off the counter and to the ground.

Had she really been dreaming?

"B-Bonnie… Bon…"

Bonnie immediately looked up in the direction her name was being called, to witness Hayley in mid air, grasping for air. As soon as Bonnie stood up and grabbed for her, Hayley fell to the ground, causing Bonnie to go down with her.

It took a moment for Hayley to catch her breath. One minute she and Bonnie were having a conversation and then the next thing she knew, Bonnie just zoned out. Right when she was trying to figure out what the hell had happened, she was hit with an aneurysm that almost made her eyes bleed, and then she was forcefully lifted in the air, losing all of her ability to breathe.

The fact that Bonnie was able to cause such damage without even being aware or fully understanding of her powers, was very interesting yet scary at the same time.

Once Bonnie apologized more times than she could count, she informed Hayley about having yet another dream about Matt dying. It just proved something to Hayley that she had been thinking about since it happened the first time. A few witches were known to have visions. It could be a gift but also a curse. So, it was safe to say that Bonnie was experiencing that, and chances are, both Matt and Ben would die.

Except how was she going to tell Bonnie any of that?

He watched her from afar. The sun was shining brightly in the sky today as he watched her at the café across the street, reading one of her grandmother's grimoires. It had been a week since she used her powers to teleport into his living room, and they worked on her magic. But it hadn't been a week of him seeing her. Yes, he admitted that there were times when he would come over while she was asleep and watch her for a moment, even to Caroline's and Katherine's disgust. He ignored them at their attempts to make him leave.

He knew how others got when they found their lifemates, he'd seen it first hand, but he never thought in a million years he would get like this. Damon was known as living on edge, not caring about much except his brother, and the few people he's met over the years, that he would consider somewhat friends. But, being near Bonnie, it was hard just to leave her side. It was almost pathetic really and he had to question almost everything. Like, was it really his feelings or was it the pull of the lifemate bond?

"You give stalker a whole new meaning, mate." He didn't even realize when Klaus sat across from him, but that didn't stop him from rolling his eyes at the original hybrid.

"Yeah, well at least when I watch her its valid. Yours is just downright disgusting."

Klaus smirked, "I am going to enjoy killing you one day."

"Feeling is mutual."

They continued to watch as Bonnie read across from Katherine, who was stuffing her face. He had to be honest, and say that this was his first time noticing that the annoying feline was there.

"Did Hayley tell you that she had another nightmare last night at the morgue?"

No, the werewolf seemed to be lacking in her informative skills towards him.

"I'm going to have to have a little talk with the little she-wolf." He sneered. He knew they always got into it, but when it came to Bonnie, he had every right to know everything about her.

"It supposedly got bad last night where not only Matt was killed but her cheating ex as well. And supposedly the Luka fellow was a rogue. When Bonnie snapped out of it, she was causing some torment on our dear Hayley."

Now that would have been interesting to see. "Do you think these are visions? Even this soon?"

"I do. Her grandmother was Sheila Bennett, and her great ancient great ancestor was the first witch, I think it's possible."

"As much as I don't care for the quarterback, Bonnie won't survive if he dies. Ben on the other hand, I'm probably going to end his life myself." Actually, probably was putting it mildly. It was more of a guarantee.

This was something that Klaus could actually agree with Damon on. He didn't care who took out the bastard, as long as it got done.

"Have you figured out what's wrong with you that you're not able to compel witches anymore?" Damon asked, imagining how he would remove Ben's head from his neck.

"Maybe I'm her lifemate too," He said to get under Damon's skin, and it was working. "That's probably it."

"I doubt it." He quickly said, annoyed, "You need to come off that whole staring longingly at her bullshit, like I can't tell. Bonnie is never going to want you. She's mine. Understand that."

Klaus decided not to respond. The fact of the matter was that Bonnie and Klaus had a connection that Damon wouldn't be able to interfere with.

It was quite simple.

"I could literally live off cheeseburgers and fries for the rest of my existence." Katherine barely got out as she stuffed her face and dipped her fries in the ketchup and honey muster sauce.

Bonnie looked up from reading intently and smiled at her vampire feline friend. Lately, she forgot that Katherine used to be her cat because she had been in human form for awhile… well, vampire form. Bonnie actually preferred it this way, because it would just be all too weird.

"Lucky for you, you won't gain a ton of weight."

"Perks of being a vampire." She smirked and continued inhaling her food.

