Chapter 1: Separate Ways

Stark Tower, Tony Stark's Penthouse Suite, 5:30 PM

"Sir, might I remind you that this experiment is taking place thirty stories off the ground?" A robotic voice chimed in through Stark Tower's intercom system. JARVIS' warnings, however logical or identifiable, didn't deter Tony Stark, self-proclaimed Billionare Playboy Philanthropist. And, to add to the ridiculous idea of the experiment he pulled off during the Battle of New York, he insisted on doing the same trick again, ignoring the fact that he had barely escaped going splat on the pavement below Stark Tower during that battle. "I might also remind you that Ms. Potts asked you to not break any windows while your apartment is being repaired."

"No kidding, JARVIS." Tony replied, gripping the remote cuffs on his wrists. "Alright, begin testing of the Mark VII armor. I don't wanna think that Loki incident was a Mary Sue incident."

"Yes sir," JARVIS replied, until the system froze up halfway through the armor launching proces. "Error. Civilian on exterior surface of tower." Tony froze from moving towards the edge of the tower, and paused to touch his earpiece.

"What? On the exterior of the tower? JARVIS, come on; the cleaning crews aren't gonna be outside for another hour. In case Pepper changed their time shift, let's stop and continue it later."

"Sir," JARVIS replied, retracting the mark VII tube into the tower's inner structure. "The security system cameras picked up the cause of the disturbance. It appears to have been a short burst of contact, but whatever it was caused a tripping in the system." Tony looked up from the Mark VII controls, and stuck his lip out, and replied to his AI.

"You know what? Bring up the footage, JARVIS." The AI complied, a hologram containing the video files springing up. Tony watched as a red and blue blur gripped the side of the tower, then a light-red glow flashed across his wrist, before the blur jettisoned away to grab another building. "I don't think that's Capsicle, even with the color scheme. Uh, JARVIS, can you slow down the video and enhance the image?" JARVIS complied, as the quality of the camera enhanced. Tony took a look at the video, and saw the figure jumping across his building. "JARVIS, who is this guy?"

"That would be the vigilante Spider-Man, sir," JARVIS replied, showing what little statistics had been collected by the NYPD since Spider-Man's first appearance. "He first appeared a year ago, during the Lizard, aka Dr. Curtis Connors' attack on Oscorp Tower, and had been fighting street crime at least a week before he stopped the attack on the tower." Tony huffed as Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, walked into the room.

"Uh, Tony..." Steve explained, leaning on one of JARVIS' arms, and looking at Tony staring in a different direction, at the video of the flowing figure on his wall. "Why are you obsessing over one of those YouTube videos I've heard of."

"No, it isn't YouTube," Tony replied, looking at the hologram video recording. "It's a security recording that JARVIS just sent to me a few minutes ago. I don't think that's you after taking even more Superhuman steroids."

"Nope. That's..." Cap looked at the hologram, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "That's the vigilante, Spider-Man, right?" Tony nodded, not taking his eyes off the hologram. "And, what's he doing at Stark Tower? As far as I know... you didn't invite any new Avengers while I was working, did you?"

"I'm not that ridiculous," Tony retorted, looking over the edge to see a thin line of a silky substance. "Uh... JARVIS, get that stuff off my window and bring it to my lab." A robotic arm complied, and pulled the sticky substance off of the tower's window. "Huh... this looks like something Oscorp had been developing a while back."

"Sir," JARVIS interrupted, catching both Tony and Steve's attention from the strand, "Director Fury has requested your presence on the SHIELD Helicarrier."

"Well," Tony grunted, getting out of his seat and huffing at the fact that he had failed to finish studying the compound. "Fury comes first, I guess. JARVIS, get us a bottle of nice whiskey on our way to the quinjet they're gonna send us."

If there was a more painful time in his life, Peter Parker couldn't remember it.

And even if he could, it would probably take a lot to switch his mind to that and not pull back to his current position.

Less than a week after the invasion of aliens into Earth, Peter Parker was still recovering from several injuries left on his body, acquired from protecting civilians from the hostile threat. One had clipped his arm with their mode of transportation, and there was a nice, clean gash on his arm to prove the experience. Another one, an alien who was clearly experienced in hand-to-hand combat, had used a sword/rifle to swipe a clean cut through his torso. Other than that, he had successfully held off the invasion in the Manhattan area, escaping with a torn suit and missing a golden lens.

Now, all he had to do was wait out until his healing factor made the injuries go away. And, to his convenience, Midtown Science had to be closed down for two weeks for repairs due to damage from the alien invasion. So, to keep himself free of boredom, Peter had been spending time with his Aunt and Gwen, and making sure he wore long sleeves at all times to hide the injuries he sustained. Other than that, it was watching the news to see if anybody noticed his efforts during the invasion. Oh, and making sure Spider-Man was still at top efficiency in an injured state. That was very important.

A soft knock resonated on his door, and Peter looked up to it. "Come in." The door opened, with Gwen Stacy's head popping through the door, followed by the rest of her.

"Hey, Pete," Gwen smiled, sitting down next to him on the bed in his room, adjacent to the TV he had set up in there. "So, heard anything Spidey-related from the invasion recovery?"

"Nope, it's all about the Avengers," Peter replied, switching from one news channel to the next, detailing events and interviews about the superhero team on every one of them. "It's as if Spider-Man doesn't even exist anymore to anybody but the police."

"They're still on your tail?" Gwen asked, resting her head on Peter's shoulder. "I'd have thought that with all the good you did, they'd get off you after the Lizard incident."

"Apparently they didn't get the message from Doc Connors," Peter replied, fixing his arm around Gwen's waist. "Well, best I can do is hope that the Avengers and the whole Chitauri invasion thing cools down the heat on my end." With that said, the two continued to snuggle closely, hoping that things would get better soon.

A/N: So, I got the idea to write a TASM/Avengers crossover after seeing the amazing (get it?) fan base, and decided to take a shot at it myself, having been a Tron fan fiction writer for almost two years. I wanted to expand my horizon and push my limits, and being an avid Spidey fan, decided to try that as my next area of writing. I've noticed a fanfic by Frivolous Thoughts called Unnoticeable, which hasn't been updated in a while. In that case, I highly recommend it as a read and expansion of the Marvel universe. That said, the story here is going to share a bit of resemblance in the beginning (such as the new members of the Avengers, and Spidey's first interactions with the team), but I'm going to do my best to deviate sharply as fast as I can, and prevent comparisons from being drawn, since FT is a great author, and I hate to compare my work to his, since this is my first jab at anything outside of Tron/Pokemon/Star Wars. All that out of the way, hope you enjoy Reassembled, and favorites, follows and reviews are as appreciated as they are on any other community!

Signing off for the week, QuilSniv!