Hello everybody! I'm here to present you all a new story of mine, a Dragon Ball Z and Fairy Tail crossover. This story will feature one of my favorite characters, Bardock! That's right, this story is going to be about Bardock. Now before we begin, I would like to ask you all something, do you think that Bardock should join Fairy Tail or shouldn't? Please let me know what you all think. Also if anyone knows a beta reader that can help me with this story please tell me. That's all I have to say, so I hope you'll be able to enjoy the story.

Chapter one: Bardock's journey to the new world.





Bardock, a low class warrior. Bardock was an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier which was under Frieza's Planet Trade Organization, until he realizes that Frieza plans the annihilation of the Saiyan race. Terrified at the reaction he has received, and the helplessness of his situation, Bardock in a frenzy takes to the skies where Frieza's spaceship is orbiting, in a last resort effort to throttle Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans. As Bardock displays an abnormal ability to fend off hundreds of Frieza's soldiers, Frieza decides that the situation is growing out of hand. Frieza's decision was that he will deal with the monkey scum.

"Frieza!" Bardock shouted as a large number of Frieza's men were trying to hold him down, until Bardock had unleashed an energy blast causing the soldiers holding him down to be blast away. But as soon as he had escaped from their grasp, more soldiers had appeared to hold him down as he was getting closer to Frieza. "Frieza! Come out and face me coward!"

"He's insane!" One of the soldiers exclaimed.

As Bardock finally made it to the ship, Frieza then steps out into the orbit of planet Vegeta where he encounters Bardock. As soon as the soldiers saw Frieza they immediately let go of Bardock. Bardock then chuckled as he saw Frieza coming out of his ship.

"It's Frieza!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"We salute you sire!"

"Yeah, long live lord Frieza!"

"Long live lord Frieza!" All the soldiers shouted.

"Hehehe, no way. You've lived long enough!" Bardock said to Frieza, but as he was listing he sat with a bored expression on his face as he stared at the rebellious Saiyan. He slowly raised one of his hand and pointed one finger up, gathering energy in a tiny, concentrated ball that was too small to be noticed by the Saiyan. "Actually it's been to long for my taste. Frieza listen up we quit, all of us! Got it, we don't work for you! We're free, you can go find someone else to do your dirty work!" Frieza does not see a problem with Bardock's allegation, and somewhat patiently listens to Bardock's speech.

"Hehehe, oh yeah, there's one more thing." Bardock then opened his palm, gathering all of his energy into a whitish-blue energy sphere attack. "This is for all the people we killed in your name! I just wished we weren't stupid enough to listen to you in the first place." Bardock then wind his arm back. "Here have it!" As Bardock launched his final attack towards Frieza, by staking out the perfect opportunity to commence his genocide. "Hahahahahahaha!" Frieza retaliates with by laughing manically as he expands his charging Supernova which absorbs Bardock's blast and started to grow in size.

"What! No way!" Bardock couldn't believe it, his final attack was absorbed. Within moments, the Supernova is set free from Frieza's fingertip and was launched towards Bardock and the planet Vegeta. However as the attack was heading towards planet Vegeta numerous bystander of Frieza's soldiers were engulfed by the attack; Bardock is among the first of many to be consumed by the ball of energy. As Bardock was being incinerated within the Supernova, Bardock had one final vision, that of his son Goku Kakarot challenging and defeating Frieza, which brings a smile to his face.

"That's right, Kakarot, you'll be the to defeat Frieza and avenge the Saiyan race." But before Bardock could fall he had one last thing on his mind. "Kakarot, my one regret is that I never had a chance to hold you in my arms before you left...Forgive me.." After that, Bardock fell into utter attack consumes Bardock and some of Frieza's men as it buries itself deep beneath the planet's surface resulting in a massive explosion, eradicating nearly every Saiyan. As the planet had been destroyed Frieza couldn't help but smile. "Hahahaha! Well, well, now that was beautiful! See? Look Zarbon, Dodoria, look at the fireworks, aren't they splendid! Hahahaha!" After that it was the end for our Sayian hero or was it just the beginning.

(Year X774)

by the Land of Isvan. There is a house which appears to be a small cozy home, has no neighboring houses, and stands alone in a snowy plateau, next to two huge pine trees. Outside of the house stood three people who were getting ready for their daily training.

There was Ur a splendid teacher with two students. She was a woman of average height with a slim, curvaceous figure. She had short dark purple hair that was kept at chin length. Her clothing consisted of a tan jacket with a black collar, jeans and a red tank top.