Even though Katherine gave her an explanation on how she became a cat, Bonnie read in detail from one of her Grams' grimoire. Her Grams met Katherine about seventy five years ago, and they both disliked one another at first. Their personalities made them both clink heads, but one night, Grams saved Katherine, and they had been friends ever since. They even learned that they had a lot in common.

"You're popular today." Katherine looked over at the vampire and hybrid across the street, but Bonnie chose to keep her eyes forward. "It's okay to check them out, Bonnie, they're both hot."

Bonnie took a deep breath, and her eyes connected with Kat's. "I know… I just… I'm scared I'm losing myself, Kat. Like I have all these bad vibes running through me and I don't know exactly what to do. I'm sitting here reading a spell book and I just… I should be studying. I just got out of an engagement and yet, the only thing on my mind concerning relationships is if I want to ride Damon." For a moment, she thought she heard Damon's sly laughter, but she would just chalk it up to her imagination. "And then these dreams I've been having of Matt. I don't know. I really thought I could hold it all together, but I don't know… maybe I can't. Maybe I'm just not ready for this."

And it frustrated her, because she was a strong individual who could handle a lot. And now, with all of this, she felt like she was losing a level of control over herself and she wasn't really sure how to just sit back and handle it all.

Katherine reached out and grabbed her hand gently. "Take it from someone who's been around a lot longer than you. We all have our problems with holding it together. We all have something that frightens us and makes us question our lives. We may have a lot of abilities that make us superior to the human race, but hell, as the days pass we realize how much we really don't have it together. You've always been a witch…you've always been supernatural; it's just that now you know. Now you're not left in the dark. Even if you didn't know who you were...even if you weren't a witch, things happen, and sometimes we can't always be in control of the situation, you know?"

Katherine was right, Bonnie thought. Her eyes then drifted over to where Damon and Klaus were sitting, and Damon's predatory gaze was staring right into her. Heat immediately flushed her skin, causing her to look away shyly.

"Is this how you feel with Matt?" She asked, a little breathless.

"All the time." Katherine admitted, taking a sip of her coke. "I'm not a patient person. I never have been. Hell, I've been playing cat and mouse literally for twenty something years, but trust me, I've been around the block more times than it's possible to count. But with Matt… Matt's someone I want to wait for. He's someone I want to be patient with. You know many take this lifemate bonding as a curse, but I don't. I think there is always one person meant for someone; it's just that being supernatural you have a little help in finding them."

Well, when she put it that way. Maybe it was time for Bonnie to just relax and let things come to pass. She had plenty of things to focus on; the main one was not getting killed by a lunatic demon. The lifemate business wasn't going to end her life, and it was something she could ultimately control. Plus, Damon wasn't pressuring her and acting crazy, so there wasn't really much need to have any added stress.

"And look, Damon can be insufferable, and an ass and annoying, and temperamental, and just downright disgusting…like ugh..." Kat then cleared her throat at how Bonnie was looking at her. "But, through all of that, he puts those he cares about first. The way I've noticed him looking at you, it's different than what I've ever seen. Trust me; he's just as confused as you are."

When Bonnie looked back over, both Damon and Klaus were gone and a small pang formed in her chest.

She chose to ignore it.

"And what about Klaus?"

"Klaus is a whole different story for a whole different time." Katherine didn't need to open up that can of warms and then the original hybrid find out and torture her ass. That's all she needed. "We should get going; it looks like it's going to rain soon."

"Are you kidding me right now!" Caroline yelled at Stefan, who stopped by unannounced. "I'm not getting into this conversation with you."

Stefan's arms were crossed, just like he always did when he was frustrated. "I just don't understand why you went out with a human of all things last night."

"Would you prefer if I went out with one of my own kind?" The sarcasm was not missed in her voice.

"Do you really think a human can do it for you?"

"That's really none of your businesses, especially when you're shacking up with that doppelbitch. Yet, I'm in the wrong with going out on one measly little date. Real hypocritical of you, Stefan."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"No, what you want is for me to be lonely until we find each other again or some shit like that. Well, you know what fuck you."

She turned to walk away, but he used his vampire speed to appear right in front of her. The way he was looking at her right now, made Caroline feel way too many emotions; emotions that were supposed to be on lock and key.

"I still care for you, I still lo-"

"Don't say it." She put her finger up to his mouth to shut him up. "Don't say that to me. You're just like your brother. You two think its okay to go off with someone else, but expect their counterparts to stay by themselves forever until they realize they're ready to come back. Like, Bonnie doesn't even know what she's in store for."

