A/N: Hey! Guess what! This is the last chapter! I really thought I could stretch it into another chapter, but things didn't turn out that way ;u; This tail (ha) was finished. I hope it leaves you satisfied and such. I had such a fun time writing this. The story was just what I needed and now I feel like I can return to Accidental Mate and make it even better than before. Though I've decided I won't leap off and indulge in the other pairings and such. So no devoting entire chapters to them... I guess it threw off my pace a bit. So it'll just focus on UsUk! After I finish that, I'll probably be posting a poll asking what story I should do next! Either hetalia or a different fandom. And once I get a good listing from those, I'll make another poll for ships. :3 Eeeh! Can't wait! Thank you for sticking with me through another fanfic and thank you if you started following me because of this fanfic! Ooooh, I was also thinking of doing a little contest thing where I write a fanfic for someone based on their request. Though, it'd be from a fandom I'm familiar with and such! I think I'll have it being: 1st place get's a full blown fanfic of their ship and AU choice, 2nd place get's a one-shot of their ship, and 3rd place gets a one-shot in general. /Though I'll probably ask my editor to help me with some things and think of better prizes)) ;v; But that's just a thought! Be sure to keep a watch on my Tumblr page and I will probably update things! The prize thing is just a thought anyways... Anywho! Here you go! Enjoy the last chapter! Till next time

"Alfred! Slow down!" Gilbert called after the other, a hand on his stomach. He was swimming as hard as a pregnant shark could, trying to keep up with his mate who was still far ahead of him.

When Alfred had heard that the two Mermen were waiting for him and one of them claimed to be his brother, the fish had shot off faster than any shark. Gilbert had torn off after him despite Germania yelling for them to wait. When had Gilbert ever listened? Alfred didn't even seem to hear Gilbert, his entire focus was on getting to the edge of the territory.

The albino gasped out, slowing down considerably until he had no other option but to float down on a rock and stay there. His body just couldn't continue. The shark dry heaved, vomiting up some of his breakfast earlier that morning. Gilbert grimaced and coughed, looking absolutely disgusted. He glanced back in the direction Alfred had gone, the fish already out of sight.

"Damn it Alfred," He scowled, feeling hurt. "Is your brother more important than your pregnant mate?" Though it was stupid of him, Gilbert couldn't help but feel jealous. He made a move to get up, but winced when a sharp pain overtook his stomach. He grunted, lowering himself back onto the rock and laying on his side. He rubbed a hand on his stomach gently, as if apologizing to the child inside of him.

"Sorry, you're probably upset I tried swimming so hard. Bouncing around like that didn't feel too good, huh?" He chuckled, petting his stomach. "We'll just lay here for a bit… Alfred's gonna come back this way anyways… I'll just have him carry us back home. His fault for leaving us." The albino huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding in satisfaction.

Alfred was already nearing the edge of shark territory. His eyes widened as he spotted a mop of blond hair on two Mermen, three Full-fin's circling them. Both looked slightly intimidated, which was understandable. Alfred couldn't help but grin as his eyes landed on one in particular. A familiar sight, one he hadn't seen in so long.

Picking up the pace, Alfred swam even faster, very much ready to tackle his brother. "Mattie!" He cried.

Said blond looked up, his eyes widening in question. "Alfred?!" Was the only thing he got out before he was roughly slammed into, both of them landing on the sandy floor.

Alfred laughed out happily, squeezing his brother tight. "It's good to see you again! It's been too long." He pulled back to grin down at his brother, practically beaming at him.

"Al!" Matthew cried, hugging his brother back tightly before pulling away. He grabbed his face, tilting Alfred's head this way and that. "Look at you! You look so different!"

Lifting himself up off the ground, he helped his brother stand before looking down at himself. "Really?"

It was true, Alfred did look a little more different. His skin had taken on a nice tan, thanks to being out in the sun most of the time during hunts and patrols. He had some accessories consisting of bone bracelets and necklaces, along with a light blue tear drop earring hanging from one ear. Alfred's hair had grown out, but it wasn't too long, not even noticeable if one didn't look hard enough. All in all, if one hadn't been looking closely, they would have thought they were looking at a shark. Even the sash around his waist had been replaced with a belt made of seal hide, a bone sword hanging from his hip.

"You look…. Well like a shark!" His brother spoke, his voice filled with awe. Swimming around Alfred, Matthew took it all in. "So… The rumours are true then…?"

Alfred nodded, his smile softening. "Yeah… I'm part of the pack. Oh! And today, me and Gilbert's child moved!"

"Gilbert? Is that your mate?" Francis spoke up, the orchid tailed fish swimming over, placing a hand on Alfred's shoulder. "And hello Alfred. It's good to see you again."

The blond grinned, reaching up to pat Francis's shoulder. "Right back at you. And yeah! That's Gil. Actually…" Alfred looked over his shoulder, suddenly realizing the shark wasn't behind him. "He was right behind me…"

"Alfred!" Matthew gasped, putting a hand over his chest. "You made a pregnant fish swim all the way over here?!"

