The Sacrifice:

Synopsis: What if Hotch did transfer to White Collar Crimes after the events in Doubt?Would it be enough to save his marriage?

Warning: Slash Hotch/Reid (eventually). Rated M for language and sexual situations. Not for Haley fans.

Are you a pain in my ass? Yes! But wanting to hang out with you and needing you to lead this team are two different things.

Hotch replayed Morgan's words over and over in his head. The look on Derek's face when Hotch told him that he was transferring to White Collar Crimes. Derek's expression had been one of contempt and slight derision. But Derek didn't understand. None of them did.

This job tore apart lives, and families. The majority of BAU agents were either not married, divorced or in strained relationships because of the job.

Haley had given him an ultimatum: your wife and child or the BAU. The decision should have been easy, but it wasn't. Aaron supposed that was the selfish part of him. Of course he loved Haley and Jack, but he loved his job too.

He went over and over it in his head. Strauss' smirk of satisfaction when he accepted the transfer, and Hayley's overjoy when he told her. She kept saying how this was 'the best thing that could have happened to him'. Her giddiness had caused a sour taste in his mouth. He was miserable and she clearly knew that. Did she think that a few extra sessions in the bedroom other than the twice a week norm could make up for all that?

It hadn't been so bad at first. After his first day in the WC unit, he had come home to a fancy dinner. After Jack had gone to bed, she had greeting him in a pink silk and lace nightgown and they had a night of hot lovemaking that was very different than their normal vanilla sex.

The second honeymoon lasted about a week before Hotch grew weary of pretending. He was thrilled to be spending more time with Jack, even taking him to preschool and visiting his class. He was getting more sleep and more things done around the house.

But he was unfulfilled. He had gone from being one of the FBI's top badasses to a glorified accountant with a gun; heading up a team of analysts with none of Garcia's eccentricities or talents.


Aaron snapped out of his daydream to see Haley, her mother, and her sister staring at him.

"Did you hear what mother just asked you?" Haley demanded.

"Um no, I'm sorry Mrs. Brooks, what was that?"

"I said tell me about your new job."

"I'm the head of the white collar division. We're in charge of investigating financial scams, embezzlement, and the like."

"So no more running around the country after rapists and murderers?" Jessica Brooks asked.

"No, no more of that," he sighed, hoping he hid his emotions well.

"Well that's a good thing. You need to be here to take care of your family, not running around playing superman."

"Mother," Haley chided playfully.

It took all of Aaron's carefully guarded self control not to get up and storm out of the room.

"What's the matter with you?" His mother-in-law demanded, her hawk-like eyes boring into him.

"Don't worry, he's just suffering from withdrawal," Haley joked and they all laughed, except for Aaron.

"You never did have much of a sense of humor," Jessica added.

Aaron had had enough. His cell phone ringing saved him from any more passive aggressive torture.

The caller ID said 'Garcia'. Instantly there was the adrenaline rush. "This is Aaron Hotchner."


"Yes, what is it?" Hotch stepped outside to avoid being overheard.

"You asked for an update on the case in Gary, Indiana?"

"Yes, what's up?"

"Well the UnSub has killed again. Four people this time. Morgan and the team want you to take a look at it. I've emailed you the files and -"

"Uh, wait a minute. Did you just call him 'Morgan'?" Hotch asked.

"Uh yeah, he's gotten all serious now. Won't let me call him my chocolate sex god anymore," she pouted.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Aaron said, smiling. "How are Rossi and Morgan getting along?"

Garcia snorted. "Don't even get me started. Strauss has her pantyhose all in a bunch over that."

Aaron laughed, the first genuine laugh in months. "Well I'm headed to my office. I'll be ready to teleconference in one hour, after I review the file."

"I'll let them know."

"What's got you smiling?" Haley demanded when he entered the house again.

"We've got a break in the Nicholas Hodges case."

"The con-man who swindles widows out of their husband's life insurance policies?" She asked.

"Yes. I need to go to the office for a few hours. He's in Texas. I need to coordinate with the Houston Police Department."

Haley narrowed her eyes. "You are not going to Texas."

"No, I'm not going. I'm going to talk to the police chief and contact the agents who are going to pick him up."

Haley nodded. "Ok then, see you later."

