Prompt: Survive


She huddles in the corner of the abandoned house, hands clutching the side of her head in a vain attempt to block out the sound of the chaos raging outside. Her knees knock together and tears stream down her face. The blood from her clothes leak through the fabric, leaving sticky stains on her skin and dried clumps in her hair.


So much of it.

Petra has never seen the brutality of the titans firsthand, though she has learned all about it. No textbook or lecture could have prepared her for this.

Joining the army was a bad idea, she thinks to herself as she relives all of the horrible deaths she has witnessed in the past fifteen minutes.

I can't handle this.

She retrieves one of her blades and examines the lethally sharp edge closely. It seems to smile at her, begging her to move it down to her wrists.

She does not have to be eaten alive, she does not have to be strangled by her own gear, she can choose her own death. A quick swipe of the blade, barely a sting and she will be out of this hell.

Pulling up her sleeve, she brings the blade down. Her thoughts are muddled, simply replaying the deaths of her comrades over and over again.

Gnashing teeth.

Tightening hands.

Splattering blood.

The moment before the metal can mar her skin, the door to side window shatters and there he stands. His stature is proud, his blades out and ready as steam rises from his clothing. Noticing her, he turns and takes in her desperate appearance. Seeming to put the pieces together, he meets her hazel eyes with his own slate colored ones, as if simply observing what she will do.

"W-what am I suppose to do?" Petra asks referring to anything and everything. The captain's eyes widen fractionally before he moves towards her. Kneeling down, he moves her armed hand to the side, away from her skin.

At the feel of his warm hand wrapped around her forearm, he mind clears.

What is she doing?

Her friends risked their lives so humanity can live on, why would should willingly betray them by taking a coward's way out. Her father…

Oh dear, her father. How would he handle the news of her death? How could he bear to hear that she took her own life willingly? It would kill him. Petra is the only family he has left. She could never take that from him.

She drops the blade with a clang, and glances up at her savior. "What do I do?" she repeats between choked sobs.

Once the threat of Petra cutting her own wrist is eliminated, Levi rises and begins to start towards the door, prepping his gear.

Right before he exits the room, he whispers out one word. A short and simple one, but in that moment, it seems to hold so much meaning.
