Hello everybody! So I decided to write this story about 5 seconds ago to avoid reading my boring summer reading for school (which is bad idea in hindsight but I'll burn that bridge when I get there). This is your average crossover, the seven plus Nico are sent to Hogwarts in order to protect Harry from you-know-who. I hope you all enjoy it :)

READ THIS! This story takes place TWO YEARS after the giant war and during Harry's 5th year, just so you're not confused.

Disclaimer: No matter how badly I wish and pray, the closest I will ever get to owning anything from the PJO and HP franchises is owning the books and a few t shirts (basically I own nothing).


I was in the workshop when Chiron called for us, as if saving the freaking world wasn't enough.

I spent most of my time down there, just pounding away at the metal. I would make new weapons, repair old ones, and make little upgrades for Cabin Nine, even making little things that really severed no purpose. I would do anything anyone asked me to do, and I did it with a smile on my face, because it helped me focus on the present, and not dwell on the past.

We all had seen some stuff that nobody, let alone kids, should ever see in their lives. We barely managed to stop Gaea from awaking, it was amazing that we all made it out in one Piece. We barely lived to tell the tale, but the worst stuff happened when we got home.

We barely made it in time, when we got back to Camp Half Blood the Greeks and Romans were in full on war. Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge managed to get the statue to the camp, but the problem was, nobody really believed that it was the actual statue.

A lot of the Romans thought that it was a fake, that I had made it to trick the Romans into letting down their guard so the Greeks could have a flawless victory.

Well, I shouldn't say that a lot of the Romans thought that it was a fake, in fact I think most of them thought it was real. It was Octavian who believed that I had made it to trick the Romans, I wasn't too hot in his eyes, and he refuses to believe anything that goes against his views. Unfortunately, the one pessimist was the leader of the army, and Romans are good little soldiers.

When the three got there, Reyna was called a traitor to the Romans. Octavian accused Reyna of abandoning them when they most needed it, and he accused her of helping the Greeks.

I'm not going to ramble on and on. Long story short, when we got there they were already in full combat. There were already many causalities on both sides and since apparently our ginormous floating ship wasn't enough for the armies to realize that we were back, we had to come down and physically stop the fighting.

What we saw wasn't pretty. I don't remember much to be honest, but I do remember seeing Jason freeze in horror, which he never does, especially in the middle of a battle, when he saw Reyna's lifeless body sprawled out on the ground. I do remember seeing Coach's eyes light up when he saw us. And I also remember that light fading when a knife pierced his chest from behind a second later.

We eventually got control of the situation with minimal damage to the camp. Everything was sorted out within a week. Then the Romans left, along with Jason, Franks and Hazel. Jason had taken Reyna's place as Praetor, which is what she would have wanted. Not to mention Frank was Praetor too, and Hazel didn't want to leave her boyfriend. They wanted to stay, but they couldn't.

I spent a lot of time comforting Piper, me and her were closer since we went on that first quest together. She IMs Jason almost every day, but it's still hard for her. When she isn't taking her anger out on the poor dummies in the training room, she helps take care of Coach's son, which we didn't know of until after the battle.

That battle was about two years ago. After the camp was back up and running, I told everyone of my little journey to Calypso's island, and how I made an unbreakable oath to go back for her. Everyone was a little surprised, especially Percy, but he was also looked extremely pissed off at the mention of her name, let alone the fact that I was going to get her off that island.

I don't know why Percy was so mad about it, but I went anyway. The remaining members of the Seven that were still at camp wanted to come with me, but I had to do it alone. I looked for months and found nothing, so I came back to camp, missing home and my friends, but that didn't mean that I was done looking for her.

I was pounding one of Annabeth's half-brother swords that he broke in practice when I heard the door slam open.

My head shot up when I saw one of my half-sisters. She was a newbie, about nine years old, she had only gotten here a few weeks ago and she had gotten claimed right away. I have to say I was surprised that she belonged to us at first, because she was actually very pretty, unlike a lot of my extended family. But the moment she stepped inside that workshop was the moment I ate my words, the things that she could do with a hammer were incredible, even on my standards.

"Chiron wants to see you." She told me in a sweet voice.

I flashed my award winning smile. "Tell him I'll be right up. Oh and don't forget to mention that whatever it is, I didn't do it."

She laughed and spun on her heels and ran out the door. The moment she was out of sight my smile faded and I dropped my head on the table.