Strauss sat at her desk, rubbing her temples. Her plan to rid herself of Aaron Hotchner had totally backfired. At first, she had been more than happy to grant his wife's request. Haley, the seemingly pretty little innocent housewife certainly had a devious side. She had met with Strauss a few times. Tired of having Aaron on the road so much, she wanted Strauss to get him transferred to a desk job with less travel. Strauss had agreed, she had her eyes set on ascending the ranks in the FBI and Hotchner was a gigantic pain in her ass. Prentiss had been recruited to help her, but had quit when after she had formed a bond with him. Somehow the insufferably haughty control freak inspired loyalty from everyone who worked with him. She had a mind to fire Prentiss, but didn't want the ambassador on her ass.

But Strauss couldn't be bothered with any of that now. She had a bigger problem: the BAU, the bureau's most elite team was falling apart; and the higher ups were blaming her.

When Hotchner left, she had put Derek Morgan in charge. Gideon had thrown in the towel, something else that had been contributed to her. Max Ryan was out of the question. After he had solved that last open case his ego was thoroughly content. And he would not make a good team leader. David Rossi was back; and he was a senior agent, having worked with Ryan and Gideon but he refused to take the role of Unit Chief. Also, he was not doing well on the team. He was not used to working in a team setting, which led to frequent clashes with Morgan and Prentiss. Morgan, although a good profiler, was not quite ready for a leadership role yet. Maybe in another year or two, but certainly not now. He had taken on the role with gusto but Strauss could tell he was struggling. If she didn't get Hotchner back she was probably going to lose her job.

Fuck. She needed a drink.

Garcia was the bullpen, getting a file off of Prentiss's desk when she saw a dark, shadowy figure approaching Strauss's office. Wait, was that Haley? What was Hotch's wife doing here?

Haley stepped into Strauss's office and closed the door. Garcia hurried back to her office. Ever since Prentiss had confided in her that Strauss had her spying on Hotch, Garcia had secretly bugged her office to keep up on what the Director was up to. The device transmitted to her personal laptop.

Hotch had to control himself and keep from smiling at his former team. The rush of working a case again had him feeling excited.

"Hey Hotch! Looking good!" Derek complimented.

"Hello Morgan."

"Aaron, I thought to come back and work with you but you ran out on me," David Rossi joked.

"Hello Dave."

"Hotch!" Emily waved.

"Prentiss," he nodded. He had convinced Emily to remain on the team after he left, despite her feelings of guilt.

The only person who didn't seem happy to talk to him was Reid. He stood in the background, in a pensive mood.

"Hello Dr. Reid," Hotch offered.

Reid looked up from the file, and even over the computer screen, Hotch could see his hazel eyes smoldering and feel his resentment.

"Hotch," he acknowledged tightly.

There was no mistaking it. Reid was definitely angry at him. He would puzzle over it later. "Now let's get this case solved…."

Garcia took a moment to calm down. She was tempted to storm into Strauss's office to confront the two scheming women over trying to ruin her boss's career. She couldn't believe what she'd heard. She knew Strauss was duplicitous, but Haley? She replayed the recording.

Strauss: What can I do for you Haley?

Haley: What's Aaron up to? He ran out of the house tonight saying he had a break in a bank case.

Strauss: How would I know? He's in a different department, not under my supervision, and not my problem anymore.

Haley: We had a deal! You said you would help me get Aaron out of BAU and keep tabs on him! You said it would be mutually beneficial.

Strauss: Look, I got him transferred, but the rest is not up to me. I have other things to worry about, like the fact that the team is now falling apart.

Haley: You said they would do fine with Morgan and Rossi!

Strauss: Well I was wrong. Derek is not ready for the Unit Chief position and Rossi won't take it; Gideon and Ryan are permanently retired. There is no one else. And if this team doesn't get back on track my ass is on the line.

Haley: Don't even think about it! Aaron is NOT returning to the BAU!

Strauss: I think that's his decision: I plan to make the offer to him-

Haley: Don'! If you do I'll...I'll….

Strauss: You'll do what? Report me and Aaron will find about your part in this too.

Haley: He will get over it. I'm his wife!

Strauss: And I'm his boss. He knows I've been trying to get rid of him. He won't be surprised. But what will he think when he finds out that his sweet little housewife has been plotting behind his back?

Haley: Bitch!

Strauss: I get that a lot. Now if you don't mind, I have work to do. See your way out.

Garcia was at a loss. She decided to wait until Morgan got back. He would know what to do.