This would be my second story. It won't be as good as the other one, but I tried. XD This is my idea of what is Ej's back story since I never seen a true one. So have fun reading and I hope you like it :3

A friendship is formed

Jack was born not able to see, he had bad eyesight. Glasses weren't really working for him, so he soon found out it was because he's going blind. He learned to live with it, you tend to when you're slowly blacking out day after day. But one day, a good friend of his suggested eating Kidney's. They are supposed to be good with eyesight, so he tried it out. Might as well. Everything else failed. Luckily it worked, and each week he would go to the meat shop and get some. His eyesight improved with every gruesome bite out of that raw kidney. He was rather enjoying the taste as well. Everything was going smoothly from there. School became easier, no bumping into random objects anymore, and no more tripping on branches. Nope, everything was turning out okay. Up until one dreadful, heart stopping day.

The meat shop ran out of kidneys, and they won't have any for a month from now. That wasn't going to end very well.

It was all okay for a week or so. Jack thought it was fully cured thanks to those kidneys so he didn't worry too much about it. It wasn't until he woke up to only darkness is when he realized it can never be cured. Now he went day after day to school, blind. Tripping over everything, everyone now calls him Eyeless Jack. That's how he seemed anyways. That name that will soon be feared is used as a teasing name.

Jack couldn't take all of this anymore, he gave up. He stayed home, crying softly to himself in his room, hating everything and anyone who ever picked on him. Day after day the little boy missed school while being locked up in his own dark thoughts. He never ate, or came out the room. Many therapist tried to make him come out, but none availed.

His mother now tried herself to check on her only son. She knocked on the door and asked her son what was wrong; all she got from Jack was a few crazed laughter emitting from the room. The door slowly creaked open while the boy was on the other side of the room, grinning wildly to himself. He's been pent up to long in his room, so much that the darkness of his own thoughts consumed him until tww thought remained in his mind.

Kidneys and death.

His mother slowly approached her child, scared of him now. "J-Jack, please. Stop this, you're making me worry" She said in her soothing voice. All she wanted is to help her son, but fear welled up in her as she got closer.

Jack turned his head to her, tilting his head to the side as stopped laughing and looked at her with a serious face now. He blinked a few times, remembering something dark. He slowly got up, walking to his mother with a hungry look.

We all have kidneys. We all have two, which means so does she...

She thought that she finally got through to her son and knelt down embracing her child, not knowing the dangers that she is in. Jack didn't return the hug, instead he pushed her over and moved his small hands around her delicate neck, squeezing it will all his might, but it wasn't enough. So while she tried to gasp for air, Jack bit into her side with all his might. If you didn't know, humans are capable to bite off our own finger as easily as we bite into a carrot. So imagine soft, stomach flesh. It won't take that much to bite, and rip it out anything you want from there. And what he wants is a nice fresh kidney.

A high pitch scream came from his mom, but nothing was heard to him as blood filled his mouth and clothes. He just kept eating away at the soft, warm flesh. He manged to reach a few other organs like the stomach, and liver. A part of his vision came into view which made him continue more fiercely. Finally he got to his price, and savored each bite as his mother laid dead in a puddle of her own blood and meat.

Jack regained some of his sanity along with his vision. he took a look around, seeing how dark it is in this room. As he got up from the floor, he felt a warm liquid at his fingertips. Following the liquid, he noticed the color and smell. It was indeed blood, as he kept following it, to his horror he saw who it came from. He can't quite remember every detail he did, but he does know he was the cause of all of all of this.

Fear of what he can do entered him. I-I killed her...! I Killed Her! I'm...sorry...mother..

He tried to apologize to the dead body as he cried, staying beside her until the next day. Someone came to get her and came into the boy's room to see the gore scene that took place here. He had to keep himself from throwing up from this, he held it in and staggered back from the smell. Never in his life would he have thought to see this. "You murder!" the man yelled at the kid filled with blood. He ran away, getting help to get this boy away from this town.

Jack didn't respond to the name he was call, it was like he was dead himself. His eyes were distant, even when he was picked up and shipped off into a mental facility. He stayed there, not arguing about anything they said to him. He knows what he has done, and accepts it. No need to fight, and be seen more as a crazy person than you already are.

Weeks passed by, and his vision worsen each one that passes. It slowly takes him back into the darkness he had when he killed his mother. Many of the workers, as well as some of the crazy people who go here noticed this and keep their distance. Jack is craving eyes sight, and he would give anything to get it back. His chance to get one came sooner than he thought, but he had to go through a horrible experience to get his sight back.

