Prefect Gideon Lightwood dismissed himself from the great hall after Sophie Collins had agreed to meet him in front of the room of requirement. Shortly after his 3rd year, Gideon had discovered the room when he was looking for a quiet place to study. The Ravenclaw Quidditch team had beaten Slytherin and the Library was closed, so the room had become available to him, and Gideon was happy for it.

After answer the dorm riddle, Gideon made his way to his room. He had purchased Sophie a present earlier that year, but it was before they were close. Gideon felt like it was too soon to give it to her then, but now he felt like it was the right time.

Gently he folded the cashmere scarf he had found in Diagon Alley, pulled out his wand and pointed it at the bundle of fabric. Black wrapping paper burst from his wand and enclosed itself around the scarf, Gideon then once again flicked his wand at the package and a gold ribbon wound around it.

Feeling satisfied with his work, Gideon threw on his sweater and put the packaged under his arm. Quickly he left the dorms and stormed through the common room, Teresa Gray was sitting cross legged on one of the couches reading a book, as she did often.

"Gideon," she smiled noticing him, "Off to see Sophie?"

Gideon looked down; she could always read him well, "Yes, I wanted to give her this Christmas gift early."

"Oh, that's nice," Tessa closed her book and straightened her legs, hanging them over the side of the couch, "You really do fancy her, don't you?"

"I sure do," Gideon confessed, "Do you think she likes me back?"

Tessa snorted, "The great Gideon Lightwood, feeling self-conscious? Who are you and what have you done with Gideon?"

Gideon opened his mouth to say something, but his words fell short.

"Listen," Tessa stood tucking her book under her arm, "If it feels right, then its right. Sophie is beautiful, smart and kind; you deserve a girl like her."

"Thank you, it means a lot coming from you," Gideon grinned at the girl.

"Coming from me?"

"Sophie speaks highly of you," The fire crackled behind Tessa, Gideon jumped a bit, "I'd like to chat longer but-"

"-You have a young girl waiting for you," Tessa said, "I understand, tell Sophie I said hello."

The two of them said their goodbyes and Gideon stepped out of the door of the Ravenclaw Dormitories, only to find William Herondale standing next to the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. He stood with his back turned, his dark tangled hair a knotted mess, "Will?" Gideon approached him and Will jumped when Gideon touched his shoulder.

Will swore and tried to compose himself, "You scared the hell out of me." He crossed his arms and glared at Gideon.

"What are you doing here?" Gideon slowly moved the parcel behind his box.

"I was trying to find the Ravenclaw dormitories," Will admitted his mouth a thin line.

"Whatever could you need there?"

"I was going to try and apologize to Tessa," he ran his fingers through his hair, "I said some stupid things to her today and-"

"Save it," Gideon put his hand up, "I don't care, I'll let you in but you can't tell Tessa I let you."

William was popular with the girls for a reason, his smile was so handsome and genuine that the light of it almost made Gideon shield his eyes.

Gideon went back to the Raven door knocker:

Which came first? The Flame or the Phoenix?

"A circle has no beginning, nor an end," Gideon replied, and the book case slid open.

"Thank you," William said great full, "I owe you one."

"Don't," Gideon stiffened and turned the other way, he didn't want Tessa to see him.

The halls during the holidays were usually lonely. Since his fall out with his father last year, Gideon had stayed at Hogwarts for all the breaks. During summer break Gideon would stay with Alec and his family, they usually left him alone and Gideon used his time writing letters to his brother and studying things about animagus.

Gideon was great at Transfiguration, it was his best subject and he was determined to become and animagus. He hadn't decided what animal he would choose, but he knew he had plenty of time to decide.

Gideon found the stairs to the seventh level of the castle, the lights were set low and most of the paintings were dozing on the canvases.

Sophie stood some ways down the main hall, she wore a light pink sweater and a pair of pinstripe slacks. Gideon took a moment before he revealed himself.

He watched as she fiddled with the hem of her sweater, her coffee hair falling around her face.

"Lumos," Gideon said tapping his wand on the castle wall, the tip of the wand lit up with a bright glow.

"Gideon, there you are," Sophie stepped over to him and put her hands shyly behind her back, "What took you so long?"

"I ran into William," He grumbled, "He was trying to get into my dorm."

"Was he trying to see Tessa?"

"Yes," Gideon stepped closer to the girl, taking in every detail of her flawless face, "He's got it bad for Tessa it seems."

Sophie giggled, he face a pale glow from the light of his wand, "He doesn't even know it. He's so sour and ill-tempered he can't tell that he's in love."

"You think it's love?" Gideon said, testing out those words.

