Wow. After four months of not putting anything up on , it feels a little weird doing so.

So, I have this A/N up for a couple of reasons, 1. I want to talk to you guys about my future on this website, and 2. Just some disclaimers for this fanfiction that I beg of you to read, and strongly recommend you read before actually reading the story. I actually have finished the first chapter, but I want to put this up so you guys can read it.

First, I want to talk about my life on this site. I really love this website. I really do, but after I finished The Raven's Shadow, I decided I wanted to attempt to put up fanfictions from different series. Well, I don't think it's much of a surprise that I failed that hard.

Like I said in my update in my bio, I decided that I was basically done with fanfiction unless I wanted to practice. But I did mentioned that there was one last story (and this is it) that I wanted to put up for you guys to enjoy before I 'officially' retire writing on this website And I think that this might be a good one.

I will still be on this site checking for PMs and I still am accepting beta reading until I am completely done with . I also accept co-writings if you are interested. However, due to my inactivity on this site it might take a while before I get back to you.

And lastly, I want to talk about disclaimers for this story.

First off, I do not own I'm In The Band, I will say this at the beginning of every chapter so you shouldn't be too worried about this.

Secondly, this does contain a gay relationship, so if you are not comfortable with that at all, I advise you do not read this story.

Thirdly, I have to tell you if you have not seen the show and you want to read the fanfic, I have to warn you on a couple of things:

1. I do not provide a whole lot of background. I do talk about the character's roles from the episode this is portraying, but I would say that if you want a solid background I think the show's summery will do just that for you.

2. If you have not seen the episode this has originated from, 'Bleed Guitarist', you will get spoiled for this episode. You may also get a minor spoiler or two from Season 2. It is not ground-breaking, but it's just a heads up.

FUTURE BLAZE: Okay, I know that I did remove it but I decided that I do want to put it up and leave it in cause anyone does want to read it, so I hope you enjoy and if you do please leave a review, even if it's just that you loved it because I think that will help motivate me to continue writing it.

So, I guess that is it for my disclaimers/A/N for this, and now (or whenever I put it up) I present to you, my final fanfic I will put up.