"You ended things with me."

Stefan was blocking her in now. She could have pushed him away. She could have kicked his ass, body slammed him, or just cause physical harm, but right now… in this moment, she couldn't move.

"It was a mutual decision. But, then almost seven years later, I find out your shacking up with Elena. Like are you fucking kidding me? And now you want to get mad at me for going on dates; for living my life! Newsflash Stefan, we haven't been together for twenty years and I've been fucking men left and right… even a few women too. So, don't try to come back into my life on some male chauvinistic bull shit."

"You think this is easy for me, Caroline?" His eyes never left hers. "You think you're not clawing your way in my head every night? That most of the times I see your face when I'm-"

"Am I interrupting something?" Katherine's voice entered the room, causing Stefan to stop mid sentence.

Stefan's eyes never left Caroline's, and there was a split moment where Caroline didn't want to move, but she did.

"No, Stefan was just leaving."

"Make sure you let the door hit you on the ass on the way out." Katherine threatened, as Stefan glared at her and walked out.

Katherine may have been able to only tolerate Caroline in small doses, but she was still very protective over the blonde. Plus, she was practically family, and she all about her and Stefan's history.

"You good?"

Caroline nodded, and yanked the vodka off the counter. She didn't bother pouring it in a glass.

"Peachy." She was usually the talkative one, but right now, she had nothing to say, and talking about Stefan would just make her sad and angry and those two emotions just didn't flow together when it came to her.

"Where's Bon?"

Katherine shrugged, "She teleported to Damon's."


"Yeah, we were driving back from the lunch earlier, and then we were talking about Damon and poof, she was gone. But, she called me as soon as it happened."

Caroline huffed and sat on the couch as she nursed the alcohol.

Katherine joined her, "Bonnie's a big girl. You know she has to leave the nest sometimes."

"I know that, but Bonnie's in a vulnerable place right now because of what happened with Ben, and then learning about her heritage and everything that we tried to shelter her from…"

"Care, chill." Katherine snatched the bottle away and took a gulp. "You just don't want her and Damon to end up like you and Stefan."

"Well, duh. Damon is Stefan's brother, just ten times worse." She leaned her head on Katherine's shoulder. "If Bonnie ever tries to leave him or ask for space, he'll probably destroy a whole city."

"She would probably fry his ass before he could even think of doing that."

Caroline laughed. "And the crazy thing is, even though Stefan pisses me off I still… I still wanted to jump his bones and have him hold me at the end of the night. I mean I haven't had sex in awhile and him being here, it just…"

"Don't I know it." Katherine took another drink. "Now that I'm not playing kitty cat anymore, and Matt I are somewhat talking, I'm trying my best not to branch out, if you know what I mean."

"Don't say kitty cat."

When Katherine felt Caroline nuzzle into her more, she passed her the bottle. "No matter how horny and lonely you get, I'm not sleeping with you again."

Caroline playfully shoved her. "Oh, puh-lease. Those were the best few months of your life."

She was laughing. She was laughing and it was because of him. Damon would never admit that the little action was settling somewhere deep within him. The moment Bonnie appeared out of thin air in his penthouse several hours ago, the pushups he was doing to try and distract himself from not thinking about her, quickly ceased.

And now, as they sat on his living room floor, eating Chinese food, all he could do was stare at her as she laughed. For a moment, he almost forgot what he said that made her burst into a fit of giggles, but now he wanted to repeat it and say absolutely everything just to get her to laugh again.

Finding out everything about her heritage and the supernatural world she was a part of, he hadn't really seen her let go. There were a few smiles here and there, but to actually full on laugh like she didn't have a care in the world; he had to admit… it was everything.

And now he sound like sap instead of four hundred and forty five year old vampire.

"You know, I haven't laughed like that in a while. Thank you for that." She smiled, taking a bite of her food.

"I'm at your service." He took a sip from his Bourbon. "Whatever you need."

The hidden innuendo was not missed by Bonnie, and she had to clear her throat, and take a sip of her wine, hoping she could think of something to say to change the subject.

"So, do you miss it? Being human?"

He paused for a moment. In all his years, he had never been asked that question; maybe because he never let anyone close to him.

"Sorry I—"

"No, it's alright." He shrugged. "To answer your question, I don't. There have been plenty of us who wanted to return to their human life, but I can't see that happening for myself. I can walk in sunlight, I can eat regularly… I can pretty much do everything a human can do, but better… stronger. And the extra abilities are a plus…"

"And what would those extra abilities be?"

