Hey guys. Nice to 'see' you again. Obviously, I can't see you and I'm just typing this and you're reading this but…AHH whatever! It's been a while since I'm writing new fanfics and chapters to others. it's been almost a year I think. I apologize. I haven't been in the groove of making chapters anymore, however, I haven't quit Fanfiction YET. Eventually, there will be a time where I will this hobby of mine and resort myself to other things. But for now, and I think you'll like this to anyone who likes the popular and widely known web series called RWBY, I will be making yet another crossover fanfic. It's called: RWBY's Friendly Neighborhood Spider. Obviously, it's a crossover between Spider-Man and RWBY. I had this idea in my head and decided to make it on the release day of RWBY Volume 2 as celebration for Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum's successful series and the release of the second volume. This chapter was fairly short but this is just the prologue. Anyway, let's get straight to it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or RWBY or any other characters. Marvel owns Spider-Man and Monty Oum owns RWBY.


The city of Vale was a city that was filled with enjoyment, delight, and full of diversty but also had an abundant amount of illegal activity. Crime, of any type, took place frequently at any place and at anytime; wild creatures called the Grimm killed hunters and huntresses alike; rumors of a orange-haired man called Roman Torchwick were heard; and more. Of course, the city was also, undoubtedly, filled with happiness, depending on the people themselves. There were many things to do and much to see.

But Vale was also known for a group called the White Fang. The radical political faunus organization that wished for all faunus and humans together, to co-exist and peacefully, especially non-violently, protest in what they believe was right, at least that was their way of doing things. They became furious, tired of humankind seeing them as unequals, as their way before did nothing to help their cause. After all the non-violent protesting, they were still discriminated and ignored by humans. As a result, the White Fang ended up doing illegal activity. They became the complete opposite. Violence was their way. Anyone who discriminated them, in other words, saw them as trash, filth, unequals, will suffer for their actions. Almost everyday, they took action and start committing illegal activities. When people turn on their TV, they would hear from the Vale News Network, or VNN, about the attacks, robberies, and murders committed by the infamous organization. Their crimes and what they can do struck the city with fear. And to this day, the city of Vale was no longer a safe place for anyone be in. Everyone knew this. Spider-Man knew this as he laid on the ground, fatally wounded in battle, looking at the city of Vale in flames.

He saw Roman Torchwick approach him with some White Fang soldiers behind him, all of them grinning. But another figure was with him. Spider-Man's vision was slightly blurred due to the pain from his wound. But it wasn't difficult to discover his identity as four mechanical arms extended out from his back, hinting his identity.

"R-Roman…O-Octopus…" Spider-Man stuttered, having the trouble of speaking as his wound was preventing him from speaking clearly. Both Roman and Doc Ock looked down with an easily noticeable evil grin.

"I've waited for this day and it finally came to reality! Let me kill him!" Roman demanded.

"All in good time Roman, you'll get your chance after I give a few words to our dying hero." Doc Ock replied. He moved closer to Spider-Man with the help of his mechanical arms while Roman took a few steps back. "Ahh, arachnid. It's so nice to see you once again." He paused, expecting the webslinger to crack a joke. But the pain he's going through hindered him from speaking at all. All Spider-Man could do was stare at Octopus. "No jokes? Good, then we can make this quick. You've been a thorn at my side ever since we've encountered. I wanted to kill you ever since. Gone from existence. But now ever since I got this much power given to me by the White Fang and my other allies, you've became only a minor problem in our plans. So all you fought for, all you did to save the people you care about, all of the things you did to stop us, all of it, in the end, was for nothing. You and your four female allies accomplished nothing. This city will into our hands. And there's nothing you can do about it." Doc Ock backed away from Spider-Man and turned his head toward Roman. "Torchwick, finish him." Roman grinned. He aimed at Spider-Man's chest with his cane. The cane wasn't just for fashion. It was also a gun. Spider-Man slowly turned his head toward Roman. He tried to lift his arm up to shoot webbing at him, but to no avail, he failed. Roman pulled the trigger. Spider-Man's lifeless arm fell back to the ground. His head fell on it's side. And there was no heartbeat to be heard of. Spider-Man was truly dead. Doc Ock and Roman Torchwick walked away along with the White Fang soldiers accompanying them, leaving Spider-Man's body to rot.

So that was the prologue. Spider-Man just died…yeah…I never thought I'd do this… But anyway, all of you should know that the prologue is taking place in the future. If you don't, well…IDK. I hoped you all enjoyed. If you did, make sure to review, favorite, and follow this story. That would be great appreciated. This is Spider-Teen1000, signing off with another story!