So... current point... Link has been joined by Anthony Higgs and Madeline Bergman. Aura is still with him... Now we find out that the planet that he is on is actually Hyrule many years into the future. The Master Sword is still missing...

Link followed Higgs to one of the shuttles in the lab hanger bay. Once on the ship the door behind him closed just as Madeline spoke up over the comm. system.

"Alright. Strap yourselves in boys, we're in for some chop." Madeline said as she fired up the shuttles engines. Once the sub thrusters were warmed up she slowly lifted the shuttle up as the hanger doors opened up ahead. She pushed the throttle lever forward and the ship slowly flew towards the opening before it left the hanger. Once outside the shuttle moved slowly at first before picking up speed.

Link looked out the window and saw a planet that looked like it had been through hell and a half. The land looked desolate and dead not much seemed to be growing. There was one thing different however, there were strange blue crystals every now and then on the ground. Some were glowing and seemed to produce a field of energy where the plant life was vibrant, and green. This interested Link as he looked at one crystal in particular. Something about it seemed different. As he thought about it he could have sworn that it started to glow brighter than the others.

"Hold on guys. Gotta check on one of the Temporal Crystals." Madeline said as she turned around and landed near the crystal that was glowing so bright.

Madeline got out of the shuttle to look at the crystal and Link followed her as he was curious about it.

"What is this thing?" He asked as he looked at it.

"This is a Temporal Crystal. When it is hit with force it glows and it emits an aura in a radius that seems to go back to an older point in time." Madeline said.

"More accurately these crystals change the entire domain of time within a given area completely. We may be in a time far from our own but this is a spot from your Hyrule Field." Aura said as she stood beside Link who was staring at what looked to be fresh hoof prints.

"Well yeah... we've been trying to figure out if they could have uses in various other ways. Well peaceful ways at least." Madeline said, "This one seems to be malfunctioning for some reason."

"It is not malfunctioning. It is simply reverting time to a more distant point in the ancient past. Link's past." Aura said with Fi's voice.

Link knelt to the ground and examined the hoof print for a moment just before the crystal pulsed causing the radius of it's effect to increase and encompass another crystal nearby. This enhanced the effect of what was happening just as a Bokoblin appeared from remnants of bones on the ground. It looked around before seeing Link and going right for him. Link sensed the pending attack and rolled away from it and came up with the Twilight Gauntlet raised. The gauntlet radiated with Twilit particles just before the creature burst into flames and died. Upon this happening Link looked to the skys and saw faint traces of where the Twilight Portals had once been. He focused on one in particular and watched as it returned to it's full size and glory.

Madeline got an alert on her comm. unit, which was telling her that some kind of cyan and black portal had appeared over head. She looked and saw the portal then looked at Link before noticing that the Twilight gauntlet was glowing with Cyan runes and radiating an aura of those black particles.

"What are you doing?" She asked Link to which she was answered by Aura

"He's opening an old way for us to get around. The portal should be stable soon and once it is the others will open as well allowing us to travel faster. Not to mention the fact that he will be able to open more of these portals. Though he will need to learn how first." Aura said in reply.

"Alright. Let's get to the Temple of Time then." He said as he focused on himself, Aura, Madeline, and Anthony. Soon all of them were engulfed in a flurry of the particles before they were disassembled by the Portal and pulled into it only to be reformed outside the Temple of Time.

"Whoa what the heck?" Anthony shouted as he stood looking around. Link was standing in the center of a triforce emblem on the ground, this place always intrigued Scholars, and scientists alike. It never seemed to be touched by the flow of time as everything else had been. This fact alone had Madeline curious as to what could keep it held in such a time stasis. As she looked at Link she saw that a green light began to surround him, it was infused with two other colors as well. Cyan and gold. As the light kept growing brighter and brighter a gold wolf appeared before him.

Anthony and Madeline took a step back just as the light that surrounded Link faded entirely. Aura came to stand beside him just as the wolf transformed into a phantasmal skeleton with heavy armor plating.

"Welcome hero... You have been gone for so long. Much has changed since you last were here... Come with me, and bring your friends. There is much for you to learn and see." The skeleton said.

Anthony and Madeline were in shock but soon recovered as they followed Link to where he was going. Link was following the skeleton to the Doors of Time where he would enter the Temple of Time itself. After the skeletal being opened the gate Link went through followed by Aura then Madeline and Anthony, who were a bit skeptical as to what was going to happen. Upon walking through they were in a well taken care of temple. Nothing was in ruins and everything was in absolute pristine condition.

"Just as I remember it." Link said as he looked around.

"This way hero." The skeleton said as it walked to where the Master Sword would have been.

Once they were in the chamber of the Master Sword the skeleton stopped them all as it stood before the weapon that was there that had been formed to fight against the mage of destruction.

"This is the weapon forged by the sacrifice of the guardians of the world and that of the goddesses. If you wish to use this weapon then take hold of it but be not surprised if it rejects you." The skeleton said as it stepped aside revealing some kind of weapon.

"Is that... Samus' Arm Cannon?" Anthony asked uncertainly.

Link walked up to the strange weapon and looked at it for a moment before it changed it's form to that of a sword with an orange yellow blade.