She wasn't aware that her voice held a seductive tone to it, but he was. And the way her eyes kept glancing at his lips made his gums throb.

It was Bonnie who put down her wine glass and leaned into him. It was Bonnie who traced the contour of his jaw; enjoying the feel of his skin beneath her fingertips.

But, it was Stefan who materialized right in the middle of Damon's living room.

"I need to talk."

Welp, their moment was officially ruined.

"Not now, brother." At this moment, Damon was imagining pulling out his brother's heart or even taking off his head. Actually, no he thought about torturing him first for his interruption.

"It's okay," Bonnie stood up. "I have to go anyways. Caroline and Katherine have been texting me nonstop."

Damon almost huffed like a human kid who couldn't get his way. He just wanted to murder everyone for keeping him away from Bonnie.

But what he didn't expect was for her to hug him. It actually made him tense up for a moment, because he didn't let anyone touch him like this. There was a moment that he wanted to just retreat away, forget that he ever came in contact with her, and just chalk their bond up to just some old folklore. But, he knew that would never happen. He could never just up and leave her no matter what happened. So, he hugged her back. And the feel of her body against his made him almost want to sink to his knees and worship her like she deserved.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do that, because of his damn brother.

"Call me tonight if you would like company." He whispered in her ear. This was Damon leaving the ball in her court. And hell, he wasn't even expecting sex…just to continue hugging her…holding her. That's what he wanted.

She nodded, smiled at him one more time, and at Stefan, and then she was gone, closing the front door behind her.

A stake appeared in Stefan's chest, two inches away from his heart.

Stefan groaned, and yanked the stake out, dropping it to the floor.

"Next time that's your heart." Damon said, picking up the bottle of Bourbon and throwing it at Stefan, who caught it easily with one hand.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Stefan said taking a sip. "You know, I could smell a hint of Bonnie's arousal, it smelled delic—"

Stefan couldn't finish his sentence before Damon appeared right in front of him and broke his neck. When he fell to the ground unconscious, he stepped over his body, and grabbed his Bourbon off the ground.

The only reason Stefan was acting like him on a good day was because he must have got into it with Caroline. Again.

And because Damon was in such a good mood, he was only going to break his neck two more times before he woke up. The things he did for family.

Bonnie didn't know whether to be grateful or pissed off over Stefan's interruption. Maybe she should lean towards the grateful side, because she knew if her lips touched his, nothing would ever be the same. Granted, they kissed before, but that was different. She was flat out drunk and not in her right mind. Tonight, she was. And the fact that she teleported to his house only because she simply thought of him, made her want to question everything about herself. And then the way he whispered in her ear before she left. Her insides were itching just to go back to his apartment, throw his brother out, and sit on his face.

"Okay, Bonnie, calm down." She whispered to herself. "Get yourself together."

Plus, she had bigger things to worry about. Currently, she was watching as the cab driver drove off and left her at one of Whitmore's graveyards. Matt called and asked if she could meet him there. It surprised her because usually when they made visits, it was during the daytime.

Matt lost both of his parents in a car accident a few years ago and sometimes when he had a hard time, he would visit them, and Bonnie would join them. But, again, that was in the daytime. Now that she knew about things that went bump in the night, it really wasn't a great idea to be out here.

She called Matt several times in hopes that they could just come in the morning, but of course it kept going straight to voicemail, and she definitely wasn't going to leave him out here alone.

As soon as she made it to Mr. and Mrs. Donovan's tombstone, she looked around, but Matt was nowhere to be found. And this eerie feeling crept among her skin.


She turned around, and a breath of relief escaped her lips. "You had me worried for a second, Matt. I'm not use to you wanting to visit at night."

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

For a moment she thought he was joking, but the look in his eyes told her a different story.

"You called me and told me to meet you here."

"No I didn't. I never come out here at night."

"Then why are you here now?"

Matt paused for a moment, and the confused look on his face, frightened Bonnie a little. "I… I don't know. I don't even know how I got here."

A slither of fear coursed through Bonnie's veins. "We should get out of here." she said, linking her arm through his.

Right when they were about to leave, they both stopped in their tracks at the newcomer.

"Katherine?" Bonnie asked. "What are you doing here?"

Her former cat smiled. "Matt called and told me to come."

