AN: So, this is my first foray into the world of writing Arrow Fanfic so be gentle with me. I would like to thank all you read, favorite, follow and/or review this story in advance.

Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it. Obviously.




You're Banging My Bedroom Wall

I. The First Night


Felicity shot up in bed, her heart in her throat, and promptly fell on the floor. She quickly scrambled to grab her glasses from her bedside table and shoved them on. A glance at the glowing numbers on her alarm clock revealed that it was 1:06 AM.

Bemused, she watched as her bed rocked and moved further and further away from the wall it had been previously pressed up against. Every inch that the bed moved was punctuated by the continuous BANG! BANG! BANG! that originated from the other side of wall, the very same wall that she shared with her neighbor.

This had been the first night that Felicity had stayed in her new apartment. She hadn't met any of her neighbors when she had moved in except for Roy, the college kid with a bad temper, a rebel without a cause attitude, and a devil-may-care smirk that lived down the hall from her. When she told him what apartment she had just moved into, he busted up laughing. All Roy could do was point between her and the apartment next to hers and laugh, barely stringing together a coherent sentence. The only thing that she was able to get out of him was that she was going to have fun living there.

She didn't understand what he had meant by that but now it was obvious.

As Felicity continued to stare at in disbelief at the wall, the banging started to speed up in tempo and was now accompanied by the sounds of two people in the throes of passion.

"Yes! Yes, right there!" a woman's voice screamed followed by a moan.

The moans were followed by a masculine voice saying, "You like that, huh?"


The woman moaned again and again and again and Felicity buried her head in her hands, silently cursing Roy Harper and whoever the hell lived on the other side of her bedroom wall.

After what seemed like a lifetime there was one last guttural groan of, "Laurel!" followed by one last BANG! against her bedroom wall and then finally silence.

Felicity glared at the wall for a good ten minutes before pushing her bed back flush against the wall and crawling beneath her sheets. Hopefully she would be able to get a few more hours sleep in before she had to get up.






When Felicity next woke, she estimated that she had slept for maybe just under an hour before it started again.


With an irritated huff of annoyance as her bed once again started to rock and move, she grabbed her comforter and slid out of bed. Muttering under her breath about inconsiderate, wall-banging neighbors, Felicity left her bedroom and went out to her living room. She flopped down onto the couch and went back to sleep.

The next time she woke the sun was up and shining cheerily in the sky. On any other morning Felicity would have been happy to see the sun but not today. She felt sleep deprived and her back felt like crap after sleeping on the couch.

Felicity rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and decided to forgo her morning run, instead opting to pour herself a big bowl of her favorite super sugary cereal. She sat at the breakfast bar and stared at the leprechaun promising that the little marshmallows were "magically delicious" on the box as she ate, hoping that looking at his happy face would erase the memory of what had happened the night before.

But that was an epic fail.

"I'm sorry, Lucky," she said, glaring at the cartoon leprechaun, "but you're not helping me forget." She shoved the box of cereal over the edge of the counter and continued eating.