The people working there did a experiment on him. They ripped his eyes out and created a monster,a organ eating monster. When he awoke, his eyes were gone and a weird substance came from his eyes. It was black gooey slime coming down, or so he was told. His face was no longer the color it was, it was grey now. He screamed for a while, scared that he could not see.

This was much worse than before, he would rather have his eyes intact and not be able to see. It gave him a sense of hope that he will be able to see one day, but now there was no chance for that. Everything is going to go downhill from here.

Alone in a room, he sat in a corner. Scared. Hungry. Craving eyesight again. After a good month, the madman who did this to poor Jack thought now it was time for him to test his creation out, see how he would react and how well he react to it. They handed him a kidney. Slowly handing it to Jack. Jack was a fully fledge killer at this point, wanting to kill anything in his way of getting his sight back. You can say he went a bit insane. The moment they came close he killed them by biting into them and ripping them apart. His teeth sharpened thanks to the madman, which made it that much easier to rip part things. His jaw strength was also enhanced, making it feel like a real animal was ripping you apart.

He managed to get two kidneys that day, and to his surprise his vision improved by a lot. Whatever they did, it made it seem everything was so clear. The black substance came back, running down his face to the floor but little did he care about that. He was just happy to see. He soon found out other organs in the human body can do that as well, but kidneys work better.

Now it was just a matter of getting out of this insane facility and going to the outside world. It's only been five horrible years before he escaped. He entered at age 9 so he was 14 when he left.

But before he left, he payed a visit to his creator. He walked into the room with the same crazed look he gave his mother before her death. The doctor backed up, "Come on child. I enchanted your vision. You should thank me, not do this" he reasoned, but Jack's mind was made up. He was going to kill this man. The masked killer grabbed the nearest scalp and examined it first before grabbing the old man. He pressed him on the wall, dragging the dull part of the blade on the man's cheek. "They are just empty sockets to me" he answered, now dragging the old man to the same table that made him a monster.

He tied up the old man like he was before the experiment, then slowly moved the scalp down the man chest, opening his skin. He knows how to open as much skin as he wants without killing the victim. "I shall thank you for teaching me this though. It shall be most helpful for me" the killer said, now moving the blade across the doctors neck, making it open enough to see the blood seep out.

The doctor whimpered and screamed in agony as he felt himself be cut open so cruelly. He memorized each cut and puncture that happened to him, why? Well it was his own technique after all, it's the only way he knows what's going to happen next. Now that every organ is exposed to the outside air, all Jack needed to do is stab the heart and be done with this. But he couldn't. Every killer instinct drained from the boys face as he lowered the scalp, "You will live with these scars, and what you have done to these people as wells as me. Then when you beg to die, I will come and grant that wish for you". Those where the final words Jack gave before leaving. The place burst into flames after that, and he knew the doctor would survive because the lab was underground and completely safe from that fire. Noe Jack was alone once again, not that he minded. He liked his solitude for a bit, but it caught up to him. He hid behind this blue mask during the time in the facility, and never took it off. People grew afraid of his face and mask in there. But mostly of his face. It was his protection. But during that time and now, he never spoke except to his creator. He's not even sure he can anymore after that talk, even then his voice was weird. He only spoke to that man so he can remember it, and expect it to come when it's his time to die.

But no matter, he shall never speak again, he will only use his mouth to eat his victims and that's it.

He was free to eat all he wants, and thats exactly what he did. He ate until a whole city only had one or no kidney's left. The one's that survived was the kids that use to pick on him, and even then they called him Eyeless Jack, but this time they feared the name. Everyone he met feared that name, and he made it so everyone he came across feared it.

Years later

Entering a window, he climbs into the dark bed room and looked at the sleeping face of a younger boy. He looked very much like a bully he had to deal with, which means he's going to do someone a favor by doing this. Jack moved to the sleeping body and dragged the blade across the boys side, exposing all the inside flesh. The boy moved uncomfortably, but didn't know what was happening. Continuing, Jack moved through the gooey insides and cut the kidney loose. Then is when the boy woke up, feeling a sharp pain in his side. And when he looked, blood was spilling from the side of the bed, before he can scream a drop of blood fell from the ceiling. He looked up only to see Eyeless Jack with the half bitten bloody kidney in his hand. As soon as he was about to yell, a finger went on the boys lips, shushing him before a scalp went though the boys temple and killed him on the spot.

This killing continues to go on until he met someone, well two others about three years later. They were not normal, you can tell by looking at them. One was a black and white clown, and the other was a really pale figure with a white hoodie. He was curious to see who and what they are so Jack followed them, until they split up momentary. Conflicted on who he should choose, he went with the pale one. He seemed less... Weird.