"It would seem that it has accepted you to wield it. Use it's power well as it's true potential is only able to be released by you and your pure determination." The skeleton said as Link took the sword from the where it rested. "Since you now have a weapon let's see if you remember your training. Then I might teach you something new."

"Let's begin. Show me Finishing Blow." the Hero's Shade said.

Link nodded as he raised the sword and clashed it against the Shade's blade before jumping back. They stood their ground just before Link rushed in and slashed at the skeletal being several times in swift motion eventually sending the being to the ground. At this Link jumped into the air and came down on the skeleton with his sword straight into it's chest before leaping off.

The Skeletal warrior stood back up, surprising both Madeline and Anthony.

"Very well done. Hmm it would seem that you do not have a shield to show me the Shield Bash. However something tells me this is not entirely so. Call upon the power of the Dominion glove and the Twilight Gauntlet to summon a shield." The skeletal being said.

Link was curious as to this new knowledge and decided to give it a shot. He raised both gloves up in front of him and began to focus on the image of a shield. Soon twilit particles began to converge onto Link's left arm in the shape of a shield. Just then a sphere of light appeared before shaping out in the image of a wolf. Soon after Link had a new shield. It was black with cyan runes and veins all over it but the wolf emblem seemed to flow with a yellow light. Above the wolf's head was the Hylean Falcon and the trifoce between it's wings.

"Good. Now, show me the Shield Bash." The skeleton said.

Link nodded and readied his new shield.

"For this you will use two skills. You will show me both Shield Bash and Helm Splitter." The skeleton said just before Link approached and hit the skeleton with his shield before jumping into the air and bringing his sword down on the skeletons helm with great force. Enough to send the skeleton to the ground.

The skeleton got to it's feet once more and shook itself, "Good, now show me the Back Slice."

Link nodded before rolling on the ground twice so as to behind the skeleton and rising up slashing at it's back. The skeleton staggered forward a bit before turning.

"Good, now show me the Mortal Draw." The skeleton said.

Link sheathed the Power Sword and waited. The skeleton got closer to Link and was about to strike. Link was quicker and drew his sword in a swift motion sending the skeleton backwards.

"Now. Show me the Jump Strike."

Link nodded and brought the sword back behind him and began to channel energy into it. The blade flickered and Link slashed the skeletal being across the chest first rising up into the air before coming down slamming the skeleton into the ground and sending out a small shock wave.

"NNgaah... Good. Now show me the Great Spin."

Link nodded as he felt his energy return to him. He performed the Great Spin flawlessly sending the skeleton to the ground once more.

"Good. You remember your training well. Now for you to learn of two new skills. For one I must ask that your companion assist. For the other your friends will assist. Are you ready?" The skeleton spoke.

Link nodded while the other three simultaneously said, "WHAT!?"

Aura shook her head while Anthony was unsure as to what he should do. Madeline was writing something down on her notepad.

"The first new skill you will learn is a Twilight Skill, which is why your companion is needed. This skill was implemented long ago by the one in the armor to defeat a great evil. It is called Wolf's Cry. I know not what this skill does thus why I leave it up to you and your companion." The skeleton said.

Link nodded and looked to Aura who nodded as well.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm confused about this as well but from the way of it I think it might have something to do with your new shield. Then again from the name it sounds as though you have to be at critical health. So uh... let's remedy that." Aura said with a bit of wonder. "If the skeleton will oblige.

To this the skeleton slashed Link a few times putting him into a critical state of health. His shield dispersed in a cloud of yellow light and Twilit Particles. A wolf's howl could be heard just before the light and particles converged forming a statue version of Link's wolf form. This statue however attacked of it's own volition and launched itself at the skeleton and knocked the Hero's Shade to the ground before vanishing.

Anthony looked at Madeline and said, "What do you think? Twenty hits?"

Madeline scoffed as she shook her head, "It was clearly fifteen. The wolf statue was moving too fast for your muscle headed brain to see."

"Impressive. It would seem the combined powers of the Twilight Gauntlet and the Dominion Glove that makes up your shield is capable of summoning a statue of the Sacred Beast. Well done. Now for the other skill." The skeleton said.

Anthony and Madelin stepped forward just before the skeleton began talking once more.

"This next skill will allow you to launch a beam of energy from your sword. I suspect that you will only be able to do this at full health as such let's see how it is supposed to work." The skeleton said.

Anthony smirked while Madeline looked lost in thought.

"Well Link. Samus' Arm Cannon allowed her to fire all kinds of beams at her enemies. I should know I was almost on the receiving end of one. Anyways I guess you should just figure out how that sword of yours works. Something tells me it'll come to you naturally." Anthony said.

Link nodded before closing his eyes so as to meditate. He then began to swing the sword in wide arcs and felt as though energy were gathering into it. He then opened his eyes and swung the sword at the skeleton sending out an orange beam that staggered the skeleton.

"This skill is known as the Blade Beam. For many years it had been lost. You are now ready to face the perils of this new land. Go now and learn of why you were sent here and what must be done for you to return to your own time." The skeleton said before vanishing.

Link nodded and flourished his sword before sheathing it.

