(Age: 8-years-old)

In Bellwood on a Monday morning, the Rook-Tennyson family were enjoying their breakfast before getting ready for their day. At lest the two young adults were, Maxwell had his head resting in his hand looking like he was about to fall back to sleep. Rook quickly switch Max's plate with an oven mitt before his head slipped out of his hand and faceplanted on the table.
Ben rubbed Max's back. "Max, were you up all night playing video games?" Max drowsily lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. "No..." Ben just rolled his eyes, not really believing him. "Right, well hurry up and finish eating, you need to get ready for school kiddo." Max just groaned and started eating. When he finished he cleaned up, got his bag, and after getting an unwanted kiss from his parents (kids that age are always like that) he walked to school.

While cleaning up the dishes Rook looked at Ben. "Maybe we should check on him later tonight to make sure he is not playing his games past bedtime." Ben just shrugged while putting the dishes in the dishwasher for Rook. "Fine with me. Come on, we need to get ready for a day of kicking bad guy butt."

Later that night, after losing rock paper scissors to Rook, Ben went to his sons bedroom and carefully peaked inside. He was hoping to see Max on his top bunk asleep, but expected to find him sitting in front of his T.V. playing games. What he didn't expect was Max sitting on his bottom bunk, hugging his pillow with his tail wrapped around him. Ben opened the door all the way and turned on the lights.
"Max? You okay?" Max cringed and shielded his eyes from the light. "Could you knock next time?" "Sorry. But you didn't answer my question." Max sighed and flopped backwards on the lumpy futon mattress. "Not really..." Walking over the messy bedroom floor, Ben sat down next to him. "Well what's wrong? Bullies at school again?" "No." "You and Isaac get in an argument?" "No." "Then what is it?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Max spoke up. "Being a Plumber is really dangerous right?" Ben raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it can be at times, and if you're not careful." "Have people... d-died?" Ben's eyes widen, figuring out why Max was asking this. "Max, Your Father and I have been Plumbers ever since we were teenagers and we're still doing just fine. What made you think of that?"
Max sat up and hugged the pillow tightly. "I had a nightmare yesterday. Great Grandpa Max and Aunt Gwen told me you two went on a mission a-and..." Max buried his face in the pillow when he felt tears were about to fall out of his eyes. Ben wrapped his arms around Max, feeling his heart sink to his stomach that his son was worried both his parents would die.

Rook walked into the room, wondering what was taking Ben so long, but was surprised by what he saw. "What happened?" Ben rubbed Max's back to help him calm down and answered his husband. "He had a nightmare that we never came home from a mission." Rook sat next to their son and rubbed his head of messy dark brown hair. "Oh Maxwell, it is okay."
Muffled by the pillow, Max sniffed. "I-I don't want you guys to die.." Ben gave Max a squeeze. "Kiddo we're not going to die. It was just a bad dream." Max lifted his head off his pillow and tried to dry his wet furry cheeks. "But i-it could happen. I've heard how dangerous it can be a-and I, I'm just, scared..." Rook cupped Max's chin and tilted his head up to look at him.

"Maxwell, We know that our job can be dangerous, and we know it can be scary for you. But what we do protects you and billions of people from harm." Ben nodded. "Yeah. Ever since I was 10, I took it upon myself to protect people on earth, to make sure they got home to their families in one piece. Yes it can be really dangerous, but if you're smart and know what you're doing then you won't get killed."
Rook gave a small smile. "And we are most certainly not going to leave you Max." Ben chuckled. "You couldn't get ride of us even if you wanted to." a ghost of a smile formed on his face before disappearing. "You had a lot of nightmares before too right Dad?" Ben sighed. "I still do. Pressure of being a super hero for ya." "How do you deal with them?" Ben thought that over for a minute.

"Well talking about it normally helps. I also remind myself that everything is still okay, that it was just a dream. Though having a big furry alien to hug helped big time." Ben and Rook chuckled while Max stuck out his tongue. "I asked for nightmare advice, not Dad cootie info." Ben snickered. "Sorry. so feeling better?" Max nodded. "A little." "Think you can go back to sleep?" "Yeah, I think so."
Rook and Ben stood up while Maxwell climbed up to his top bunk and got under the covers. After a quick kiss goodnight from both of his parents, the two adults shut off the lights and left the room. While heading for their own room Ben looked up at Rook. "I never realized how scary that would be for a kid to have parents that work a dangerous job."

Rook nodded. "My younger siblings did worry a little when I first became a Plumber, but after a while their worries calmed down. though it never disappeared. A lot of children have to deal with things like this." Ben sighed. "Yeah, I know. But one thing's for sure. No villain is ever going to finish us off." Rook chuckled. "You would think after all these years they would learn by now."