Jason Grace aimlessly wandered the halls of Teerman High School looking for his chemistry classroom. He shoved past a couple of slow-walkers and powered the rest of the way. He couldn't be late on the first day of classes! Finally after ten confusing minutes of decoding the school's method of class numbers, he entered his classroom. It smelled of rubbing alcohol and naphthalene. Just as he stepped through the doorway, the bell which signified the beginning of class rang. Jason quickly rushed to the only open seat in the classroom, which had been saved for him by his girlfriend Piper McLean. Her chocolate brown hair was woven into a messy side braid along with multiple feathers. With her right eye, she gave Jason a wink as he sat down. The plastic chair was cold against his bare legs and goose bumps prickled up over his body. Across the room, a boy dressed in all black, with choppy dark brown hair sulked in the corner.

"Alright class, my name is Mr. Donesys and I will be your chemistry teacher this year. Now I know that you all are motivated students and can succeed in this course," Spoke the teacher, a calloused hand running across his bald head.

"His head looks like a thumb," Giggled Piper. Jason gave her a look.

"Shh, you'll get us in trouble," He quickly replied. Piper only smiled in response. Jason glanced sideways again and laid his eyes on the seemingly "goth," boy once again. He looked border than ever. His chin was rested on his hands and his eyes shifted around the room, looking at all of the dead animals in jars. He seemed very interested in the pickled octopus. The whites of his eyes were unusually red and dark circles ringed underneath. "What's his deal?" Thought Jason to himself. He quickly re-applied his attention to Mr. Donesys, he strived to learn.

"-And what I'm trying to say is that the atomic number of an element is NOT the same as its atomic mass. Does anyone have any questions?" Mr. Donesys Barked. No one raised their hand. "Good. Great. Grand. Wonderful. You all have the rest of the period to work on your first assignment of the year, in which I will be assigning partners for." Mr. Donesys read through a list of names and partners. "Piper McLean will be partners with Will Solace, and finally, Jason Grace will be partnered with Nico Di Angelo." Jason racked his mind. Who was Nico Di Angelo? Was he new? Jason hadn't noticed any new people in the class except for the goth bo- oh. "So that's Nico Di Angelo," Jason thought with a sigh. He walked over to the boy and shook his hand.

"Hi Nico, I'm Jason Grace," Grinned the blonde. Nico gave him a small smile and rubbed his eyes. Jason watched as his tight black shirt rode up his stomach as he stretched his arms. Milky pale skin shone to his eyes. Jason licked his lips. Yes it was true, the great Jason Grace was bisexual. He had failed to come out to any of his teammates on the football team, or anyone at all. As long as he was dating Piper, all of his problems about his sexuality went away, for she was one of the prettiest girls in school. Jason feared many things about coming out to his friends. Would Piper dump him? Would people laugh at him or tease him relentlessly? Most of all Jason feared judgment.

"Well Jason Grace, I hear that you're top gun around here," Smirked Nico.

"I wouldn't say that," Stuttered Jason as he noticed Nico was scanning his body.

"Good at football, socialising, and school- which by the way, you'll be needing. I could care fucking less about this project, so you do whatever floats your boat," Snorted Nico. Jason gave Nico a glare.

"Umm, I'm not doing this whole project by myself, and if you think that I will, then you're crazy," Spat Jason.

"Maybe I am Grace. Hey do you know where I could find some cigarettes around here?" Asked Nico slyly.

"Well first of all, if you don't help with this project I'll leave you and you'll get a zero, and second of all, you know that cigarettes kill you right?" Argued Jason, raising an eyebrow. Nico smirked.

"Tell you what Jason, meet me at the side of the school at lunch and then I'll work on your stupid project with you," Said Nico, a slight edge to his voice. Jason cocked his head to the side. This kid couldn't be that easy.

"What's the catch?" Huffed Jason.

"No catch, I just want someone to keep me company," Replied Nico, sucking in his cheeks. Jason pondered the offer. Surely the kid wanted something. But was it worth it?

"You've got a deal," Sighed Jason, knowing he was walking right into a trap.

Woot woot. The beginning of my High School AU! The next chapter will be more interesting than this (it was mostly just an introduction)