Well, I'm going to finish it. I may as well.

Octavian gave a mischievous smirk.

"I want you to go up to that gay, Nico, and tell him that you love him." Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Um, why?" Octavian rolled his eyes.

"Clearly the pixie has a thing for you. The best way to mangle with his feelings would be for you to tell him that you love him, and then laugh! It's the perfect plan! Oh, and one more thing," Octavian took a pause. "I want you to do it in the middle of the hallway. Naked."

Jason didn't know how to react. His eyes darted towards the bag, and he made a leap for it. Octavian pulled it away with cat-like reflexes.

"It's your choice Grace. Either go talk or spend the rest of the day naked," Octavian taunted.

"Okay so here's the thing Octavian," Jason started. "You clearly haven't thought this plan through." Octavian raised an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Well for one thing I can't walk through the hallway naked for a long enough period of time to find Nico before a teacher suspends me." Octavian thought about this, giving it a pondering look.

"I wish I could say that you were wrong. Okay new plan," Octavian chucked Jason's bag back to him. "Put your clothes back on, but the rest of the plan stays the same." Jason caught the bag.

"You do realise that you don't have anything to hold me against now, right?" Reasoned Jason. Octavian looked panicked for a split second, before his signature smirk returned onto his face.

"If you don't do it, I'll tell the whole school that you and Nico are dating," threatened Octavian, with a wicked click of his tongue. Jason rolled his eyes, and wiped his face with his hands, only to have his cast scrape across his cheek.

"Fine. Just let me change godammit," grumbled Jason, jumping into his boxers. Octavian bit his bottom lip and slid out of the moist change room.

Jason checked the clock on the wall. He still had a half hour until class started. He could probably get the job done in that amount of time. As he buttoned up his flannel shirt, Jason wondered if Nico would realise that he was being forced to say that he loved him. Seeing as though the two were an item, it was kind of unlikely. Did he actually love Nico? Maybe. He sure loved the way that the boy was a wet dream come-to-life. He also loved his carefree attitude. And his unique mannerisms. And the way the corners of his mouth indented when he smiled.


Jason exited the locker room, happy to be fully clothed, and started towards his locker. Loud chattering and cheerful giggling echoed throughout the hall. Once he made it to his locker, he chucked his gym bag inside and grabbed his books.

"Grace," commanded a voice from behind him. Jason flipped around. "You gonna' do it or not?" God dammit Octavian.

"Dude, just like, give me a minute. I don't want this to make me late for class," responded Jason, closing his locker door. Octavian crept alongside Jason until they saw Nico at his own locker. Octavian pushed Jason forward and hid behind a pole. Jason gave a dirty look in Octavian's direction before tapping Nico on the shoulder. Nico turned around with a smile.

"Hey," was all he said. Jason bit his lip. God he was cute.

"Hey, I uh need to tell you something." Nico nodded, encouraging Jason to go on. "I just wanted to say that I love you." Jason shifted from foot to foot, while Nico blushed, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Really?" Jason looked into Nico's dark brown eyes, and suddenly his hands were around his head, pulling him into a kiss. Nico's eyes widened in surprise, but then closed as their lips connected. Jason could feel the eyes of his fellow classmates searing onto his skin, but couldn't bring himself to care. Jason wished that the moment would go on forever; But the universe had other plans. All of the sudden, a hand came flying onto his ear, knocking him over with force.

"What the hell Grace, this was not part of the plan! Are you a fag or what?" Spat Octavian. Jason smiled, clutching his throbbing ear.

"It's called bisexual. Look it up," Jason mused, pulling Nico into another kiss.

Well it only took multiple years, but there we go. I finished it.