"I do," Sophie backed away from Gideon and found one the many carved out benches; she sat down and patted the seat next to her. Gideon treaded over and took his place, then Sophie said, "But Tessa best be careful, because I see the way Jem Carstairs looks at her."

"I see it too," Gideon wanted to move the conversation on, "Erm," he swallowed hard and then pulled out the package, "I got this for you."

Sophie's eyes widened and she took the gift, her small hands running over the wrapping paper, "You didn't have to do this," she gasped, her pale skin catching color, "Really Gideon, I'm not-"

"If you say you aren't worth it again," Gideon growled, "I'm going to be upset."

Crushing the gold ribbon between her fingers, Sophie lowered her head, "But I have nothing to give in return."

Gideon hooked his fingers under the girls' chin and forced their eyes together, her eyes were swimming. Sophie had been born to a poor Muggle family. She would have been forced to drop out of Muggle school eventually to work with her mother, but when she received the letter from Hogwarts she found her way out.

The school paid for most of her books and clothes, but she still worked in London for a cleaning service during summer break.

Her goal was to pay back all her debt she owed Hogwarts.

"Sophia Collins," Gideon whispered bringing his face closer, "Please don't do this."

Sophie sniffled and pulled back, she rubbed her face with the back of sleeve. Her hands were shaky as she pulled the gold ribbon free. Her fingers pierced the wrapping paper and her hands sunk into the soft fabric of the scarf.

"I thought it matched your eyes," Gideon explained as she pulled the gift up, "It's green and brown, and well- soft."

"Gideon," Sophie made a small sound in the back of her throat, "This is too nice," She rubbed her fingers over fabric; "I can't accept it."

"I can't do anything with this," Gideon tried.

Sophie shoved the scarf to him and Gideon took it, only to pull it loose from the fold and drape it around Sophie's shoulders, "Gideon!" She squirmed but Gideon pulled the fabric towards him and took her mouth with his.

Gideon was always gentle with Sophie, and he took his time. He didn't like to waste his moments with this girl.

Soon Sophie was leaning towards Gideon, her fingers lacing with his.

They kissed each other for a moment, normally Gideon would have gone into the room of requirement by now, but the school was deserted and he didn't see the sense in it.

Gideon released Sophie's hands and brought his fingers to tangle in her brown curls. A small sound rolled from the back of Gideon's throat, his body became hot and loose as Sophie curled her fingers around the nape of his neck. Sophie pressed her small frame into Gideon and he let his hands travel to her lower back.

"Gideon," Sophie gasped against his mouth. She pulled back and looked at him, her eyes full of an emotion Gideon had never seen, "I want to tell you something."

"Tell me," he slurred.

"I love you," her small mouth said, he watched her lips form the words.


There was a clash of metal down the hall, and Peeves voiced echoed around them. He sang very rude songs as he was kicking around the metal sets of armor. Sophie laughed and took Gideon's hand, "We can continue this elsewhere."

She stood and took Gideon with her, the scarf hanging loose around her shoulders.

Before Gideon could start thinking about their regular room, the door to the room of requirement swung open and a tall man with white hair and black eyes stood before the pair.

Sebastian Morgenstern sneered back at Gideon.

"Consorting with mud-bloods are we?" He spat at Gideon.

"Excuse me?!" Gideon hollered, "You aren't supposed to be here Morgenstern!"

Sebastian pulled out a wand and pointed it at Gideon, "Stupify!"

A loud crack echoed and a blast of red sparks hit Gideon in the chest sending his body slamming against the castle wall.

Sebastian turned his attention to Sophie who trembled under his gaze; she looked back at Gideon, her eyes terrified.

Gideon tried to call for Sophie to run, but his body was paralyzed.

Grabbing up the fabric of the scarf, Sebastian pulled Sophie towards him; his hand twisted the scarf so it wound tightly around her neck. Sophie fell to her knees, her hands grasping at the cloth now strangling her.

Jerking the scarf upwards, Sebastian pulled Sophie to her feet and dragged her into the room of requirement. The door shut and all Gideon could hear was the booms of the chaos Peeve's was unleashing nearby.

Gideon fought against the spell cast against him, his body tensing and struggling against the force keeping him pinned against the wall. He soon regained control and Gideon pushed his body forward, his hands grabbing at the door handle.

"Think," Gideon told himself, "Think!"

A place where I can get to Sophie, the place Sophie was taken. He said this many times over in his mind, his heart dropping each time the door wouldn't budge.

Gideon struggled with the door knob, trying to force it open with his strength.