Realizing his blunder, Alfred winced. "Er… I'm sure he's fine!" The prince glanced over at the Full-fin's swimming around them. "Sandstone, Dijon, can you guys go and see if Gilbert is ok? I think he's a little ways back."

The two sharks, at the call of their name, had swam over to Alfred. They flicked their tails in response, each one turning to swim in the direction Alfred had pointed.

"Thanks!" He smiled, turning to look at the third shark swimming by. "Sand, wanna escort us back?" The shark swam past Alfred, the prince running his hand along the sandpaper back. "Thanks."

Alfred turned to the two Mermen, smiling widely at them. "Come on, I wanna show you guys my home."

Matthew hesitated, glancing at Francis before looking back at Alfred. "Are you sure it's ok? I don't want to impose… Would we be a bother? I know sharks can be territorial."

"This pack is all about family. Since I'm part of it, my family is generally considered their family. You'll be totally welcome. Promise." The blond gave his brother a reassuring smile.

Francis, swimming closer to Alfred, pat his shoulder. "Well then let's not keep them waiting. I'm quite eager to meet your mate." He chuckled, swimming after the shark that was already a few tail fins ahead of them.

Matthew sighed, blowing out a few bubbles before smiling. The blond joined his brother, swimming at the same pace as him. The two took the time to catch up, Matthew describing where he and Francis have been while Alfred described how he had met Gilbert and so on. After swimming for a while, Alfred took note that Francis and Sand had stopped. Picking up the pace, he swam over to the Full-fin and his brother-in-law.

"What's up?" He asked.

Francis pointed, "The other sharks are over there. They're circling something." The fish informed.

Training his eyes on where Francis was pointing, he did indeed spot Sandstone and Dijon. They were circling over a white lump which was indeed not food, but in fact Gilbert. Frowning, Alfred told Francis and Matthew to wait there. He swam over, Sand following close by. The two met up with Dijon and Sandstone, the two full-fins breaking away from Gilbert in order to swim around Alfred and back towards the albino.

"Gil, you ok?" Alfred asked, swimming closer to the male.

Red eyes landed on him and Alfred flinched at the animosity they contained. "Oh, now he shows up. Right after I've collapsed on this little rock here and puked up all my breakfast. Did you find your brother? Have you two caught up? We wouldn't want to disturb you." The albino bit out, baring his teeth at Alfred and placing a hand on his stomach.

The blond sighed, swimming to Gilbert's side and slipping his arms under the male. He lifted him up, cradling him in his arms. Alfred kissed Gilbert's forehead, smiling apologetically.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you behind. How about I rub your stomach when we get back. Will that help?" He asked gently.

Gilbert pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "…. It's a start." He mumbled.

Alfred chuckled, turning with the shark in his arms and swimming back towards Matthew and Francis, the three full-fins flanking him.

"Gil, I want you to meet someone. This is Matthew, my brother. And this is his mate, Francis." Alfred spoke up when he stopped in front of the two Mermen. "Francis, Matthew, this here is Gilbert. My mate and mother to my pup."

"Nice to meet you." Matthew smiled politely.

"Bonjour." Francis hummed, bowing slightly towards the male.

Gilbert nodded a hello, "Sorry you can't see me in my full awesome glory. I'm a little… Pregnant. Anyways, nice to meet you Matthew. Alfred's told me tons." He smiled, holding out a hand to the fish. Matthew, flustered, blushed and took Gilbert's hand, shaking it.

"Oh no! Don't worry about a thing! I'm so happy Alfred's starting a family! It's just a big shock." He stuttered out, his voice gentle and soft.

Giving him a sharp toothed grin, Gilbert waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. I know it's hard to believe someone as dorky as him was able to catch someone as awesome as me."

"Hey!" Alfred pouted slightly, causing Gilbert to snicker.

He leaned up, placing a hand on Alfred's cheek and bringing his face down so he could kiss his pouting lips. "You know I still love you." He purred, earning a faint blush from the other.

Francis covered his mouth in a small chuckle. "It seems you have him quite tamed."

"Obviously." He snorted, his arms crossing over his chest proudly.

Alfred rolled his eyes, sighing. "Well why don't we head back to the crater? Germania is no doubt gonna nag me for you swimming off like you did."

"Your fault."

"No one asked you to swim after me." Alfred reminded, once again leading his brother and his mate towards his and Gilbert's home. Sandstorm, Dijon, and Sand all swam ahead, Sand sticking close to his mother, Sandstorm.

"Oi, did you guys even finish your patrol?" Gilbert called out to the three full-fins.

Dijon looked back at Gilbert, turning so he could circle back and swim next to the other. A few bubbles left his mouth, his tail turning this way and that along with his gills flexing.

Gilbert's brows crinkled and he rolled his eyes. "Dummkopf. Leave it to Liz to finish something half-assed. You guys had better finish your patrol or Lud is going to have your gills."

Sandstorm blew bubbles from her gills, picking up the pace and starting to swim faster. Sand and Dijon quickly followed after, leaving the four fishes swimming on their own.

"What'd they say?" Alfred asked. Despite living with Gilbert and the other sharks for a while now, he still wasn't able to fully communicate with the full-fins. Though some of what they needed to say was understandable to him through their body language.

