Leonard was the happiest he had ever been in his entire life, everything seemed to be falling into place. Penny had given up her apartment a month ago and had been living with him and Sheldon it just made sense financially. They were going to be moving to the apartment above the one they lived in now next week. Sheldon seemed better with all the changes especially knowing he was just going to be on the floor above him. Leonard was packing up the rest of the stuff in his bedroom when Penny walks in. It still amazes him how beautiful she is and that she belongs to him. Penny looks super excited about something and her smile is infectious.

"I just got the most exciting news! You will never in a million years guess what just happened!" Penny squeals.

"You finally agreed to marry me after me a asking you on a bi-yearly basis and now I am finally moving out of Sheldon's apartment? How wait that already happened!" Leonard says

"While that is very exciting news,that was not what I was talking about. Do you remember that movie I auditioned for a couple weeks ago? That indie film about the serial killer sisters?"

"Yeah, I thought you lost the part to that girl as who could do all those different accents?"

"I did but she broke her leg jet skiing and I was their second choice!"

"So you got the part! I am so proud of you Penny! Life seriously could not get any better!"

"Hold that thought for a minute, OK,."

"Why? Oh god you are not leaving me now that you have struck it big are you?"

"No! I hardly call a low budget indie film striking it big but I will have to shoot on location for eight weeks."

"OK where is location? "

"Deep Deep south we are talking rural Georgia, it is about southern serial killer sisters which is why little miss accent got the part in the first place."

"When does it start?"

"Next week, please do not be mad!"

"Mad I am not mad! This is wonderful I am so proud of you! So I will live by myself for the first eight weeks that is no problem."

"Oh thank you Leonard! You are being so great about this I was worried that you would freak out" Penny says wrapping her arms around Leonard and kissing him, the kiss deepens and he moves her toward the bed. He knocks off the stuff he has been piling there and she climbs on top of him. Leonard loses himself in Penny and any dissapointment he feels in their sudden change of plans dissapates.

The next morning Leonard's spirits are slightly dampened but he tries to look at the bright side he still will be moving out. He decides to go upstairs and ask when he can start moving his things in. If the apartment is already clear then maybe he can start a little early and he and Penny can have some alone time before she goes on location. When he gets upstairs he knocks on the door and is very surprised to see an apartment that looks like the occupants have no intention of moving. There is not a box in sight an older woman opens the door.

"Hi I am Dr Leonard Hofstadter and I am supposed to be moving into this apartment next week and I was wondering when you expected to be out?"

"What are you talking about? I am not moving out for another two months."

"When I signed the lease it says that you are going to be out in March, next week is March."

"No it says May." She retrieves some papers of the side table and sure enough the move out date says May. "I am sorry son but my condo in Boca won't be ready til then."

"Oh no, it is fine, see I just live down stairs anyway and my girlfriend who I am moving in with will be on location for her movie for eightweeks anyway." Leonard explains to the woman.

"That's nice dear, hope your girlfriends movie goes well." she gives a sarcastic wink when she says girlfriend and shuts the door in his face.

"Its fine", Leonard reassures himself on the way back down, this way is better Penny would not be living with him anyway for eight weeks. Six more weeks of Sheldon if he handled eight years he could handle eight weeks.

" Good news!" Leonard says to Sheldon who is sitting on the couch watching TV.

"You finally realized that your career is a failure and took my advice and started teaching?" Sheldon deadpans not looking up at him.

"Two more months." Leonard mumbles under his breath "No, there was a little misunderstanding with the lease and it looks like I will not be moving out for another two months. Two more months of me! Yeah!" Leonard says raising his hands in the air.

"I am sorry Leonard but you cannot stay here another two months."

"What do you mean? You freaked out when you found out that I was moving out what do mean I cannot stay?"

"I have made other arrangements."

"What other arrangements! I have been here the whole time I never saw you interviewing other roommates."

"I never said I did."

"Then why can't I stay?"

"Amy will be moving in next week."

"Amy? Since when?"

"Since next week, I believe I just told you that Leonard."

"No I understood that part what I meant is when did you decide this?"

"Oh! I understand, your confusion, you are wondering how such a major life event as deciding to move in with ones girlfriend came about without it coming across your notice."


"I do not tell you everything Leonard."

"No but Amy does tell Penny everything."

" I made her sign a non- disclosure agreement. "

"OK, I am still curious how the man who ran away from everything changed his stance so drastically."

"During my travels I had an ephiany, while I relish being alone and having the time attend to my thoughts. All my brilliant thoughts mean nothing if their is no one there to tell me how brilliant they are. Amy enjoys telling me how brilliant I am."

"What a lucky girl, But Sheldon the fact remains that Penny has already given up her apartment and I have no where to go until the neighbor upstairs moves out."

"OK I will ask Amy about the matter when I see her tonight."

"Tonight is not date night."

"On the contrary we now have weekly date nights which have escaped your notice completely."