Bonnie looked back at Matt who was looking ahead at Katherine very confused.

"I don't know what you're both talking about, but I didn't call anyone." His eyes stayed on Katherine. "Especially you. Who are you?"

"Mattie, you don't recognize me, it's me Katherine." She provided a small smile.

Okay, that was weird, Bonnie thought. Matt usually turned into a blubbering mess near Katherine, but right now, if looks could kill, her former cat would be dead.

When they all heard a noise, Bonnie quickly pulled Matt a little closer to her, "Let's talk about this later…we should really go."

"Not so fast, Bon Bon."

Bonnie stilled for a moment, before she turned around and became face to face with Ben. Except the Ben she was staring at wasn't the man she was once going to marry. This time, she was staring into the face of a rogue.

"No," she whispered.

"Yes." His grin held nothing but malice. "You know, you should have let me in on your little double life, I probably would have stayed with you then."

Bonnie immediately turned back around, but it wasn't Katherine standing behind Matt anymore, it was at least five more rogues.

"Bonnie, what's going on?" Matt asked. All the calm he was trying to obtain was being pushed out the window.

It only took three seconds for Bonnie to give all five rogues and aneurysm and fall to the ground in pain.

"Run!" She told Matt, as they bolted out of there.

She intertwined her hand with Matt's hand, hoping she could teleport out of fear, but it didn't work. She thought of Damon again, hoping that it would help, but still… it didn't work. And of course she and Matt both didn't get service on their cell phones.

They didn't make it far, before Ben and the other rogues appeared around them, blocking them in.

Bonnie tried the aneurysms again, but they didn't work.

"Your parlor tricks won't work on us little girl." One of them said.

"Don't forget we have to bring her alive." Another one spoke up.

"That wasn't my orders." Ben said, and then looked down at Bonnie, "I'm supposed to have my way with you and then kill you… slowly." He touched her cheek softly, causing her to move away from him.

Why weren't her powers working? Oh, she knew why, because she literally couldn't think of anything. She couldn't think of one spell to perform.

Matt then pulled Bonnie behind him, and glare at Ben. "Don't ever lay a hand on her."

Ben rolled his eyes, and then looked at the other rogues. "Tear him to shreds."

"No!" Bonnie screamed as they pulled Matt away, who tried to struggle out of their grasps. She tried to go to him, but Ben held her back to where she could barely move.

It was as if time had stopped the moment, one pair of fangs descended in Matt's neck, and then another, and Bonnie couldn't do anything about it.


The tears, the pain, the anguish… his scream, as they ripped into his flesh, as they broke his arms. She would never forget the way his eyes looked into hers.

Matt was dying and she couldn't do anything about it; all she could do was watch, and this time, she wasn't dreaming. This was real.

"It'll be over soon…" she cried. "I'm…I'm so sorry…"

And when the tears in his eyes ceased, Matt fell lifeless to the ground.

Bonnie didn't know the feeling that went through her. She didn't know if it was sadness, pain, anger, or all three. It ripped into her insides like acid, and the next thing she knew the four rogues, who killed Matt grabbed their heads and pain and smoke began to evade their bodies. She knew the exact moment Ben let her go, because all of his little pals blew up in flames, throwing she, Matt, and Ben several feet back.

She could hear ringing. Bonnie could hear so much loud ringing; she wanted to cover her ears. But she couldn't. Her body felt numb, and for a moment she couldn't process anything. It was as if she were having an out of body experience… a high she didn't know how to come down from.

She didn't even remember closing her eyes, but when she opened them again, someone was standing over her. Everything was blurry, so she couldn't really see. If it were Ben, she just hoped that he would kill her quick.

Matt was dead, and it was her fault. She didn't deserve to…

She was picked up in strong arms, and the minute her body connected with his, she knew who it was.


"Damo-" She could barely get out.

He shushed her, and held her close. "You're okay now. I got you."


"He's alright." He quickly confirmed. "Katherine's got him."

That's all she needed to hear, before it was lights out and everything went dark.

A/N: So, what did you all think? I know a lot went on, and it wasn't that much Bamon in this chapter, but there will be a lot next chapter. They are growing closer, but of course Bonnie is still hesitant because everything is happening in her life so fast. She still has a lot to learn about herself, her powers, and how to use them. As we move on you'll get to learn more about the characters, their personality, and meet new characters as well.

I really hope you all enjoy! Please review, because your feedback means a lot to me! Thanks for reading =)