Gilbert snickered, "Sandstorm told them to hurry up so they could go get Liz and finish the patrol."

It took a while for all of them to return. They had passed Liz and the three on the way back. They had momentarily stopped for greetings, Matthew and Francis being welcomed by the brunet with open arms. As she put it, "any family of Alfred's is family to us". It had helped to put Matthew at ease in being accepted by Gilbert and Alfred's pack.

When they had arrived, Germania was the first to greet them. After everyone else greeted the two Mermen, Ludwig sent a hunting party out. They wanted to have a "feast" to greet Alfred's family. While the party went hunting, Gilbert, Alfred, Matthew, and Francis all returned to Alfred and Gilbert's cave. There, Matthew and Alfred began the serious discussion, intending to get it out of the way.

"So Al… What do you plan to do about the crown?"

Alfred frowned, his hands gently rubbing soothing circles into the stomach of the German lying against him. "That's the thing… I was planning to revoke my rights to it."

Matthew gasped, his eyes widening. "B-but Al! You can't be serious! Without an heir, the kingdom will fall! Plus, without either of us, that man will be able to marry and have a child take it! The poor thing will be moulded into his proper "prince"."

"I know. That's why I was hoping you'd come seek me out." Alfred sighed, his shoulders slumping. "My place isn't in the kingdom, it's here with Gilbert and his pack. So I was hoping… That if I revoke my rights to the crown… You'd take it."

The amethyst eyed male frowned, "Al… You know I can't go back to that place." His brother spoke softly.

Alfred's shoulders tensed and he looked at his brother pleadingly. "I know that! But if I give up the crown, he'd have no choice but to listen to your demands. I mean, you haven't even given up the crown yet. And from what the guards tell me, his health has been dropping substantially."

Matthew hesitated, "Really?"

The elder of the two nodded, glancing down at Gilbert. "Yeah. That's why… If he does die… I need to know if you're willing to help. Because I don't want to be king. I can't. I want my child to be raised here, where they'll be accepted into the tribe without question. Back in the kingdom, they'd probably be out casted. You know how people feel about sharks…"

Gazing at them quietly, Matthew looked down at his hands. He fiddled with them in silence, truly thinking of a response. Francis reached over, placing a hand on Matthew's. This drew those delicate periwinkle eyes up to his own cerulean ones.

"Darling, I know how much you've missed your kingdom." He began softly, earning both Gilbert's and Alfred's eyes.

"But not enough to give you up!" Matthew gripped Francis's hands in worry, his brows knotting together.

Francis reached up and drew his fingers through Matthew's hair. "My dearest, you know I would never give you up. What I intend to say is that no matter what you choose, I'll follow you always." He cupped Matthew's cheek, placing a light kiss on his forehead. "Through rough waters and calm, I love you."

Matthew's eyes creased as he smiled, his hand resting on the one holding his cheek. "And I love you too Francis…"

Alfred and Gilbert remained silent, letting the two have their moment. When Matthew looked back over at Alfred, his face showed pure determination that made Gilbert see just how much he looked like Alfred.

"Alright. I will return to the kingdom and accept the crown."

Alfred's face broke out in pure relief. He reached over, taking one of Matthew's hands. "Really?! I know this is serious and selfish of me to ask of you, but will you really?"

Nodding in confirmation, Matthew smiled warmly. "Of course. You've done so much for me Alfred; it's only right that I do the same for you. I just… Have a few conditions."

"I'll do anything!" Alfred declared, his eyes eager.

Matthew chuckled, smiling happily. "Be sure to tell me when the child is born so I can visit. I also want you guys to come see us when you can. I'd love to see my niece or nephew frequently."

Gilbert grinned, finally speaking up. "Is that all? Hell, of course we'll do that. Family is family. I'm not gonna cut you out of our child's life. That'd be seriously unawesome!"

Patting his shoulder and giving it a squeeze, Francis chuckled. "Good good!"

The happy air was interrupted, but not with bad news. The hunting party had returned with a sizable bounty. To Gilbert, it was obvious Romulus, who was the head of the hunting party, was trying to show off. Possibly to Germania or to the guests, but who could tell? It was evident to the albino that Romulus had continued to bring up the idea of having a pup with Germania. Still the parent of two said the same thing repeatedly.

It was either, "I'm too old" or "I don't want another Gilbert" and sometimes even "I am no longer able to produce an egg in order for you to fertilize".

Gilbert called bullshit, and from the way Germania would spend practically hours unconsciously petting Gilbert's stomach, the albino could easily tell his father was starting to want another child. Still, he refused to agree to have one with Romulus. Though, it was only a matter of time till he caved in.

Matthew and Francis stayed for a good week; the Mermen occupying an extra, uninhabited cave. Matthew spent the first few days hanging around his brother, the young prince showing him around the territory. Francis hung out with Gilbert, which proved to be a big mistake for everyone except the two. They were a dangerous pair of friends. While Francis kept the pregnant male occupied, they both still partook in pranks of all kinds.

It also turned out that Francis knew a few things about maternity. After a day or two, Elizaveta had actually sought Francis out in order to speak to him about having a child. She explained to him the problem her and Roderich were having and how she couldn't conceive no matter how hard they tried.