What does he want now? I thought to myself. I pushed myself up and pounded the sword once more, finishing it up. I dunked in the water and listened to it sizzle, the best sound in the world. I pulled it out and examined my work. It was looked better than it did before it was broken, as usual. I cleaned up my work, picked up the sword and jogged out the door.

Before I started to the game room, where we have all of our important meetings, I made my way up to Cabin Six. I knocked at the door and to my luck, the sword's owner opened the door.

"I present to you thy sword, young grasshopper." I said in my best old Chinese man accent and bowed as I held it out for him.

He ripped it out of my hands as his eyes got wide with excitement.

"WHOA!" He exclaimed, looking like he was about to exploded.

"Thanks Leo, you're the best!" He beamed before he ran inside to show his brothers and sisters.

"Hey, remember that a sword like that can make the new kids do whatever you want!" I yelled after him, but he wasn't paying attention.

I closed the door and started to jog to the game room. A few kids waved at me as I jogged by and a few girls giggled. What can I say, saving the world has that effect on the ladies.

I kept jogging till I game to the door of the game room. I slammed it open, threw my arms in the air and shouted "Never fear, Leo is here!"

All heads turned to me. Percy held down a laugh while Annabeth rolled her eyes. I smiled even bigger as I walked next to Piper, who flashed a warm smile.

"So let's get this party started!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together.

"We need to wait for everyone to get here." Chiron told us.

"Who else is coming?" Percy asked, confused.

"They'll be here anytime now." Chiron explained, though it really didn't answer the question. Then as if on cue, a loud thud came from behind us as we turned to see four figures fall to the ground.

"Thank you Nico, and hello to all of you, great to see you all again." Chiron said Jason, Hazel and Frank, who were now standing up.

"Jason!" Piper squealed, before she ran into Jason's arms, barely giving him enough time to register where she was coming from. Nevertheless, he embraced her in a tight hug, burying his face in her neck.

None of us have seen the three since the war. I ran up to Hazel and pulled her into a quick hug, rocking her side to side, almost knocking the both of us over in the process. After that we all did our got hellos in, Piper smacked Jason on the arm.

"What are you doing here, and why didn't you tell me you were coming!" She exclaimed, though she didn't look to mad at all.

"Chiron asked us to come, so Frank and I got people to take our places while we were gone. And I asked Chiron not to tell anyone, 'cause I wanted to surprise you." Jason explained. Piper then threw herself into Jason's arms again, and then they kissed, and kissed, and kissed…

"Get a room." I coughed. They pulled apart as Jason said, "Great to see you to Leo."

"Now I have to admit, it is great to see you all in the same room again after so long, you to Nico." Chiron beamed, Nico giving a slight head nod.

"Now I know you all want to know why I called you here." Chiron said, sounding a bit more serious. I think we all knew why we were there, but we just didn't want it to be true.

"There has been another prophecy." He explained, I'm not quite sure, but I think that everybody groaned.

"Seriously, another?" Percy asked, sounding 100% done. I don't blame him, he and Annabeth have been involved in more prophecy's than I can imagine. The Fate's just never give them a break.

"Yes I'm sorry, I wish I didn't have to send any of you out there again, but it involves every one of you." Chiron apologized.

"What is it?" Frank asked.

Chiron cleared his throat:

"Eight shall travel across the sea,

To the land of witchcraft and sorcery.

There they will learn and seek to protect,

The boy who keeps the truth kept.

Smart, brave, loyal, and cunning,

One year will decided whose fate will be coming.

For neither shall live while the other survives

One shall see through the master's disguise."

We all stared at Chiron, for that was one of the weirdest prophecies we have heard in a while.

Of course I was the one to break the silence.

"Well that was a long one." I said, as always pointing out the obvious.

"Wait what does 'the land of witchcraft and sorcery' mean?" Hazel asked, when I suddenly remembered that she had been called "the witch's daughter' for most of her childhood.

"Demigods were never supposed to find out about this." Chiron said, shaking his head.

"Find out about what?" Annabeth asked.

"Sit down children." Chiron told us. That's the thing about Chiron, when he tells you to do something, you just do it, and you don't question it. Sometimes I wondered if he had charmspeak as well, but he's just that kind of person. Needless to say, we all found a seat.

"Thousands of years ago, we needed help to protect the human race. There weren't many Demigods back then, and our forces were weak. Keep in mind these were the times before Hercules. Anyway, it was decided that Hecate would give a blessing to the most deserving mortals around the planet, in order to help defend it from monsters. These people were given the ability to control magic. These people helped defend the Earth, and did it well to. The Gods of Olympus decided not to tell the demigods, for pride reasons. They shielded them with the mist and they kept their secret very well. Ever since then they have breed and their numbers have grown. Today, there are whole societies of them, located all over the world. They have their own way of life and their own way of living, much like with demigods. They call themselves witches and wizards." Chiron explained.

