Notes: After listening to both parts of CM Punk's podcast, I don't feel bad about writing Amman the way I did in Believe in Evolution. I'm glad that Punk's in UFC now though and can't wait for his update. I watched the announcement live and was shocked but I really do think it could be good. I also corrected last chapter. It should have said Alabama and not Florida.

Roman looked over at Dean who was sound asleep in the airplane seat. His ankle was heavily bandaged and he was out due to the pain medication he was on. He was more than surprised when Vince sent the company jet to fly them saying it was cheaper than flying them commercial.

Seth sat down in the seat across from him his hands shaking. They had been shaking since they left the hotel earlier that day. "Pilot said we'll be in Birmingham in a half hour."

"You okay Seth," Roman asked for not the first time since they boarded the plane.

"I'm fine Roman," Seth said as he reached for his iPod. "They didn't touch me. Not like they did Dean anyway."

Roman looked away for a second before he turned back to Seth. "But they messed with your mind again," he reminded him. "You are acting like someone coming off a high."

Seth just shook his head. "Yeah sorry can't stop the shaking. Maybe I can take whatever Dean's on so I can sleep for a while." He sighed. "Didn't sleep last night either. I can't even remember the last time I slept."

"Me neither," Roman admitted. He looked down at his cellphone when there was a beep. He looked down and saw he had a text. It was from Stephanie McMahon. He opened it:

You better be at the Smackdown taping tonight!

Roman snorted. Was she serious? She had to know where he was going.

Can't. I'm a little busy thanks to your husband. He turned his phone off and put it away. He looked at Seth who was watching hm. "Text from Stephanie. She said I better be at Smackdown."

Seth's phone buzzed and so did Dean's. Dean didn't even stir so Roman grabbed his phone.

Seth looked at his phone. "Hunter. Who's Dean got?"


Seth opened his text first and read it out loud. "You better be at Smackdown. Is he serious? I don't even work there!"

Roman decided not to open Punk's text because he knew it had nothing to do with them. "Maybe he thinks you do now that you've spent time with them." There was another beep from Dean's phone. This time it was from Hunter. "Looks like he expects Dean to be there too." He said without even opening the text.

"I don't think I even want to know what he could be texting." Seth said sitting back in his seat. "This is really fucked up." He said.

Dean opened his eyes. "What's going on?" He slurred still under the influence of the pain medication.

"Looks like Stephanie and Hunter expect all three of us to be at Smackdown tonight." Roman said.

"Oh." Dean said before closing his eyes. His eyes snapped open again. "Wait I don't work there."

"I do but I'm sure not going." Roman said. "I'm not leaving you guys in Birmingham." He changed the subject before either Seth or Dean could oppose. "You got a text from Punk."

"Read it to me," Dean said his eyes already drifting closed.

"Hunter's got your contracts."

Dean sat up quickly and winced as he set his foot down. He started seeing stars dancing in his eyes. "Gimme my phone." He said taking it from Roman. He dialed Punk's phone number. "What do you mean he's got our contracts?" He demanded as soon as Punk said hello.

"It's all over the internet that Hunter found some kind of loophole and got your contracts from Ring of Honor. Some loophole that even my lawyer didn't understand. I had him look to make sure WWE couldn't stop me from signing with UFC if I decide to. So you guys are officially back with WWE."

"Damn it." Dean swore as he rubbed his broken ankle which was starting to throb. He handed the phone to Seth.

Seth listened to Punk and then hung up.

Roman was already on the phone with Hunter. He put it on speakerphone.

"Thought that'd get all of your attention," Hunter said. All three of them could almost hear the smirk on his face. "I realize you won't be at Smackdown but I expect all three of you on RAW Monday for an announcement that concerns all of you." He hung up.

The three members of the Shield looked at each other. Looks like they were back together again in WWE whether Dean liked it or not.