"Well, I do know of a few things that may help. I don't think it's a problem on the inside, you look very much healthy." The blond asked, pressing his fingers here and there on the female's stomach, his hands moving to press at parts of her back.

"Anything that helps." She breathed, chewing on her bottom lip. She wanted a pup. She practically craved it. If Francis actually helped, the shark would be eternally grateful.

Francis hummed, leaning back and rubbing a finger under his chin. Gilbert, having been with the two while Matthew and Alfred went hunting with a few full-fins, leaned forward. "Sooo what's wrong with her?"

The blue-eyed male smiled, patting Gilbert's head. "There is nothing wrong with her mon ami. My guess is that her body just has a hard time conceiving. This is quite common with Mer-folk."

Elizaveta's eyes lit up with raw hope. "Really!? S-so then something can be done?"

Francis nodded, "Oui. Tell me, does fire kelp grow near here?" He asked, turning to look at Gilbert.

The white shark nodded his head in confirmation. "Ja, there's a whole forest of it. Itches like crazy."

"Well I'm going to need some fire kelp, blue coral sap, rockfish scales, and Lily eel." Francis listed off, causing his friend's brows to crease.

"Er… Our hunting grounds should have those…. Well… Except for the rockfish. Those are more near the beach. Al can get those." Gilbert mumbled, perplexed as to what they were going to be used for.

Elizaveta tilted her head to the side, frowning slightly. "Is there a reason you need them?"

Francis hummed, smiling happily at her. "Well, all those things are very helpful in making the body fertile. Fire Kelp can be shredded and eaten with your regular meal. It'll just make it very spicy. Blue Coral Sap is pretty sweet, easy to eat as a snack but it's very sticky. Rockfish scales, when crushed up into a powder and mixed with Lily Eel juice, it makes a type of gel. Rubbing it along your stomach, back, and hips should probably help your body realize that you're ready for a child."

The female's eyes widened and she looked like she would cry. "Really? Those can help me have a pup? Truly?"

A nod was all she needed to fling herself at the Merman, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Oh thank you! I shall go get the things I can now. Please show me how to use them." Pulling away, Elizaveta sniffed, joyful tears collecting at the corner of her eyes. "I'm so happy. Thank you Francis. I am eternally grateful."

"Anything for family." He smiled, earning a grin from Gilbert and Liz.

Apparently Francis had grown quite used to how family oriented shark packs tended to be. With them, family was family even if you weren't related directly. Gilbert was quite happy Alfred's brother and his mate were accepted so easily. It put the albino at ease all the more.

However, after the week soon came to an end, Alfred and Matthew started to talk about when exactly they were going to go back to the kingdom. Alfred wanted to get it over with quickly so he could return. Gilbert, being four months pregnant, was forbidden from making the journey. The decision came directly from Germania, this making the albino sulk for a few hours. But what did you expect? His mate wasn't returning to a kingdom close by, but he was actually returning to Podisian. That was at least a two week journey, give or take a few days.

"A month away from you. That's what it adds up to." Gilbert grumbled, watching Alfred pack a satchel made from Walrus hide.

He sighed, pausing momentarily. "Gil… You know I don't want to be away from you for so long either."

Gilbert crossed his arms over his chest, still sulking. "I know…"

Alfred turned around, swimming over and gently holding the albino's cheeks. He leaned down, placing a soft kiss upon his lips.

"I promise to hurry. I won't stay there for longer than a day." Alfred whispered against the albino's lips.

Red eyes peered deeply into blue, "Promise?"


Gilbert's shoulders slumped and he sighed, closing his eyes and nodding. "Ok… You'd better hurry."

Both of their attention was drawn to the entrance by Matthew's gentle voice. "Al? We're ready to go."

Taking Gilbert's hand, Alfred swam out of the cave, bag hanging off one shoulder. Outside was Francis, Matthew, Romano, and Germania. The two sharks would accompany the three Mermen the entire journey. It was to make sure Alfred and Matthew's father didn't try anything like keeping Alfred or Matthew locked up.

Gilbert swam over, hugging his father tightly. The others had already said their good-bye's, tribe life going on, albeit a little slowly and sadly. "Come home safe Vati." Gilbert whispered.

Germania nodded, patting his pregnant child's back. "I will. Stay in camp and make sure to inform either Ludwig, Romulus, or one of the elders if your stomach starts to feel weird. The next two months will be the crucial stage. I will not be here to help you in case something goes wrong."

"Now now Germania, you're going to scare him!" Romulus spoke up, having swam over to the group. Germania glanced at Romulus over his shoulder, raising a brow in question as to why the male had his hands behind his back in a "secretive way".

"… What are hiding Romulus?" The blond asked suspiciously.

Romulus grinned innocently, "Close your eyes."

The others gave the two mates some distance, Gilbert smiling at his father and whispering for the parent to do just it.

Sighing, Germania's blue eyes disappeared behind his eyelids. Romulus quickly swam forward, his arms slipping behind Germania's neck and tying a necklace in place. He then placed a gentle and sweet kiss on Germania's lips, the blonde's eyes flying open in mild surprise.