"Wait, so you're telling me that witches and wizards are real, like with wands and 'Abracadabra' and stuff like that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, people almost found out about them a few hundred years ago too. I'm sure you heard of the witch hunts in school." Chiron told us.

"Wait those people were actually onto something?" Piper asked.

"Yes they were, and even that spell Leo mentioned earlier 'Abracadabra' is actually taken from a real spell that they use." Chiron explained.

"Seriously?" Percy asked.

"Yes, it is a spell that mortals would unfortunately hear often a few hundred years ago." Chiron informed us.

"What spell was it?" Jason asked.

"Avada Kedavra, the killing curse." Chiron said bluntly.

"Sounds fun." I said.

"Chiron, how do you know about all this?" Annabeth asked.

"I was there when they were created, and I keep in touch with a wizard named Albus Dumbledore, who keeps me informed of what is happening."

"Does this guy know about us?" Percy asked.

"Yes, most wizards aren't aware of our presence, but he is no ordinary wizard." Chiron said with a smug smile. I looked around at everyone else, who looked about as stunned as I felt.

"I have known about this prophecy for a while and I knew immediately where you all have to go. There is a school in Britain called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where young witches and wizards learn how to control their powers. You all will be attending that school at the end of the summer, and I have already enrolled you as exchange students. Albus Dumbledore just so happens to be the headmaster of that school, he will be looking after you all to make sure you are all right." Chiron explained. Nobody talked for at least 10 seconds.

"There's a wizard school named after a pig's skin problems?" I asked. Everyone broke out into laughter, including myself. Even Chiron gave a chuckle.

"Yes I know that the name is rather odd, but it is one of the best Wizarding School in the world." He defended.

"Wait, if what you're saying is true, wouldn't it be kind of obvious that we don't have any powers?" Annabeth asked. Which made complete sense, if we couldn't perform a spell, it would be kind of obvious that we weren't wizards.

"We took that into consideration, and Hecate agreed to bless you all with the full powers of a wizard." Chiron explained.

"Wait so we get powers!" I yelled jumping out of my seat, this day just kept getting better and better.

"Yes you all get powers, but there is a small price." Chiron explained, everyone had just looked like they were given the winning Powerball ticket, but our smiles slowly started to fade.

"What price?" Nico asked.

"You are going there to protect a boy named Harry Potter, reasons to which will be explained later. In order to keep an eye on him, it is best that you would all be in the same grade as him. The only problem is that he is 15 years old. As you all know, most of you can no longer pass as a 15 year old. So in order to give the best protection to Harry possible, all of your appearances will be altered temporarily so you will look like you did when you were 15." Chiron explained. There was yet another silence as we all let it sink in.

"You can't be serious." Frank breathed.

"I know that it is the last thing that you want to do, and I don't want it to be done either. You will all be as mentally old as you are now and no memories will be taken away." Chiron explained once more.

I had felt that a brick hit me. 15 was not a good time for me. Since those awkward and scrawny years, I had grown taller, I was almost up to Percy now and I had finally started to build some muscle. Now I would have to go back to looking like that ugly, scrawny kid.

"It's temporary right?" Percy asked.

"Yes." Chiron confirmed

"I mean, if we have to…"Jason said, looking about as disappointed as I felt.

"Thank you all. You will be leaving tomorrow evening, Albus Dumbledore has agreed to take you all to a safe house in Britain. There you will have about a week to learn the spells needed and learn their way of life. At the end of the week you will be transported to another safe house where you will be staying with Harry and his friends, getting to know them. Do not tell anyone about yourselves unless you are told to do so by Dumbledore or if you absolutely need to. Understood?" Chiron asked.

"Understood." We all murmured back.

"Great! You all have a trunk placed in your room that you should use to pack all of your belongings, and get some rest, you have a long day tomorrow." Chiron said with a smile.

"Um, we kind of left our trunks back at Camp Jupiter." Frank told Chiron.

"Not a problem, Nico do you think you can go get them real quick?" Chiron asked Nico.

"Sure." Nico said, and without another word, he faded in the shadows.

"Alright then I'll let you all get caught up with each other. Be back here tomorrow after dinner with all of your things and then you will depart." Chiron said, before he walked out of the room.

