Hey everyone!

I'm sorry for not posting the next chapter, I lost this account and I recently found it again!

Unfortunately, I will not be posting the next chapter or completing this series. :(

I'm not going to continue this series for the following reasons:

1.) OOC (out of character) Natsu! This cliché idea of "Natsu kicking Lucy out of the guild" is outrageous! It is not very reasonable, and there are better ways to write NaLu angst.

2.) Not only is the storyline cliché, but it is also more of a NaLi fanfiction rather than a NaLu fanfiction.

3.) OOC Lucy! Lucy is strong, and this story idea makes Lucy appear weak and needy for Natsu. We all know that this is not the case in the actual Fairy Tail manga/anime series.

4.) The majority of this story would be NaLu angst and I cannot handle that. ;_; I love my babies too much to write a fanfiction about them fighting.

5.) I can't imagine how this story would end. It would be an endless cycle of NaLu angst ➨ Lisanna hate
At the time that I wrote this Fanfiction, I was a beginner NaLu shipper. I hadn't realized how much Lisanna is a beautiful character, and many people hate her because they are anti-nali. I am a NaLu shipper and I believe we should stop hating specific characters that are not in our ships, and instead appreciate the fact that we all love the same manga series/anime, Fairy Tail. This story is very much anti-lisanna, and I can't write about something I don't believe in.

Well, number 5 was a lot longer than I expected. Thank you all for understanding, and I'm very sorry that I cannot continue this series.

If you want NaLu fanfictions, I would recommend to stay away from the NaLu angst. ;_;

Although I will not be continuing this series, feel free to check out some of my other Fairy Tail fanfictions! :)

Have a wonderful day,

A NaLu Fanfiction Writer ❤

(P.S. To some of you who have only watched the Fairy Tail anime, I would recommend you to read the manga! :) Trust me, it's worth it.)