So... thank you thank you thank you for sticking around. My Wife and I just moved across the country and it took longer than expected to get settled. But now I should be back on track to get chapters written and posted. So whooooooooo!


So it's a little short but at least it's something...










What are you?

The question shocked Harry to the core for a moment and he didn't notice Tony rushing to his side, a worried look on his face. He opened his mouth to try and say something but before he could speak a word, another voice chimed in.

"I was curious about that myself… You feel like my brother yet not. Are you one of the Magic Users of Midgard?"

Wide green eyes shifted to Thor as the Asgardian stood to the side, arms crossed over his chest. Harry chanced a glance at the others and winced at some of the looks he was getting. Clint was watching him with guarded eyes, Natasha had slipped back and now had her handgun in her lowed grip and Steve was just watching with narrowed eyes that were flicking between Harry and Tony. Turning to Bruce, Harry was surprised that the man had an embarrassed flush running up his neck to the tips of his ears.

Tony slid up next to Harry and gently handed Teddy over to his dad before moving to stand in front of the smaller man. Holding his hands up in a placating manner and let his eyes flick between them all. Taking a deep breath Tony decided to go ahead and tell the others as little as he could about Harry, wanting the Brit to be able to go into deeper detail if he wanted too.

"Look, Calm your shit…. This is my house and I'm not gonna have you attack my friend. I'm about to tell a long story in about six or seven sentences so listen well…..

Harry is the one that helped out at the zoo all those months ago. I found him about a week after that in a cafe before we went back to his place. I was curious so don't bitch at me about following an unknown. We talked and I found out about his powers and then he helped me with a couple of things. I adore this man and his kid and you have something bad to say…. then grab your shit and say it on the way out."

Brown eyes flicked to each Avenger letting them see how serious he was about that last statement, letting them all know he wouldn't back down from this. Taking a deep breath he looked at the archer, a silent plea in his eyes, "Clint you met him before this….. he's not Loki."

The archer let his gaze move from Tony to Harry and couldn't help but sigh at the worry in those green eyes. Dropping back in his seat Clint turned to face Natasha, nodding slightly to the woman at the question in her eyes.

Harry released the breath he was holding when Natasha put her gun away, and sent a shaky smile at Clint; wincing slightly at the wary look he received in return. He gently set Teddy back on the floor and couldn't help but smile softly when the little boy ran to Clint and started tugging on his arm.

"Clint you promised! You said you would teach me."

Looking up at Harry, he waited until he got a nod from the Brit before snatching up the giggling boy and marched over to grab the toy bow. When they were out of the kitchen, but still within hearing distance, Clint sat on the ground and started going over the proper way to hold the bow. He frowned slightly when his hearing aids picked up the start of Harry's story; for some reason he knew this wouldn't be a happy tale.

Harry bit his lip softly and looked around the kitchen at the others remaining. Seeing mostly curious looks he sighed and moved to take a seat at the table, knowing they wanted answers. He couldn't help but be slightly relieved when Tony dropped into the chair next him. He waited patiently for the rest of the Avengers to return to their seats before speaking in a tired voice, however another voice spoke first.

"Before anything else is said I feel I need to apologize to you. I hadn't mean for my words to come out the way they did."

Harry blinked curiously at Bruce and couldn't help but grin at the blush that was still overriding the man's face. Leaning forward he propped an elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand. Taking a glance at the others in the room Harry's grin fell pretty quickly.

"It's fine Dr. Banner, it was a surprise to randomly meet me here….. So… How about I explain some things and if you have any questions when I'm done I'll answer them if I can?"

The remaining Avengers all glanced at each other before deciding to let Steve answer for them all. The blonde Avenger watched Harry with slightly narrowed eyes, taking in the nervous twitching, how the Brit's eyes glanced toward the room with Clint and the child, and the subtle way Harry was leaning into Tony; like he expected the genius to be able to protect him. Letting his eyes soften slightly he looked into uncertain green eyes, and nodded to Harry letting the Brit know that would work for all of them.

Harry took a deep breath before telling a muted version of his history, he didn't even bother mentioning anything from before the last few months of the war. He kept his focus on the table in front of him knowing that it would be harder to get through the whole thing if he was watching their facial expressions.

The Avengers stayed quiet as he spoke, all wearing different expressions of disbelief on their faces. Steve glanced at Tony and raised an eyebrow, silently asking if Harry was telling the truth, and blue eyes widened when Stark just nodded once. The Hero's all watched as the raven haired male continued to almost fold in on himself as he explained who he was.