Romulus pulled back, holding Germania's face. "Come home safe."

The blond looked down at the necklace around his neck, his brows creasing. Around his neck was a necklace with a crystal flower on it. It was white in the center and its petals slowly faded out to a dark blue at the edges. From the look the usually stoic shark gave Romulus, the necklace apparently symbolized something important and had sentimental value.

"Romulus –." He started, only to be cut off.

"Promise me." The brown haired male smiled warmly, placing a kiss on the surprised shark's forehead.

Germania's eyes creased as he gave a small smile, nodding. Without using any words, the two were able to convey the emotions they were feeling. After Germania gave a long hug to Romulus and Gilbert finished up his goodbyes, they departed. Gilbert continued to watch them till they were out of sight, a hand on his stomach. He felt the pup kick and smiled.

"You gotta promise to hold on till your father comes back. We need to be sure he's there for when you're born… Ok?" Gilbert chuckled as he felt a particular hard kick, almost as if in response to his question. The albino smiled, yes, Alfred would be back within a month. There was nothing to worry about. Everything would be fine.

"I refuse." Alfred's father growled in between coughs.

"Well you aren't exactly at liberty to deny it." Alfred crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down his nose at his father.

The Merman was lying in his bed, piled under blankets with a sea slug on his forehead.

"You can't do this."

Matthew spoke up, his eyes cold. "We can and we will. The throne is rightfully ours. I didn't give up my claim."

"But I disowned you!" He snarled.

The petite blond snorted scornfully, rolling his eyes. "You of all fish should know that unless I give up my rights to the throne, I am still a prince. It would've been a different story if mother disowned me." He stared pointedly at the male before him. "But she didn't, did she?"

The man snarled out angrily, his tail lashing enough for some of the blankets to slide down his torso. "You ungrateful vermin! I raise you into powerful princes, but this is how you repay me? You going off with a commoner, and you getting a filthy shark pregnant."

Matthew stuck out a hand, grabbing Alfred's shoulder and preventing him from advancing on the sick king. "It was better than any decision you would have ever made for us. Unlike when we were under your oppression, we're happy now. No thanks to you."

Alfred swallowed, forcing himself to keep a calm and level head. "That's our final offer. You're in no position to refuse. Matthew is to become king and he will marry who he chooses. Which, as it's already evident enough, is Francis."

The two twins shared a glance, Matthew giving Alfred a reassuring smile and squeezing his shoulder gently before turning his hardened gaze back on their father. "Well?"

After a few tense moments of silence, the king snarled and turned his head. "Fine. I concede. Now get out of my sight."

Intent on keeping in their excitement, the young princes bowed and left the king's chambers. Only when the large doors closed behind them did they let out a cry of triumph. Alfred fist pumped, his eyes shining.

"Yes!" Alfred and Matthew quickly swam to the court yard, intent on telling Francis the good news.

Once the three of them shared joyful cries, Alfred took a moment to glance at the sky.

"Al?" Matthew inquired after a while.

"Damn… It's almost night." He frowned, his brows creasing.

Francis tilted his head to the side, glancing up at the darkening waters. "You can't possibly be thinking about making the journey back. We must celebrate!"

Alfred smiled, shaking his head. "Can't. I promised Gil I'd hurry back. And besides, I've already been gone far too long."

The journey had taken the estimated two weeks, but they had to stay in the kingdom for an additional three days because of complications. Alfred grinned, hugging Matthew and Francis tightly.

"My child is to be born soon. I'll be sure to let you guys know what it is as soon as I can! Stay safe! Take care of him Francis!" Alfred called over his shoulder, swimming to his chambers in order to get his things.

"I will! You take care of Gilbert!" Francis yelled after.

"Take care Alfred! We'll try to visit after this whole mess is cleared up!" Matthew cupped his hands around his mouth in order to amplify his voice.

The two mates intertwined hands, watching the blue-tailed ex-prince swim away. While he disappeared around a bend, Matthew couldn't help but think that this was the happiest he'd ever seen his brother. He could only imagine how happy he'd be once the child was born.

"What do you mean he's missing!?" Ludwig cried, his usually stoic face replaced by one of worry.

"That's just what I said! I went to check up on him and he wasn't there! I figured he went for a stroll so I had Dijon, Peila, and Razor search around the territory for him. They searched everywhere! He's not within the territory!" Elizaveta wailed, fear evident in her body language.

Ludwig swallowed, biting his bottom lip. Romulus, having heard the commotion as he and a few other sharks returned from their patrol, swam over.

"Little ones, what is the matter?" He asked, frowning.

"Gilbert's missing!" Elizaveta grabbed Romulus's arm, shaking it. "Did you see him on patrol? Did he go with you? Is he ok?!"

Romulus slowly eased the female's iron grip off him, trying to sooth her with a few words in his native tongue. "Calm down, this is Gilbert we're talking about."

"He's five months pregnant, he shouldn't be going anywhere!" Ludwig groaned, dread filling every scale on his body.

The brown haired male frowned, placing a hand on Ludwig's shoulder. "Ludwig, Gilbert won't put himself in danger when he's almost ready to have a child. He's going to be fine. We must keep a level head and send out a search party. We don't want anyone to panic."

