
Some millennia ago….. When the gods and demons ruled the lands

Suddenly, one of the Juubi's tails reached up to the stars and hurtled the falling sky to the hard earth. The Gods of the 7 realms seldom did anything, turning their noses up into the air, this was not their concern. However the Sky princess Orihime was angered; she took centuries to weave the sky with her crafty hands.

With her gold thread she started re-stitch the black linings of fate. In her fit of rage she had made a deal with the demon lord Taturus; she made three wishes. Her first wish to make sure that the all the realms knew about her wrath. The Sky princess's second wish to make sure that her children would have the power to rival the gods themselves. And the third and final wish was that if she failed in her revenge her children would carry on her work…willing or not, they would be loyal; she would never be betrayed by anyone again!

"I will offer you pleasure, in return I want pain..."

"I accept your terms"

From then on Orihime's children were known as Kuro no Shi, for they were cold and lethal; and they were blessed with the beauty and powers that rivalled the gods themselves...but every great power had a price- a painful price, that is.

As those words left her lips the demon let out an awfully beautiful smile. Orihime fell on her knees, as angry red marks formed on her body. They were intricate, yet they enhanced the beauty of her exotic auburn hair, and her deep storm grey eyes became dark green, akin to envy itself.

So much pain and anguish

Bloody tears fell

A dark gold crescent moon formed in the middle of her forehead.

"These powers will form only when your children experience a deep hatred; when they are pulled violently out of their innocence, then, and then only will the world see your wrath. The mark is the key to your power…"

She dug her nails into her arms as her transformation took place. It drew blood, and she gasped as she didn't see the crimson she had expected to see- but black; black as the depths of the void. Her transformation was complete.

She smiled, the elongated fangs gave it a rather contorted look.

'The goddess turned demon wench' Taturus thought.

Oh insanity, thou art a curse-ed snake, beautiful.

Grabbing her chin, Taturus grinned cruelly,

'Oh how the pure have fallen.'

As if reading his thoughts, Orihime struck her transformed hand now claw into the Demon Lord's body in anger. As she ripped her hand out; she eyed her claws with great curiosity.

Lightning danced in her acid green eyes. She would be the hell-bent Goddess damned for the rest of eternity. And she didn't care.

"Now…suffer...Whore" were his last words as he died lying in a pool of his own black blood.

Her eyes grew wide, her grin was wiped of her face, and she fell on her knees again. The crescent moon on her forehead pulsed; the intricate red marks reached out to the ground in swirls and lapped the dead Demon Lord's blood.

She smiled liking the pain…she wanted more of this pain-pleasure. Greed can be one's undoing.

But she was an exception.

She became a monster; she became wrath itself. The sky was crumbling, constantly in pain…constantly crying.

Queen of the Damned.

The Conqueror of Hell.

However Izanagi's children, the three Gods Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo had vowed to their father to keep a sacred promise. The balance must be kept.

After a long and arduous battle they barely managing to seal her; her power was indeed mighty. However before she was sealed; she slit her wrists and drained her black blood and poured it on the humans down below. Transferring a piece of her soul to her so-called 'children'. They were drenched in the Hellish Queen's blood…which contained her lethal powers. Like their mother they would be damned forever.

She smiled…a true smile…finally looking upon the three sibling gods with hatred and uttered her final words "Death is only the beginning."

The three sibling's blood ran cold, and they sealed her to deepest depths of the earth where nothing could find her.

The God's were even more foolish of underestimating a mother's love. Even in her confines she would seep her powers to her children, after all they had become part human and part God. Beautiful and deadly. Hearts darker than obsidian, rage hotter than lava and the protected by the dark power's of Hell. They were feared.But alas even the seal could not contain her unholy powers. And she would often scream in her confinement. Her children could hear her cries. They became mad.

Wary of her children, the three sibling's rallied an army with the rest of heaven and marched into hell and massacred her children. Her dear sweet children

But fate was cruel. Whether you were god or not.

The former Sky Princess smiled in her sealed prison, this was not the end. And so she waited.

Still waiting...

A/N: Finished. I know, I'm evil. Apologies for errors.

~Burnt Red