A/N: Prompt Day 7 - Thawing. Elsa tried her best to ice out the man who nearly destroyed her life once, but he slowly worked his way into her heart.

It happened slowly.

As she was dressing one morning, she caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye. A pale pink rose lay on the corner of her vanity. She ran it between her fingers, examining it. The sweet scent overtook her. She held it to her lips for a moment, breathing it in. On further inspection, she found there was no note attached, but there was a silver rose tied around the stem. In a moment she realized who had sent it to her and threw the offending object out the window, unwilling to have it in her presence any longer.

A knock on her door pulled her from her musings. Opening the door, she could find no one in the hallway. Starting to close the door, a small leather pouch caught her eye. Something about it seemed familiar to her, so she carried it back into the room. Reclining back in her chair, she opened it to find her favorite tea leaves tucked inside. "Jasmine," she sighed. "How did he know?" Just then, the door swung open and one of the maids entered. She gave her the pouch and told them to enjoy it before leaving the room to seek solace somewhere else.

A box of gourmet chocolates came next. They were expensive, she could tell. Her resolve was tempted and finally broken. "It couldn't hurt to eat them. It doesn't mean anything," she convinced herself. It was the first gift from him that she hadn't rejected. She couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face as the candy melted in her mouth.

It happened in small moments.

She fought to conceal her tears as she watched her sister dance with her new husband. The princess had never smiled as much as she had today, of that she was sure. The queen was immensely happy for her, but dreading losing her for several months while the couple honeymooned. Loneliness loomed over her. Her glass of champagne froze over at the thought. It was then that he found her. Without a word, he stood next to her and wove their fingers together. She was so grateful for the company she did not pull away.

Sitting in the kitchen floor, she reached for her tray of candy. Drowning her feelings in chocolate had sounded like a good idea, but now she had was a stomachache and the stress had not eased. Being responsible for a nation made for many restless nights. Setting the tray to the side, she rested her head back against the wall. Suddenly, he was there. "You going to share that?" She made no move, so he reached for them. Together, they finished the platter.

She made it to her father's study before she remembered what day it was. The portrait of her parent's loomed over her. Sliding to the floor, she pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed. Snowflakes hung in the air. Her sister had not returned yet, and she was forced to face this anniversary alone. He seemed to discover her on accident but, seeing the state that she was in, he sat next to her and pulled her to him. Her grief overcame any remaining anger she felt for him and she allowed herself to lean into his embrace.

Despite everything inside of her, she found her thoughts drifting to him in his absence. She dreamt of him frequently and found herself longing for him to hold her as he had that day in the study. She pushed her thoughts aside, unwilling to voice what she knew deeply within her. Somehow she had fallen for him. She could ice over the fjord on accident, but her heart was not so easily persuaded. No matter how she fought it, her frozen heart had thawed towards him.

Three years later he offered her one last present. It was more than she had ever expected. Her stomach dropped and she gasped. The diamond sparkled beneath her touch. Surprising everyone, including herself, she whispered a yes and he slid the ring into place. As he lifted and spun her, a smile took over. This time she did not fight it.

He had taken her by surprise, but as she walked down to find him at the end of the aisle she knew she wouldn't change a moment.