"Well shall we get out of here now?" Madeline asked.

"Yeah let's get going. Don't want to be caught out here when the Space Pirates attack." Anthony said.

"I'm staying." Link said.

"What?" Anthony said, "Are you crazy? These things are not your normal enemies Link. These creatures use any and every kind of weapon that they can."

"I've fought against a power mad hulking brute of a man who summoned ghosts of himself, threw energy bolts at me, and transformed himself into some kind of giant boar like creature. I think I can take these 'Space Pirates' on." Link said as he talked about Ganondorf.

"Alright. Suit yourself." Anthony said as he went with Madeline back to the shuttle.

Link and Aura remained behind but began walking back to Faron Woods.

"Link..." Aura said with Midna's voice in a worried tone.

Link looked towards Aura curiously.

"Link... Please take care of yourself alright. I can't really help you out much but... I want you to take this." She said as she handed him something wrapped in a black cloth. "Don't open it yet just take it with you. Also..."

Before Link could even ask Aura planted a kiss right square on his lips, he was surprised but both minds within Aura were glad that they could finally show their affection towards him.

"Come back safe." She said before vanishing in a cloud of twilit particles.

Link stood there dumbfounded and shocked at what had just happened. All that he felt were Aura's lips on his wondering which one was kissing him. He shook his head knowing full well that his heart belonged to Midna. As he came out of his thoughts he had wound up wandering to the outskirts of what was once Ordon Village. It had grown over the many years but his home was still there and looked as though it were enshrined and well taken care of.

He smiled to himself as he went towards it but was stopped by a machine. The machine scanned him but seemed to be malfunctioning. Soon a human came up behind the robot so as to fix it. This person was grumbling about how it kept breaking down and malfunctioning almost all the time. To this Link took opportunity to sneak around and up the ladder to his old home. He was scanned at the door by something before the door opened automatically and speaking with a welcoming yet mechanical voice.

"Welcome home Link." The voice said.

Link tried to find where the voice came from but stopped as a hologram of a female Zora appeared in the entry room.

"Greetings master." The Zora hologram spoke. "I am Z.O.R.A. but if you wish to give me a better name then you may do so now."

Link was shocked by this, shocked, well not that shocked considering all the things he had seen since he had arrived.

"How about the name Rutela. It was the name of a Zora Queen." Link said.

"Yes I know of the name and I am honored to be known by it. From now on I shall be known as Rutela." The Zora hologram said with a happy smile.

"Glad you like it." Link said as he climbed up the old ladders in what was once his home. Once at the top he laid down in his old bed and let out a sigh at being back in a familiar place, even if it did have a few changes.

"Master Link, is everything alright?" Rutela asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. Just wondering what's going on back in my original time." Link said.

"I see. I wish that there was more that I could do to help." She said.

"Hmm... maybe there is. I've heard that Space Pirates will be attacking think you could give me some information on them? Like how they fight, what they use as weapons. You know things along those lines." Link said

"Of course master. Space Pirates are a rogue alien race lead by Ridley, however speculations are that Ridley is not the true leader of these beings as such leading role has changed a number of times. Space Pirates operate on a hive mind and are seldom alone. They usually attack in groups so if you see one you can count on there being several others that you don't see. The weapons that they use tend to be energy beams of some kind or wrist blades. Their way of fighting is not always organized but when it is then you best hope that you can survive." Rutela said.

"I see. Thank you. Think you could wake me before the Space Pirates show up?" Link asked, "I kinda want to get some well needed sleep."

"Very well master. The Space Pirate fleet is about twenty-four hours out still so sleep well." Rutela said as Link closed his eyes and fell asleep.

-While Link sleeps-

A screen down in the basement flickers on and a shadowy figure is seen.

"Is he asleep?"


"Good. Monitor him closely. We intend to recapture him."

"Very well."

As the hologram began to fade away a cloud of mist formed as a new figure appeared.

"I calculate a ninety-nine percent chance that your attempt will fail."

"And you will be captured along with him."

This new figures voice changed

"Not likely."

The new figure vanished in the same cloud as they had arrived.

"Command out."

Rutela watched over Link but something in her core programing told her that following those orders was not right. Suddenly her image flickered as she remembered something. Something from... the past... many aeons ago... something about a woman who wore powerful armor. Rutela's image shuddered a moment.

"I...I remember now..." She said as her image floated to the ground floor and began to slowly solidify.

"I was... created in this form..." Her hologram image changed more to that of a more evolved Zora appearance.

"To ensure that I lived for thousands of years..." The form soon resembled that of a near perfect hylian form but with noticeable differences.

"So that I could help..." She kept her zora tail and fins on her arms but she looks far more human now that ever.

"So that I could help 'The Hero of the Past'..." Rutela clutched her head as her memories came back to her.

Whatever it was that had happened she must have lost track of what her real objective was somewhere along the flow of time.

" 'When the wolf cries at the hour of twilight you will know what must be done...' These are the words spoken by someone... I can't remember who..." Rutela shook her head as she returned to her hologram form. She rose up to where Link was sleeping and watched him for a while before vanishing.

here you go. new chapter to this story. how do you like it?