Her two students were Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia. Lyon is a young boy who has bluish silver hair, most of which are spiky strands that jut upwards. Wearing a light blue jacket and dark green pants.

Gray was at the same age as Lyon. He has spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes wearing a white coat underneath a blue t-shirt.

"Alright you two, ready for todays training." Ur asked as she was stretching.

"Yeah, yeah, come on, let's just hurry this up." Gray said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Aw come on Gray, you know that we have to keep training if we wanna get stronger." Lyon said.

Gray then let out an audible sigh. "Whatever, can't we just hurry up."

She grinned and beamed a smile at him. "Alright, alright, we'll start training now. But first you know the drill." Ur said as she took off her clothes, revealing her 'Training gear' which consisted of a green-colored bra coupled with a pair of green underwear.

Lyon and Gray soon did what she did, as they took off their clothes wearing nothing but their boxers.

"Alright then, let's go." Ur then started her training session with Gray and Lyon by running. After a few hours later they had finished their training session and they soon started to walk back home. As Ur, Gray and Lyon were walking down the snowy path Ur couldn't help but smile. "Well today was another successful training day, wouldn't you two agree?"

Lyon let out a smile and nodded. "Yeah it was Ur. What do you think Gray?"

Who cares?" Gray said nonchalantly. "As long as I keep learning this maker magic, then I could care less."

"Um, Gray?" Lyon said.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Where are your clothes?" Lyon asked.

True enough, Gray had miraculously stripped down into his boxers in less than a second. His eyes bulged out as he danced around frantically. "WHAT THE?!"

Ur and Lyon couldn't help but chuckle. Gray then got a tick mark on his forehead. "Damn it Ur, it's your fault that I have this stripping habit!" Ur then appeared next to Gray and hit his head causing a huge swelling to appear "Don't blame me for your stupid habit, you damn brat!" As the argument continued much to Lyon's amusement, he turned his gaze and saw something surprising. Lyon then decided to go and take a closer look, as he got closer he saw an injured man. "Ur! Somebody is here, and he's hurt!"

Ur and Gray quickly ended their argument when they heard what Lyon just said. As they quickly ran to where Lyon was at they did found somebody who was laying unconscious on the snowy ground. "Boys stay back, I need to check if he's still alive." Ur then got closer to him and flipped him over on his backside, once she did she was able to get a better view of him. The man has unkempt hair which partially stands on end, he also has a scar on his left cheek. He was also wearing some sort of black and green Battle Armor, and a red headband. "Such a strange appearance, but still I gotta help him."

Ur then slowly lifted him up and placed his arm over her shoulder. As she was walking towards Gray and Lyon, she heard him saying something.


Ur was a little bit confused by what he was saying. "What the heck is a Kakarot? But that doesn't matter right now, what matter is that we get back to my cabin and heal this guy." As Ur got closer to Gray and Lyon who were taking a closer look at the new stranger.

"Ur, are we going to take him back to the cabin?' Gray asked

Ur nodded her head. "Yeah he's pretty banged up, let's get to the cabin and treat his wounds." Gray and Lyon nodded in agreement and followed Ur to her cabin. But as they were following Ur, they notice something around the man's waist it was a brown furry belt or so they thought but decided to shrug it off.

(Bardock's mindscape)

"Wha…?" Bardock thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Bardock asked himself as he looked around and saw that there's literally nothing. No land, no sky, just nothing but a empty white room. "I'm I still dead? Or what happened to me?"

As Bardock was trying to figure out what was happening to him, a voice called out to him. "Bardock. Bardock."

"What, who are you?" Bardock questioned as he looked around for the source of the voice, he then turned around and saw something that surprised him. "I-It's you." Bardock then tried to reach for the figure. The figure was a young man who looked exactly like him but his clothing was different from his and he did not have a scar on his cheek.

The figure has spiky black hair. He was wearing a orange/red/golden gi over a dark blue undershirt. He was also was wearing a dark blue wristbands, along with dark blue boots that are outfitted with yellow/beige laces.

"K-Kakarot, what are you doing here?" Bardock asked

"It's not to late for you father." Goku replied

Bardock shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand what you mean Kakarot, I tried to stop Frieza but I failed. Kakarot you're the one who's suppose to beat him."

Goku/Kakarot nodded his head in agreement. "I know father, I also know that you did your best to stop him. But there's something else that you wish to do."

"What would that be?"