"Panic? About what?"

The three turned and their eyes widened at the group before them. Alfred and the others had returned and from the looks of things, they had only heard "We don't want anyone to panic".

Romulus cleared his throat, swimming in front of the other two. "O-oh nothing! Just that some no-fins were spotted near the hunting grounds." Turning to the two sharks behind him, he quickly whispered, "Go find Gilbert. Quick!"

Alfred glanced around, not paying any attention to how Liz and Ludwig swam off frantically. While Germania eyed his mate suspiciously, Alfred frowned when no white haired shark appeared to greet him.

"Hey…. Where's Gilbert?"

Romulus jumped slightly, the action not going unnoticed by Germania. "O-oh, Gilbert? H-he must be sleeping in the cave."

Not having any of it, Germania swam forward and grabbed the fish by his hair, yanking sharply. "Romulus, you have exactly the count of three to tell me where my pup is. If you do not tell me in the directed amount of time, I promise you there will be far more things to worry about than how you want your funeral to look like."

The male's eyes widened slightly and he swallowed, glancing between Alfred and Germania. "Well… Apparently he's…. Missing?"

Pain, that's what Gilbert felt. Intense pain and a whole lot of pressure. He was lying inside the empty volcano, the lower half of his body submerged in the water while the rest of him was lying against a sandy bed. His breath was coming in heavy pants and he grunted, not having the energy and strength to pull himself up higher on the bank.

His glazed, red eyes glanced down at his stomach. He winced as another sharp pain tore through his abdomen. Ah, he knew what these were. Contractions. He was giving birth a few weeks early. That was a surprise.

That morning, Gilbert had felt a little off. He had felt the need to go somewhere less crowded. In response to that urge, he had swam wherever his body took him. It had led him to this place, interesting.

He winced, a hand flying to his stomach. Gilbert grit his teeth as another wave of contractions hit him. Damn this was painful. What was worse was that he really had no clue what to do. He, to be absolutely honest, was scared. Alfred wasn't there and neither was Germania. Gilbert didn't want to be around anyone else earlier, so why did he want his father and mate here?

Then a thought occurred to him, support. Germania would know what to do and Alfred was the parent. Of course he'd want him here. But Gilbert had went off on his own and now he was in a vulnerable and incapacitated state. The albino growled, taking deep breaths. There'd be no way he could protect himself if some no-fin were to show up. He'd be exposed and not only could they possibly capture him, they could probably capture his new-born pup.

Gilbert groaned, trying to force himself out of the water. If he could dry off, he'd look normal. Well… As normal as a no-fin giving birth could look. However, just when Gilbert lifted himself up on his elbows and tried to drag himself further out of the water, he shuddered and groaned as he felt his body instinctually push. Pushing what, he did not know.

The albino whimpered, collapsing back in the sand and closing his eyes tight. Just how did male sharks give birth!? Was he supposed to wait for it to pop out? Where did it come from? He wasn't built like a female, he didn't have eggs specifically designed to be pushed out. Everything that happened from here on out was based off his magic.

The albino slapped his tail on the surface of the water, his brows creasing. "Damn it… Can't you just… Wait a while longer?"

Another contraction told him that, no, the pup was not going to wait. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. The contractions had begun to come at a pace, happening about every ten or so minutes. The albino wondered how long it'd be till he gave birth.

Suddenly, he heard the water swishing a few tail fins away from him. Too tired to lift his head, the albino simply peered from the corner of his eye and bared his teeth, snarling. He heard someone gasp and his body tensed. Even if he didn't have any energy, he'd still bite someone's throat out. The other creature appeared to swim closer and Gilbert audibly growled, his eyes wild.

"Stay back!" He snarled out.

The other person came into view and Gilbert's body instantly relaxed. His brows creased and he let out a small breath. "Alfred…"

"Gil!" The Merman climbed onto the sand, taking Gilbert's face and brushing some hair to the side. "Are you ok?!"

The albino chuckled, wincing slightly as another contraction hit. "Ja, just, you know, giving birth."

Alfred's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock. "B-birth!?"

"Yes birth. I am depositing your pup from my body. They are leaving the egg. The pup is checking out. Want me to think up some more?" He rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning at his mate.

Gently, Alfred set Gilbert's head back down on the sand. "G-got it! Wait right here, I'll be right back!"

Red eyes widened and before Gilbert could protest, Alfred was already under the water and gone. Panic filled his chest once again and his eyes darted to and fro, waiting for Alfred to come back. He suddenly gasped in pain when a contraction hit, this one far longer than the previous ones.

"C-crap… Already? Are you just eager to see your dad?"

There was more splashing and Gilbert only relaxed when his blue-eyed lover came into view. He smiled at Gilbert, turning his attention in the direction of more splashing.

"Over here." Alfred spoke, his voice urgent.

"Dummkopf!" Germania cried, moving into Gilbert's line of view and gently turning his child on his back. His face was twisted with worry, his hair sticking around his face and dripping water.

"Hallo Vati." Gilbert gave a small grin.

