A/N: I'm probably going to only do one more chapter and wrap it up there.

Once Quinn arrive home she went straight up to her room and straight to bed. Her face was all red and puffy from crying her eyes out at what happened earlier in the evening.

Hearing Santana say that she wished that she had never met Quinn absolutely broke her heart. She never meant to cause any of this. Quinn herself was starting to wish that she have never come to Lima, because her arrival had just caused too much pain and heartbreak, but then she remembers that Santana never would have been in her life and that was something she was most grateful for and wouldn't give up for the world.

Quinn was incredibly happy that her parents and Frannie were out of town for the weekend because if her father had seen the emotional state she was in when she came in the house he would have probably hunted Santana down. Plus, she would have had to explain the entire situation of what happened in the night and she didn't want to have to relive any of those horrible memories from tonight, apart from maybe the kiss she shared with Santana before things turned for the worst.

Quinn just couldn't wait for this night to be over. She wished that she never even went to the party because nothing good came out of it and-

"Ow!" a loud thud interrupted her thoughts.

She quickly reached over and turned on the light on her bedside table. As soon as the light brightened the room she was the body crouched down on the floor.

"Santana?" she said as soon as she saw her face.

"Q" Santana stood up from the floor after just coming in through the window. She walked over to the bed and crawled over so that she was hovering above Quinn.

"San, what are you doing here?" Quinn asked, the surprise of seeing Santana appear in her room right now coming off in her voice.

"I'm sorry" Santana whispered. She leaned her forehead against Quinn's. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you Quinn"

Quinn felt her heart rate pick up as she heard Santana utter those words. Things had definitely taken a turn from going from I hate you to I love you.

"What about before?" Quinn asked.

Santana shook her head lightly, "I was drunk baby, it was the heat of the moment. You have to know that I would never think that"

Heat of the moment. She looked up at Santana, lifted her hand up to Santana's bruised face and rubbed softly on the brunettes swelled up cheek, to which Santana leaned into the touch.

"You didn't mean it?" Quinn had to ask so she could reassure herself that Santana loved her and so that she could replace the memories of earlier on in the night with the events which were happening now.

Santana shook her head once again, "I didn't mean it. You're the love of my life Q. I was drunk and stupid"

"You're not drunk anymore?"

"No, I sobered up when… that doesn't matter. You just need to know that I love you Quinn. I love you so much!"

Quinn felt a tear of happiness slip from her eye. The words Santana had just said were words Quinn had wanted to hear for so long.

A big smile crept its way on to Quinn's face. Her arms found their way around Santana's neck to bring her in a little closer.

"I love you too. And I'm so sorry about tonight, I never meant for any of this to happen and-"

"I know baby" Santana stopped Quinn from rambling. "I have something to ask you though"

"What's that?"

"Will you be my girlfriend again?"

Quinn couldn't keep the smile off her face as she heard Santana ask her that question. She didn't think her smile could honestly get any bigger right now.

"Yes" she said straight away with no hesitation.

Both of them grinned as they leaned in to connect their lips together. This kiss meant everything to the two of them, it was a kiss which showed their love for once another, their passion and most of all it portrayed a new beginning for the both of them as a couple. A fresh start was exactly was they needed right now.

They both got so into the kiss that by the end of it they were panting for breath as they leaned their foreheads against each other's.

Santana leaned back so that she was sitting up and reached down to lift her shirt over her head and then threw it onto the floor. Quinn, seeing what Santana was doing removed her t-shirt also leaving her bare chested after having already gotten rid of her bra when she had gotten changed earlier on.

"You're so beautiful" Santana couldn't help but say as she looked at the wonderful sight it front of her.

Quinn couldn't help but blush at Santana's words. Instead of replying however, she wiggled her finger in the come forward motion to which Santana smirked and leaned back down to connect their lips.

Quinn reached behind the brunettes back and undid the clasp to Santana's bra, removing it in a flash before throwing it in the same direction of their other discarded clothes.

She couldn't help but release a loud moan as she felt their bare chest rub against each other's.

Santana removed her lips from Quinn's and started trailing kissed down the blonde's body. She stopped at Quinn's chest making sure to pay special attention to her breasts before going down further.

She placed a kiss over the shorts Quinn was wearing before quickly discarding of them and Quinn's panties.

She placed a long lick down the blonde's slit causing Quinn to moan out loudly.

Now Quinn was definitely glad her parents were not in because by the sounds she was making, it was incredibly obvious what she and Santana were getting up to.

Santana licked in tight circles on Quinn's clit before pushing two fingers into the blonde.

"Oh my God, Santana" Quinn breathed out.

Santana started thrusting her fingers in and out of Quinn, curling them occasionally to reach the blondes G spot.

"Yes Santana, right there. Don't stop, don't stop!" Quinn's fingers weaved their way in to Santana's hair to push her in closer to her centre.

Santana could tell that Quinn was close, so she curled her fingers one last time which sent the blonde over the edge.

Santana pushed her through it to help the blonde ride through her orgasm. Once Quinn had come down from her high, Santana kissed her way back up Quinn's body and up to her lips.

"I've missed doing that with you" She muttered into Santana's lips.

Santana grinned, "Don't worry, we can spend all night catching up on what we've missed"

They spent the whole weekend loved up with one another and Quinn had never felt happier before. It was like all of their past problems didn't exist and they could just be themselves with one another and they could have a fresh start. However, the weekend quickly came to an end and Quinn couldn't lie, she was nervous to how things would turn out at school.

She didn't want the presence of other people to ruin them once again. She was however, comforted by the fact that on Monday Santana picked her up for school and drove them there and also that straight away once they were out of the car Santana intertwined their hands together.

Things were going okay as they walked into the school. People were staring and whispering about them but Quinn expected that, she just chose to ignore it.

What she could ignore however, was when JBI came up to them as they were stood in the middle of the hallway.

"Is it true that McKinley's most famous couple is back together?" he asked as he shoved his microphone in their faces.

"Yeah, it's true" Santana spoke up for them and Quinn smiled.

"So, Quinn" he turned his mic to the blonde. "How come you decided to forgive Santana after her rendezvous with Kitty Wilde on Friday night?"

"What?" Quinn's heart stopped. What was he talking about?

"Walk away" Santana stepped forward closer to JBI and warned him, to which he straight away scurried off down the halls. Santana turned towards her girlfriend, "Quinn, I-"

"What was he talking about San?" she cut Santana off and asked.

Santana gently dragged Quinn off to the side by the lockers so that they weren't stood in the middle of the hallway in front of everyone to see.

"I um…."

"You slept with her on Friday night?" Quinn's eyes teared up as she said the words, her heart breaking just to say them and think about the idea that Santana slept with someone else.

"Yes" Santana painfully admitted, tears also filling her eyes.

"You slept with her and then you slept with me?" the tears which Quinn had built up in her eyes were now free falling down her face.



Santana's head flew to the side upon the hit. She hated herself for what she did on Friday. She quickly turned her head back to face the blonde, but saw that Quinn had quickly ran away down the corridor.

Santana quickly followed, knowing that she had some serious making up to do.