Narrator: Holy Rome's somewhat odd long cherished dream of living together with Italy finally came true. But it lasted only for a brief time. His house and everything around it were being swallowed up by utter chaos and unnecessary drama. I wonder what fate has in store for Holy Rome and Italy.

"This isn't a freaking fairy tale you know!" Romano said



Hungary: Ah…!

Chibitalia's Thoughts: To my surprise when I woke up the next morning… the three of us were the only ones left in this big house…! All alone…!

"What happened?"

Chibitalia: 'scuse me… sir? Where is everyone?

Austria: Italy, go outside and draw some water.

"You know, that was mean" a girl nagged

Austria ignored her

Chibitalia: Uh…

Austria: Hurry up!

Chibitalia: Yes sir…

Hungary: Mr. Austria, I don't understand what's happened!

Austria: It's quite simple really. I'm alone. There is nothing else to understand.

"I think there is plenty to understand"

"Yeah. I don't get it either"

"It means that the alliance broke up and now no one except Hungary and Italy are on Austria's side"

HRE: Hey… hold up, Italy.

Chibitalia: What can I do for you?

I'm doing the best job I can with the cleaning, and it'll only get better…! Ah…

"That's weird"

"It's not. It's cute"

"cute? How can it be cute"

"Oh it is so cute"

"I don't understand you at all"

HRE: Italy… united, we can be the great Roman Empire once again! Let's-a join, and we can be the strongest country in the world together!

Chibitalia: N-nn…

"How can you refuse such an offer!"

HRE: Hah…! Tell-a me why! You don't want to spend the rest of your life in a place like this, do you!? How could you possibly resist an offer to become the greatest country in the world with me!


Chibitalia: To protect you!


HRE: Ah…!

Chibitalia: It's too hard…! With Grandpa Rome… he fell because he became too big to manage! Grandpa's body was completely covered by scars… I don't want to see you become like he did! So please don't try to become Rome again... I don't think I could take it…

Don't you understand what I'm saying…? I like you the way you are right now, Holy Rome… you don't have to change…

"Somehow it feels like déjà vu" Germany frowned

"Huh. What are you talking about? Is is most certainly not déjà vu. I mean how can it be? That would imply that you're holy Rome. And that is so not true. Yeah so not true. Because if it were it would be so totally unawesome" Prussia rambled on.

"What are you talking about" Germany gave him a weird look

"Nothing. Nothing at all"

HRE: Nn…

[Hetalia: Chibitalia

To be continued]

"Aw man! It was getting to the good part!" Hungary groaned

England: Hetalia!

England: No surprise… the meeting ended once again without any resolution… blast all! I really wish there was someone around here who I didn't always fight with!

"Like me?" America winked at England

"N-no! Nothing like you!" England stammered, and then whispered "Maybe"

Flying Mint Bunny: Hi there!

(England: Hm?)

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" The entire world9minus Britain) yelled.

"That's flying mint bunny" England said proudly

"A what?"

"A flying mint bunny" said Norway

"Wait you know what it is?"

"Of course he does" Sais Romania "He's part of the magical trio after all"

"Ksesesesese the magical trio"

"It is much better than the bad touch trio! Thank you very much!"


England: Flying Mint Bunny! Did you come here to try to cheer me up, huh?

FMB: I wanted to see you, Britain, so I flew right over!

(England: *laughing*)

"That is so completely weird" America laughed

"It is not"

"It is"

"What part of it is weird?"

"Everything. I still cant believe your imaginative friends actually exist!"

"I told you they are not imaginary!"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever"

Captain Hook: Argh!

Magical Friends: (laughing)

England: This is great! All my magical friends at the same time! But let's have no murders this go around, ok? I'm serious, guys!


America: Hey, Britain! Can I talk to you for a second?

England: Hey, no fair chewing on my sleeve, Uni! I'm too ticklish, so stop the snuggling! You're naughty, Captain Hook; Tinkerbell's not big enough! Take that big goofy kissy face to your little leprechaun friend, since he's the only one who cares! Kidding! Seriously, you're all nutburgers! What am I to do with you! Ahahahahahahahaha!

"Why are they all gone?"

"It's because America can not see them"

"Why is that"

"Only countries with a dense magical population can see them"


Germany: Hetalia!

Italy: Germany! Good morning! Greet me the way I taught you!

"Which way?"

"The way Italians greet one another"

Ah… rgh ah… nn… nn… arrrghh…

Nn… kiss… kiss me… kiss…

(Germany: Rgh…)

Germany: Uh… ok, fine…

Italy: Uh…

"Awkward moment"

Italy's thoughts: He is taller than me…! Darn…!

"Totally unfair! I wanted to see them kissing!" Hungary complained

"Calm down Hungary" Austria tried to calm her down

[Italy- 172 cm

Germany- 180 cm

The 8 cm barrier is thick…]

(Marukaite Chikyuu: Italy)

England: Uhhh…

France: I will say it one more time… I want you… to marry me…

"NO! DON'T DO IT ENGLAND I WONT FORGIVE YOU!" America stood and yelled at the top of his lungs

"Calm down!" Britain pulled him back down

Children: Weird!

"Totally weird"