"Of all the idiotic things you could do, this one has to be the worst!" Germania scolded, holding Gilbert's face gently and brushing his hair back. "Stupid stupid child. Going off on your own when you're this far along in your pregnancy! What if we didn't find you in time? What if something happened?!"

Gilbert winced and Alfred quickly put a hand on Germania's shoulder. "Scold him later, right now he's contracting."

Germania took a deep breath, breathing out slowly and once again returning to his usually calm demeanour. He nodded, placing his hands on Gilbert's stomach and feeling around slowly.

"How long are the intervals between the contractions?"

Gilbert grunted, "They just started getting shorter. Pup is probably very eager to see Alfred."

Despite the serious situation, Alfred couldn't help but grin. He leaned over, placing a sweet kiss on his lover's forehead. "You've got this Gilbert."

Through Germania's instructions, Alfred quickly gathered the essential things the father of two would need in order to help his son get through this. Once everything was gathered, Germania glanced at Alfred from the corner of his eyes.

"Will you stay here or will you wait?"

"Stay." Alfred rushed out, not even needing to think about it. He had Gilbert's head on his tail. Germania had made them move to a rock that was more underwater than where the albino had previously been.

Germania nodded, looking at Gilbert who was suffering closer contractions. "Gilbert, mein klein Jäger, you need to focus on Alfred. Think nothing more than his eyes, his face, and pushing. Let nothing else distract you, understand? Until you feel the relief, do not look away from Alfred's eyes."

The albino nodded sluggishly, his red eyes casting up to look at Alfred. Red connected with blue and Alfred grinned down brightly at his mate. "I'm here for you Gil."

With that he gave a gentle and loving squeeze to the male's hand. When Gilbert returned the action, Alfred grinned even brighter. Alfred heard Germania giving some type of instructions, but he didn't bother to look up. All he knew was that he had to continue looking into Gilbert's eyes. He needed to keep the albino's focus on him so that he'd be able to get through this.

Time seemed to pass by slowly and Alfred was getting antsy. Despite wanting to dart his eyes towards Germania, he forced himself to stay focused on Gilbert. When Gilbert suddenly cried out, Alfred jumped.

"Alright, keep his attention on you. The baby is starting to come out." Germania mumbled softly.

Alfred nodded, not even knowing if Germania saw. "Hear that Gil? You're doing great! Keep it up."

Tears collected in the corners of the albino's eyes and he let out a small whine, nodding his head. Alfred bit his bottom lip when Gilbert let out another cry, his body arching up slightly. This continued on for about five minutes, though each second seemed to drag out longer than Alfred would've liked.

Suddenly, Gilbert's body went lax and he laid there, limp and panting hard. Alfred suddenly heard the silence broken by a shrill, high pitched whine. He slowly drew his eyes up after a moment of hesitation. He watched Germania's back, the male washing something in the sea water. Near him was the red tinted water, a clear fluid that floated barely above the water's surface, and the remnants of a yellowish egg sac.

Slowly, the shark turned around. Tucked ever so gently in his arms was a crying child, her body tiny and delicate looking.

"Congratulations, it is a baby girl." Germania smiled at Alfred.

Alfred's smile grew until it was the happiest smile he had ever had. He looked at the pup, his pup. She was tiny with soft skin and a tuft of dirty blond hair atop her head. Her skin was fair like Gilbert's and her scaly tail was that of a shark's.

Germania carefully donated the small child into Alfred's arms. The Merman held her close, the child's wails slowly quieting down as he gently shushed her.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. There's nothing to cry about." Alfred cooed softly.

Gilbert glanced up, his brows creasing in slight confusion. What was Alfred holding? Oh wait… Don't tell me… That's my pup? Gilbert struggled to sit up, Germania helping his son and acting as a pillar for the albino to lean on.

"I-is that…?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

Alfred glanced up, grinning broadly at Gilbert. "Oh yeah. Wanna hold her?"

The white shark nodded numbly, holding his arms out. Alfred placed her in her mother's arms, watching fondly as Gilbert held her close to his chest.

As if instinctively knowing that she was near her mother, the little girl's eyes opened up. The child's eyes were a bright shade of arctic blue with light flecks of silver dancing in their bright depths. Her thin lips parted and she let out a gurgled sound, her lips easily carving into a smile. The little girl squealed, her arms raising up and lightly patting and petting Gilbert's chin.

The albino chuckled, his eyes watering up slightly. "Hello little one. My little girl. My little Agatha."

Alfred's heart swelled and he just couldn't stop himself from grinning. He placed a gentle kiss on the side of Gilbert's face, drawing the albino's eyes over to him. Gilbert blinked, smiling warmly at Alfred. They leaned forward, sharing a chaste and loving kiss between each other. Gilbert and Alfred pulled away when Agatha let out an unhappy whine, pouting as her blue eyes welled up with tears.

"She must be hungry." Germania chuckled, patting his son's shoulder gently.

"But Gil can't produce milk…" Alfred mumbled, confused.

Gilbert rolled his eyes, snorting. "Dummkopf," He chuckled affectionately. "Sharks don't drink milk when they're born. They go straight to eating solids."