We all stood there for a minute, not saying anything, lost in thought. After a while Percy broke the silence.

"Does anybody else really believe any of the crap that just came out of his mouth?" He asked to nobody in particular.

"I was thinking the same thing. I mean a Wizarding school named Hogwarts? And what kind of name is Dumbledore?" I asked. I mean seriously, if someone came up to you and said "Hey guess what wizards are real!" most people would just laugh in their face and call you an idiot.

"I don't know guys, this is Chiron we're talking about, and he doesn't joke around when it comes to prophecies. I know that it's farfetched to believe everything that he said, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt and just roll with it." Annabeth said, obviously lost in deep thought, probably trying to make sense of everything.

"And what did the line 'smart, loyal, brave and cunning' have to do with anything?" Jason asked.

"No clue." Hazel breathed.

"Well let's just forget about all that for now, I mean were all here! The mighty Seven, who stopped Gaea from awakening and saviors of Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter, together once again! Let's just forget the fact that there are witches and wizards and that we'll be awkward teenagers again by the day after tomorrow, and just be have fun for one night!" I said jumping out of my chair, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I mean hey, there is another prophecy but let's just be kids tonight. Get caught up and have fun! We could never do that when we were on the Argo II and I know that half of us aren't exactly kids anymore, but who cares, we never got to be them in the first place!" Jason exclaimed, taking Piper's hand and smiling.

And then we talked and got caught up. Nothing much has changed, Jason has gone on a few quests since we last saw him, one with Frank and Hazel, but they weren't anything big. Percy Annabeth and Piper went on one while I was out searching for Calypso. But we haven't been involved in much of anything, which was nice for a change. After we all got caught up, we did whatever we wanted. We all told funny stories about the past two years at camp, and we laughed, we laughed until our sides hurt.

When Nico returned with the trunks (I don't know why they aren't just called suitcases), we had a Ping-Pong ball tournament filled with high tensions, screaming, and laughter. It was nice to use that table for what is was actually meant for, and not war strategizes. It came down to a heated match against Jason and I, Greek vs. Roman, and I had the pleasure of annihilating him into a shameful oblivion.

After that we walked around camp and spent the rest of the day together. We spared in the training room, we took a swim in the lake with all of our clothes on and just had fun. We didn't realize that we missed dinner until it got dark. But we shrugged our shoulders and made our way towards the campfire, where we all sang louder than normal, and the fire had burned bigger and brighter than it had for a few years. Seeing the smiles on all of their faces, truly happy smiles, was a sight that I rarely got to see, and it was one of the best sights in the world.

After the campfire, we all said our goodnights and went to our cabins. Jason Frank and Hazel slept in their parent's Greek cabin, and Frank was lucky that they happened to have one spare bed in Cabin Five.

When I got to Cabin Nine I flopped down on my bed, feeling like I was on cloud nine. For the first time in years I had a genuine smile on my face, not one I used as a cover-up. Apparently my brother Caleb noticed a difference between the two.

"You seem unusually happy tonight." He told me, kicking my bed to get my attention.

"When am I not happy?" I told him, pushing myself into a sitting position.

"That's a good question…Hey what's that?" He asked my, pointing to my new trunk at the end of my bed.

"A magical trunk that possess the power to turn you into a fairy." I told him, and with the news that I got that day, who knew, it probably did.

"Yeah right, night Valdez." Caleb said, flopping into his own bed.

"Night." I replied, laying back down on my pillow. I stared at the ceiling, remembering everything that Chiron told me that day. It was a lot to take in, just the fact that there was another secret society of unusual people out there, was enough to make my head spin.

If our two worlds were just stories, this would be one hell of a crossover. I thought to myself, before I turned over in my bed and closed my eyes.

If I knew what was going to happen in this new world, I wouldn't have slept so easily.

I saw the opportunity, and I f*cking seized it. (I love breaking the forth wall)

I hope you all liked it, and I AM SO SORRY ABOUT COACH AND REYNA! I love both of those characters, but I wanted to show the true horrors of war, and that even the strongest don't always make it out.

And I know the rest was a little boring since basically the entire chapter was explaining things that you all already knew, but I figured that the characters need it to be explained to them.

And I want everyone to know that the whole aging-the-characters-down idea WAS NOT MY ORIGNAL IDEA. The idea belongs to the user t0biastrisf0ursix, who has written an amazingly well-written HP/PJO crossover that you should all read like right now.

Every bit of feedback is greatly appreciated, and I will update soon :)