Once Harry finished talking he continued to keep his focus on the table and bit his lip, waiting for anyone to say anything. He sent Tony a small smile when the older man ran a hand up and down along his spine. The genius smirked and sent a cheeky wink his way, causing Harry to let a soft chuckle slip out. Taking a deep breath Harry raised his head to glance at the Avengers around the table, and he couldn't stop the laughter that slipped out when he noticed the expressions they each wore.

Natasha was watching him through narrowed eyes, a small frown etched across her face. It was clear she was wasn't happy; but what was running through her mind… he didn't know; nor was he sure he wanted to. Thor was leaning against the wall with a raised eyebrow, and when he noticed Harry's wary eyes on him the giant man just sent a small smile the Brit's way. Steve's eyebrows were furrowed in thought and his blue eyes were focused on the table in front of him; his mind running over everything they just learned.

Bruce however is the one that kept Harry's focus the longest as the scientist felt a small about of kinship with the small Englishman. He knew how it felt to run from people who were supposed to be trustworthy, to run from people who were scared of the person you became. Kind brown eyes met shakey green and he sent the smaller man a gentle smile, even The Other Guy was surprisingly quiet at the moment.

Harry let a small sigh slip and folded his hands tightly in his lap, he opened his mouth as if to ask a question only to snap his mouth shut at the sound of a yelp coming from the other room. Quickly standing from the chair the Brit turned to rush toward the doorway when a small bundle shot toward him, ramming into his legs.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I swear it was an accident!"

Clint half focused on the boy in front of him, correcting his stance or arm position when he noticed. He was much more focused on the conversation in the kitchen. He couldn't believe what the kid had gone through, that was a rough life.

He couldn't help but understand why Tony was so protective of Harry and Teddy. The kid had lived a shitty life and just wanted to be normal.

He was so focused on his own thoughts that the archer didn't notice when Teddy's eyes narrowed at him, with a fierce pout on his tiny face. He didn't hear the warning in the small English voice as Teddy called his name again….. and again.

He did notice when the small bow was thrown to the ground, and looking up at Teddy his eyes widened when it appeared that a small wind storm was swirling around the tiny body.

"You were ignoring me….. I thought you were gonna teach me….. but you're just being mean."

Clint sighed and stood, walking to pick up the discarded bow. Turning back to Teddy he holds it out to the four year old and lifts it slightly out of reach when the child reaches for it. He fights back a smirk at the frown that works it's way across Teddy's face and lifts it again when the toddler jumps for it again.

Teddy's face gets a determined look that makes Clint raise an eyebrow, waiting to see what the boy was going to do. He snorts when a tiny body flies at him and latches onto his arm, trying to reach for the bow.

"Alright Monkey, I'll give it back."

Clint's eyes widen when Teddy's eyes get a small glow and the wind from before kicks back into high gear, swirling around the child.

"I'm not a monkey…. YOU ARE!"

Clint yelps as a light surrounds him for a moment, and he blinks back the spots in his eyes as it clears. He looks down at Teddy and frowns at the slight worried look on the small face.


He frowns slightly as Teddy starts shaking slightly and backing away from him. Clint takes a step forward, only to stop dead when he feels something brush against his leg. Turning his head slightly he looks behind and instinctively lets out a loud shout. He turns back to Teddy in time to see him running full speed toward the kitchen.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I swear it was an accident!"

Harry looked down at the trembling form of Teddy and quickly knelt down, forcing the small boy to look him in the eyes. He frowned when he noticed the actual worry and fear on the small face.

"What happened Cub?"

Teddy opened his mouth to answer but quickly snapped it shut when Clint rushed into the room with a panicked look on his face. The four year old 'eeped' and rushed to hide behind Harry, small hands gripping the back of his father's shirt tightly.

Emerald eyes watched Clint closely, seeing the wide eyes staring back at him. Harry cleared his throat and stood slowly, keeping Teddy behind him.

"Clint….. What's…? What is that?"

Clint flinched slightly and reached behind himself like he was trying to hide something. However, after a moment he sighed and lowered his head. Bringing his arms back around to the front of his body, he slowly turned and showed the room his back.

Harry tried, he really did try to hold back his laughter but Tony made it nearly impossible when the genius was doubled over in laughter; his head resting on the table.

"He has a tail!"

Harry sent Tony a scolding look and focused back on Clint. The archer had a long light brown monkey's tail protruding from his tailbone, that was slowly wrapping itself around his leg. Slowly taking a step forward, Harry reached out to try to touch the new addition only to jerk back when he was blocked by a solid mass of muscle. Looking up into blue eyes, Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly backed away to where he had been standing.

"I'm not letting you get closer until I know what happened just now."

Biting his lip Harry turned to look at the others in the room and flinched slightly at the looks he was getting again. The only one who looked unconcerned in any way was Thor who was leaning against the wall, just observing the others.