There was a thud on the other side of the door, and suddenly Gideon could hear screaming on the other side. Gideon tried the handle again and it swung open.

Sophie landed limply against Gideon; the force of her body falling pushed him down to the stone floor.

Instantly Gideon wound his arms around Sophie and pulled the two of them up. Sophie's head bobbed dangerously, and Gideon grabbed her head looking the girl over.

Several blood spots stained her sweater and the scarf was shredded to ruins. Gideon guiltily pulled the fabric off to reveal deep bruises around her throat.

Sophie's hair was sticking to the right side of her face, and Gideon pushed it back to reveal a deep scar slashed against her pale skin, "Oh Sophie," Gideon let out the sob he had been holding, "Oh god no, Sophie."

The slash was deep; it was set from her temple down the side of her mouth. She lay limply in his arms, her lips a dark purple and her eyes open, rolling into the back of her head, "Sophie," he cried again. He buried his face into her chest, feeling the struggled rise and fall of her lungs.

She was still alive.

As Gideon tried to rise to take Sophie to the infirmary, Peeves came clamoring down the hall. His screeches halted as he took in the scene.


"Peeves!" Gideon hissed, "Shut up you git!"

"MURDER! MURDER! MURDER!" He screamed again, waking several paintings around him, the all stared at them with alarm, "MURDER ON THE SEVENTH HALL! GIDDY LIGHTWORM KILLED THE MUGGLE GIRL!"

Gideon swore under his breath and shifted Sophie so that when he stood he could cradle Sophie in his arms. When he rose, he felt a rush hit his head, the end of the curse leaving his body. He almost fell again, but he held strong and took a step forward.

Peeves continued to scream about murder, throwing things at Gideon while he made his way to the infirmary. He wanted to blast some spells at the pest, but his arms were full of Sophie.

Soon, Gideon came to a ragged halt at the infirmary door. He kicked it open and several torches lighted as he entered. Gideon called out for help and set Sophie down on one of the cots, her lips now turned black.

"Madame Loss," He cried again his voice cracking, "Please, someone's hurt!"

The overworked witch with pale skin and even paler hair jerked the door to her room open, her eyes widening as she saw the bloody girl on the bed, "What in the hell happened?!" she screamed as she pulled out her wand, pointing it at Gideon.

Thrusting his hands upwards, Gideon stood alert, "We were attacked," he explained, "Sebastian Morgenstern attacked us!"

"He's expelled!" Madame Loss said panicked.

"Can we discuss this later?!" Gideon shouted, gesturing towards the bleeding girl, "I think she's been cursed, her lips are black!"

"Get out," Madame Loss said thinly, "Go get Professor Garroway right away, this girl has been put under a severe curse."

"What kind of curse?" Gideon asked, trying to help.

"Do as I say!" Madame Loss snipped, her face set in frustration, "Do it now, or this girl will die."

Gideon took one more look at Sophie, her hazel eyes dilated so greatly that you couldn't see any color in them. Quickly turning on the balls of his feet, Gideon bolted from the infirmary and rushed to the third floor.

By the time Gideon made it to the Defense Against the Dark Arts room, his breathing was ragged. It hurt to take in air, but he didn't pause, Gideon slammed his fist on the wood door of the classroom as loud as he could.

Soon a disheveled looking Professor Stood before him, he was pushing his glasses up his nose and struggled with his night robes, "Just what in the hell is it?" he snarled, his face looking more aged.

"There was an attack," Gideon said between gasps of air, "Madame Loss is asking for you."

"Get to your dorm," Professor Garroway demanded, "If you see any other students about, tell them the same."

Professor Garroway pushed past Gideon, but Gideon continued to follow him, "Sir, not be a pest, but it's Sophie. She was attacked by Sebastian."

"Tell me how," the older man didn't slow his pace as Gideon filled him in on the details, his expression looking dimmer with every word, "Here's what I need you to do, go to every dorm and gather all the students and bring them to my classroom. It's probably the safest place in the castle right now."

Professor Garroway explained to Gideon how to enter all the other dorms and their locations; Gideon took care to remember every detail.

They stopped at the infirmary door and Gideon tried to get a look inside but Professor Garroway blocked the door, "Get on then, Gideon. After you round all the students send word to the Head Master with my owl, she should be in my office."

Gideon nodded and watched as the Professor slammed the door to the infirmary shut. He balled his hands into tight fists and swore loudly, he kicked the first thing he could find. Which happened to be a Christmas tree, it fell noisily, the charms and bells breaking as they hit the ground.

I'm so sorry Sophie, Gideon thought, This is all my fault, I wish I could have told you I loved you back.