That was a mistake, as the killer went inside the building he noticed it was empty. He could not see that other person anywhere. Not until the pale killer pinned Jack to a wall suddenly and held his knife to his throat. As a response, Jack tilts his head, unafraid, just curious.

"Why are you following us?" he asked, in a demanding tone.

Jack tried to move to gesture an answer but that just caused the other to press down on him more. Instead, he tapped his throat, showing he can't speak. The other killer backed off just a bit to let Jack try to motion it.

As he tried, it just confused the pale killer more. It was not until the clown came, the understood.

"He's saying he was curious to see what we were doing and that he's never seen others that seem 'Weird' like him "the clown said with a wide grin on his face.

It sent shivers up Jack's spine before he nodded, agreeing with it. The pale killer just look confused "You understand this?" he asked which just make the clown chuckle.

"Kid language, you tend to learn it when you hang around them, Jeff "he said before eyeing Jack.

The one called Jeff sighed, motioning to the masked killer "then you deal with this Jack, you seem good at it "he said, annoyed at the clown.

Eyeless Jack perked up, that was his name as well. He motions to say that but it only seemed Laughing Jack got that. He nodded before looking over to his 'friend'

"That's his name as well"

"What's his full name then? I can't call both of you that"

The clown looked over to Jack and nodded again "Eyeless Jack. That's what people called him "he explained

Jeff nodded, but he can really care less, he regretting asking.

Laughing Jack sighed" The grump over there is Jeff the killer, I'm Laughing Jack "he introduced before noticing his partner left the area." That's my que to leave, take care kid "he said, leaving as well.

Jack was not so happy about that, he had more questions to ask. This would be the first interaction he had in a few years, it felt... different. Everyone runs but they treated him normally. It was weird.

Soon enough he left, but never forgot about those two. He wanted to meet them again, but it never happened. He gave up after two weeks, but even when weeks passed, he never wanted to forget.

After some time, Jack was now sitting on a high branch, leaning on the trunk of the tree. Alone again. Or so he thought. A white figure came from behind and placed a black tentacle on his shoulder which made Jack jump. He fell to the floor and looked up; the figure was really tall and in a tux. He looks at it with caution.

The figure took the masked killers hand and shook it in hello, a weird gesture for Jack but was oddly okay with it. "I am known as the Slender Man or The Operator "he said, letting go of the handshake before getting to the point." I take in killers such as you to a house I have, they all hang out there and live there. I protect them from anything out here and make sure they are okay. Like a family. If you're interested, I can offer a room for you. You already met Jeff and Jack, there is more like them in the house if you wish to- "he paused at the nodding of Jack's head. He accepted. Being out here all alone is something he hated. He missed having people to talk to.

The Slender Man nodded, and took them both. An ability of his, slender walking it's called. They soon arrived at the house.

Jack took a look around. It was in a forest. A thick forest, he noted. He was lead inside, it seemed empty. Probably because this house is huge. It was a mansion. It was mostly colorless; everything about this house was creepy. The only color around the house was possibly from the wall. Little scribbles littered the wall. On the way he did manage to see a few killers once he reached the living room. One had a green hat and clothes on, blond hair and pitch black eyes with a red dot. He was playing video games with a little girl; she was wearing a pink dress with a few blood stains on it and on her teddy bear. Next to them was a white person with two arms playing along, but he only had one leg and the other was fading as well. These creatures hung above him, spelling something out.

Jack soon his head and continues to follow the tall figure. He was lead into a room; it was plain except for a bed and maybe a poster or two. It was not his room; this one was occupied by the person who calls himself Jeff. He had a red dog on top of him who was sleeping happily. Slender man gestured him into the room, and he listens.

"This will be the person you as your questions to. Jeff you are to help Jack with anything he needs "he ordered, which earned a groan from the pale killer.

"I think I'll end up putting this newbie to sleep. I can't even understand him, let alone talk to him. Get him someone- "the door shut before he can finish. He gave a small examination before lying back on his bed, messing with his dearest knife.

"Don't expect much from me, I don't do new people "he said in an uncaring voice.

Jack felt irritated by this one's attitude, sure he was nice sometimes to people he wants to be but this was getting him mad. He left the room, and searched for his. He found an empty one that was far away from everyone. As Jack entered he wondered if this was a mistake, people here don't want him either.

He laid on his bed, it's been a while he felt this type of luxury. It took about a minute until he fell asleep, actually comfy for once. His mask was of course still on, but as he fell asleep a smile creped on his face. From what he said, he hated the house so far, but that was a major lie. This place is actually not so bad.

And that's it! I'll see if I keep going after this XD I get lazy sometimes XD Thanks for reading, and if you can tell me whatcha think~

Oh and as another note, this might become a Yaoi~ :3