Taking a deep breath Harry turned back to Steve and squared his shoulders, "That would be accidental magic. It starts around the time a magical child turns 4. They get bursts of magic that are a reaction to emotional stimuli. Teddy normally changes the colors of things all the time. He even turned Logan's claws hot pink once."

Steve narrowed his eyes at the smaller man, "And we should trust your explanation why? The last time we met someone with magic they tried to take over the world and turn us all into mindless minions."

"Woah there Capsicle…. I already told you once to watch what you say. Harry is not Loki and he isn't here to overthrow the government. Did you not listen to a word that was said in his story? He saved the world from a megalomaniac bent on destruction."

Harry opened his mouth but quickly snapped it shut with one look from Tony.

"I don't want to hear it Pixie, if he can't see the difference between you guys then he's not the man I thought he was."

The Brit flinched at the pain he saw flash through Steve's eyes and bit his lip slightly as the argument between the two of them started getting louder.

After almost ten minutes of Tony and Steve arguing Harry finally gave in to his frustration and stepped between the two, leveling a small glare at both of them.

"Enough! I am not your enemy. I am not here to cause trouble. I don't really care that you have trust issues with me, I would expect that after everything that's happened these last few years. But if you want your archer back to his original manufactured settings then I suggest you step aside so I can see exactly what Teddy did with his burst of magic."

Harry's small outburst brought out a whole new slew of arguments from everyone in the room, Can all wizards just change people like this? Is it permanent? Is there anything magic can't do against our will? Is there a way to stop magic? Is the brat gonna accidently turn someone into a toad, and have to be kissed to change back?

Harry looked at Clint with a raised eyebrow and snorted as the Archer reached out for Natasha with pursed lips. "Come on Tasha'...Give me a kiss, maybe that will help."

Bruce sat silently at the table watching as the Avengers and one Brit all argued with each other. He could agree with some of the things said, but at the same time he knew that Harry wasn't like Loki. He was more amazed at how calm the Other Guy was being at the moment, like he felt no threat from Harry or Teddy. Sighing softly he debated on whether or not he wanted to intervene when he felt a small hand grab his pants.

Looking down he raised an eyebrow at the small body using him as a shield from the yelling. Slowly Bruce reached out a hand and placed it on Teddy's hair and ran his fingers gently through the soft hair trying to calm the shaking child. When the small body inched closer with no fear of him, he reached to pick Teddy up and gently held the small boy to his chest.

When the yelling continued Bruce stood from his chair, running a comforting hand down the boys back and turned to glare at the 'adults' in the room.

"That's enough. First off you're all scaring him… Do remember he is a child."

The other adults in the room all looked at Bruce when he spoke up and saw they were indeed scaring a four year old. Harry looked stricken at the thought of upsetting Teddy and Bruce slowly made his way to the boy's father and handed him over. The doctor couldn't help but be slightly surprised when the tiny hands remained clenched in his shirt, not wanting to leave his arms yet.

Bruce gave a small apologetic smile in Harry's direction when the Brit let his arms drop to his sides. He tried to smile back at Bruce but the doctor could see the pain in those emerald eyes at Teddy not wanting to go back to his father just yet.

Deciding to worry about that later Bruce turned back to the Avengers and sent them all a bored glare, "Steve, calm down. We need to let Harry look at Clint to fix what happened. He's been alone with Tony all these months and nothing has happened….Let's be honest Tony looks healthier than I've ever seen him."

Ignoring Tony's annoyed 'Hey' Bruce turned back to Harry, once again trying to hand over Teddy, and smiled when the boy latched onto his father and snuggled into his arms.

"Now...Harry, can you fix what happened?"

Nodding Harry strode toward Clint and this time wasn't blocked from reaching the archer.

"Yes I can reverse it. It'll be like it was never there."

"WAIT! Can I get some scans first…? I want to see how well it's attached to him. Like is it just connected to his skin or is it actually attached to his nerves?"

Harry rolled his eyes at Tony and turned back to Clint, who let out a yelp reaching for the tail that was now in a curious Tony's hands.

"Woah… It is connected to nerves… he felt pain when I pinched him. Come on Barton you have to let me scan this. I mean seriously… how many time will I get this opportunity? I'll even make you some new arrows."

Harry reached over and smacked Tony's hands causing him to release the tail and pout at Harry. Shaking his head he turned back to Clint.

"It's up to you Clint. I can change it back now if you want."

They all watched the archer as he thought over his options. Harry has his wand ready to reverse the spell and was about to reverse it anyways when he was met by an amused smirk from Clint.

"You can fix it later… I'll keep it for now."


Amused Harry could only watch as Clint ran from the room mumbling about all the things he could do with a tail, and a fascinated Tony rushing after him demanding they go to the lab for x-rays.