This began as an experiment in descriptive writing, no fandom or ship intended. Somehow, this came of it. Maybe people will enjoy it, maybe not. Either way, it sure was fun to write ;)

Lightning lances across the night sky, briefly illuminating the Operations Room in ghostly flashes. Shadows leap up the walls and stretch across the floor. Their dark fingers roll over the couch and television in waves like low tide and high tide. Thunder alternatively rumbles and booms, and the pitter-patter of rain drums a dreary tune on the windows. Electricity shivers in the air, nearly tangible to the skin, from the autumn storm.

If I knew you and you knew me—

If both of us could clearly see,

The thunder drowns out a mechanical hiss as the room's only door slides open to reveal a shadowed figure. She glances around the darkened room, wincing at the sudden crack of lightning, and quietly pads down the steps to the kitchen. Pale gray hands rise to rub arms clothed in black, hidden beneath her cloak.

And with an inner sight divine

The meaning of your heart and mine—

The cabinet door creaks as she opens it to withdraw a box of herbal tea bags. Knotted brows relaxing at the sight of her favorite flavoring, she snatches up the bag and returns the others to the cabinet before bending to search for the teapot.

I'm sure that we would differ less

And clasp our hands in friendliness;

While the water boils, she casts her gaze around the shadow-clad room, aided by the flashes of lightning. Violet eyes lands on the plates and cups piled high all around the kitchen. Nose wrinkling in displeasure, she waves her hand at the cutlery. Negative energy silently crackles in the air as it attaches to the dirty dishes, lifting them and flying them towards the dishwasher. Thin, pale lips flatten in satisfaction.

The teapot whistles.

Our thoughts would pleasantly agree

If I knew you, and you knew me.

Teacup in hand and hood pushed down to her shoulders, she settles on the couch to watch the storm. Minutes pass, and the lightning ceases. Thunder rumbles in the distance, while the rain continues to cascade down the windows. The wavering waterfall soothes the night's dreams from her mind.

If I knew you and you knew me,

As each one knows his own self, we

Steam rises from the teacup and warms her face as she holds it close, savoring the heat and scent. Heavy eyelids drift down, and her mantra weaves through wispy thoughts.


Behind her, the door swishes open and a teammate shuffles towards her. The steps are heavy but not "clumpy," and her empathy senses that guilt and weariness, rather than weight, give them their load.

Could look each other in the face

And see therein a truer grace.

"If you're here to apologize, don't bother," she voices without turning to face him. "I've already overlooked your inanity as an innate flaw of your character and deduced that you simply can't help acting like an idiot nearly every day of your life."

The footsteps pause. "Uhhh...thanks? I think."

Life has so many hidden woes,

So many thorns for every rose;

Above the rim of her teacup, her lips curl into something resembling a smile. "Now go back to bed. History proves you incapable of coherent speech or thought without a decent night's rest, and I won't be held accountable for my actions today during training."

"Ahh, right, right... 'Night then, Rae."

The "why" of things our hearts would see,

If I knew you and you knew me.

Only after the door closes behind him does she exhale. "Goodnight, Beast Boy."

Sweet dreams.

The poem is "To Know All Is To Forgive All" by Nixon Waterman. This is the only chapter with a poem.

Diffraction - The ability of waves to bend around corners. The diffraction of light establishes its wave nature.