"Shrimp is the easiest choice. That and generally anything soft. If you want to feed her anything else, it has to be chewed up very well." Germania informed.

The two new parents nodded, sharing a look of utter joy before leaning in and kissing once more.

"I love you Alfred."

"And I love you Gilbert." He grinned, gently rubbing his finger against Agatha's cheek and getting her to squeal in delight, grabbing at Alfred's finger. "And I love you too Agatha."

Agatha smiled brightly at Alfred, obviously inheriting his thousand watt smile. Her expression mimicked that of her parents, one of pure happiness.

"Agatha! Where's Gilbert?" Alfred called, sticking his head out of their cave.

"Mama went out hunting with Grandpa Romulus." The little girl called.

Agatha was around 7 years old, her blond hair reaching to her shoulders and usually put up in a side pony tail with a shell clip. Agatha had a light set of freckles on her nose and cheek, standing out even more as she got older. The girl was a quick swimmer, often racing Elizaveta's daughter and Germania's son.

Yes, the female shark was able to conceive a child. Vienna was around 6 years old, having dark brown hair that hung down her back in waves. She had obtained her father's "princess" attitude, thinking highly of herself. But she was also high strung and very ambitious, just like her mother. The girl had bright violet eyes and a beauty mark just at the corner of her mouth. Vienna and Agatha were very competitive of each other.

Germania and Romulus had had a child around the same time Elizaveta did. Somehow Romulus had been able to convince the blond. Whatever he had said, it worked. And so the little shark was born, Romulus giving him the name Remus.

Remus inherited Germania's shark tail, the rest of his features coming mainly from Romulus. He had Romulus's wavy brown hair and his tan skin. However, he did have Germania's steel blue eyes. That, combined with his expressionless face allowed the fish to see the resemblance he had to Germania. Though Remus was expressionless, he was just as laid back as Romulus.


"Mmmhmm! Uncle Ludwig went with them too. He wants to get some food for Feli!" Agatha called before once again swimming back to her playmates.

Feliciano and Ludwig had eventually developed a relationship, the smaller shark only recently getting pregnant. The brown haired male had been completely delighted, the entire pack sharing in on his enthusiasm. Indeed, times in the pack were happy and full of life.

Alfred swam out, scratching his head. "Mmm well I guess that makes sense." He watched the three children play, Vienna making a point to cling on to Agatha. The girl was very clingy to the happy ball of fun known as Alfred's child. Wonder why.

"I'm too old to have children." Germania grunted, swimming next to Alfred's side and rubbing his back. Apparently Romulus had been talking about having another child. Germania usually ended up slapping him in response.

"Oh please, you don't look that old." Alfred teased, grinning. Germania's sharp scowl made the ex-prince shut up easily.

The two males glanced over at the rim of the crater when the hunting party swam over the side. Agatha squealed when she spotted the pale hair of Gilbert. The albino took a moment to pause as his child quickly swam up to him, hugging her parent tightly.

"Hi mom!" She giggled, wrinkling her nose and grinning when Gilbert placed a kiss on the tip of her it.

"Hallo klein Jäger. What are you doing?" He asked, swimming with her towards his mate and father. Romulus swam after, chuckling to himself.

Agatha hummed, waving at Romulus over Gilbert's shoulder. "We were getting ready to play hide and seek!"

"Oh? Well how about I play with you guys. There's no way you'll ever find me." Gilbert grinned.

The little girl wrinkled her nose, pouting cutely. "Oh please! I know all you're hiding place. Daddy told me!"

Alfred swam over, smiling sheepishly. "Did I?"

"Mmmhmm!" Agatha nodded firmly.

The blond chuckled, petting Agatha's head and leaning in to kiss Gilbert. The mate's shared a gentle and sweet kiss, pulling away yet still remaining close enough for their noses to touch.

"Welcome back. The hunt go well?"

Gilbert still had his eyes closed, leaning his forehead against Alfred's. "Like always. Though it was mainly for Ludwig. Me and Romulus didn't really need to catch anything."

Romulus, having been cuddling a reluctant Germania, pulled his head away slightly to grin at the two. "Though I can always take Germania out on a little hunt… If he'd like." He purred seductively.

Germania rolled his eyes, scowling. "Go yourself."

"Aw! But Germania!" He whined, kissing at the other's cheek.

Agatha giggled, covering her mouth with a hand. Alfred grinned down at his daughter, looking back up into Gilbert's loving red eyes.

Gilbert's smile was trusting and full of warmth, "Are you happy Al?" He asked, though did he really need an answer?

Alfred, grinning like a mad man, leaning in to capture the albino's lips in another sweet kiss. "I've never been happier. I love you Gilbert."

"And I love you Alfred." He whispered, his lips pressing against Alfred's once more.

The two lived a long happy life from there on. They argued, like a normal couple, but they always made up. Agatha grew up into a beautiful shark, a good hunter like her mother and a sweet personality to match her father. Vienna also grew up into a beauty, Remus also turning out just as handsome as his own parents. As they got older, Vienna eventually demanded Agatha be her mate. But that is another story for another time. This story has been told and will remain under the sea where it took place. But never will it be forgotten about the white beast and his prince.