"Father, you wish to redeem yourself. Then please help the people in this new world."

"New world?" Bardock pondered at what Kakarot just said to him. "Kakarot, I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

However Goku didn't answer Bardock's question, instead he just gave his father a smile and waved him goodbye. "Farewell father, I wish you luck on your new journey. Maybe we'll meet again one day." Goku/Kakarot body then started to fade away. "Please help them father, I know that you'll accomplish great things."

Bardock then ran towards Kakarot. "No wait! Kakarot! I still need to ask you something! Kakarot!" Bardock then tried to reach for Kakarot but everything then turned into darkness.

"Ohhh... my head..."

Bardock's mind slowly began to kick back into gear as consciousness started to spread over his senses. His eyes twitched as he struggled to think back over what happened. There was that fight with Frieza, then he saw nothing but darkness, then he had that weird dream or he at least thought it was a dream. After that it started getting fuzzy about that stage and Bardock racked his brain to try remember what happened after his talk with Kakarot.

He remembered that Frieza had betrayed the Saiyan race and he tried to stop him, then he tried to defeat Frieza but failed, after that Frieza then did something. What was it? He remembered, As his attack had failed he was engulfed by Frieza's attack. That would explain the pain that followed. But it was too fast, wasn't it? But still... did that mean he was dead?

Groaning, Bardock wriggled a few fingers to trying to see that there was something solid under his hands, a mattress perhaps? But why would he be on a bed? A soft gasp off to his side made an ear twitch and Bardock tried to roll his head towards the noise. Who was that? Didn't sound like anyone he'd ever met before. Forcing all his willpower into muscle power, Bardock pulled himself up and saw that he was inside a room. He looked at himself and saw that both his left arm and waist were covered with bandages.

"Oh, so you're finally awake." A voice said to him.

Bardock them turned to the source of the voice and saw a women standing by the door with a tray of food in her hand. "I gotta admit that you're lucky that one of my students found you, other wise you would've been in big trouble by staying outside with those injuries." Ur said as she set the tray onto the small table next to him.

"Who is she?" Bardock questioned "But more importantly, where am I? Am I in this new world Kakarot was talking about?" Bardock soon snapped out of his own thoughts when she snaps he fingers in front of him.

"Geez, you know it's rude to be ignoring someone who was talking." Ur said as she shook her head and let out an audible sigh. "As I was saying earlier, my name is Ur. So mind telling me your name?"

A few minutes of silent had passed. Ur thought that he didn't want to tell her his name so she let out another sigh. "Well if you don't wanna tell me then you don't have to." Ur then started to walk out of the room. "If you're hungry then have what ever is on the tray." Just as Ur was about to leave the room.


"Huh?" Ur then turned around. "What did you say?"

Bardock then grab a piece of bread and started eating it. "My name is Bardock."

Ur then let out a warm smile. "Bardock huh?" Ur asked as she let out a small chuckle, getting the Saiyan's attention. "Strange name and yet a unique name as well." With that Ur had finally left the room leaving a Saiyan to finish eating his food. As Bardock kept eating, he couldn't help but glanced at the door that Ur just left out of. "What a strange person. Why would she help a me, a person that she never met? I guess I'll find out later."

When Ur had left the room she headed towards the kitchen where her two pupils were eating at the table. Gray and Lyon then looked up at her.

"So is he awake?" Lyon asked as he took a bite from his food.

Ur sat across from them and nodded. "He is."

"So...is he going to stay here?" Gray asked.

"Yup." Ur replied without hesitation.

Gary and Lyon looked at each other with a concern look on their faces. Then they turned back to Ur.

"Ur, you sure that's a good idea. His injures aren't that bad, so how do we know if he won't try to rob us? Not that he can." Gray asked

"No he won't do that kind of thing." Ur rebuked. "Beside...I have a feeling that he's going to make an interesting guest here."

Lyon and Gray looked at each other once again but in confusion but decided to get back to eating. As they were eating Ur couldn't help but think if what she told them was wrong; however, unbeknownst to her, she's in for a surprise.

Well I guess I should end that chapter here, sorry if this story seems short. Now if any of you are wondering, yes this is going to be an BardockXUr story. Oh and there's something that I wish to ask you if you guys can answer it. I'm going to have Bardock fight Deliora and I want to know if Bardock should remain in his normal form or he should transform into his Oozaru form to beat Deliora. I will also have Bardock transform into a Super Saiyan but that will happen on a later chapter. That's it for now and I hope you have enjoyed this story.