Lily Valkyrie: Remnant's Most Adorable Criminal Mastermind!

But first a brief aside: Lily Valkyrie is a creation that I came up with, along with some help on the Roosterteeth Forum, about the possibility of Nora having a sibling. Monty is apparently a fan of the theory that Nora's part of a crime family, and since she's based on Thor, I thought it would be hilarious if she had a version of Loki as a little sister, who constantly schemes from control, but who's grand schemes to take control were horribly childish, and ineffectual.

And thus Lily Valkyrie was born. I have written several small scripts with the character, and with your help we can overtake the forums under a single banner, and enter her into the OC contest, and win RWBY!

Firstly I would like to thank all the people on the forums who helped me with the idea, specifically Bainbow, who collected them all for me, and stored them in one place. Secondly also my sister who helped inspire ideas, and drew some fanart. Lastly I would like to thank you dear viewer for casting your eyes upon my work.

Without any further ado, here is Lily!

The Ice-Cream Caper

Lily: Here Big Sis! I got you ice-cream!
Nora: Yay! Is it Strawberry?
Lily: Yes. (I LIED! It's actually Raspberry Delight! With this shocking revelation Nora will spiral into a dark depression from which there is no return and I shall be left to rule!)
Nora: Hey! This is tasty! Thanks little sis! I'm gonna give you a hug!
Lily: I have been foiled! (gets hug) NOOOOOO!

Lily: My last Ice-Cream related plan failed. My new Ice-Cream related plan will undoubtedly succeed this time. I will have Nora try every flavor of Ice-Cream known to man! That way she's bound to find something she doesn't like, that I can use to exploit her weakness! If not, than she'll be too exhausted from all the Ice-Cream to stop my evil plans! It's Brilliant!
Nora: Hey Lily! Whatcha doin?
Lily: Hello Big sis, it appears that this ice-cream man was murdered, and all this ice-cream is going to melt, seems a shame to waste it doesn't it?
Nora: Wow! You're right! Let's dig in!
Nora: Hey are you going to pass the Tutti-Frutti?
Lily: Can't move... ice-cream headache...
Nora: Okay then, more for me!

Hard Work is Never Over

Lily: Ice-Cream is out. I have since decided to take extreme measures. By taking over my elder sisters weak mind, I can bend her to my will, and get her to do my bidding!
Nora: Hey Sis, howya doin?
Lily: Nora! Want to look at this new watch I bought?
Nora: Okies! Wow that is shiny!
Lily: Yes! Very shiny! It looks even better when I wave it back and forth see?
Nora: Uhuh.
Lily: Back and forth- (later) You will obey me.
Nora: I will obey you...
Lily: You will do whatever I say.
Nora: I will do whatever you say...
Lily: You will help me achieve my greatest wish. You know what that is, right?
Nora: Yes...
Lily: Good!
(Still Later)

Lily: I have clearly underestimated my sister. However I shall persevere! And I already have a new plan! I have found a dangerous demented hound, whom I shall train to keep Nora at bay while I concoct my schemes of treachery! Hound! I shall name you Fluffy. The Terrible.
Fluffy: Arf! (Training Montage)
Nora: Hey Lily! Whatcha doing?
Lily: Fluffy! ATTACK!
Fluffy: Arf!
Nora: Puppy! Come here! Scratchies!
Fluffy: Arf!
Lily: Traitor!

P-Money: Hey Nora, I like your hair, who did it for you?
Nora: Actually there's a story behind that-
Lily: I have found it! My secret weapon that will assure me ultimate victory! Safety Scissors! With these I can destroy my sister, and get her out of my way!
Lily: You have such nice long hair Nora.
Nora: Don't I?
(First Flashback.)
Lily: And now as you sleep Nora, I will lay waste to your precious hair! Muwhahaha! Take that! And that!
Nora: Lily! Lily! Wake-up! You'll never believe what happened while I was sleeping last night!
Lily: (My plan is a success!) Whatever happened Nora?
Nora: I got visited by the Haircut Fairy! I look gorgeous!
Lily: What? NOOOOO!

Lily: I've done it! After days of effort I have finally accomplished my master plan... Muhahahah! Fluffy! Fetch my sister!
Fluffy: Arf!
Nora: Hey Lily, what's up!
Lily: Behold Nora! I beat your high score on the family arcade machine! What do you think about that?
Nora: I'm so proud of you! (Glomp)
Lily: What?
Nora: I remember when you used to say video games were stupid... ah memories...

Lily: Well Fluffy, as once again Nora has thwarted my plans, I blame you by the way, time for the next stage!
Fluffy: Arf!
Lily: I must now concoct a much more diabolical plan in order to topple her! Let me run some ideas past you.
Fluffy: Arf!
Lily: How about this: I'll make her a sandwich, and put poison in it, and she'll have the runs for all eternity!
Fluffy: Arf!
Lily: Yeah, you're right, Nora loves my sandwiches... okay, how about this, I take my safety scissors to her outfit! The resulting fashion disaster will keep her from ever showing her face in public!
Fluffy: Arf!
Lily: Oh yeah, I got her that for her birthday... now I have it!
Nora: Hey Lily! Fluffy came to get me are you okay?
Lily: Everything is horrible...
Nora: Want a hug?
Lily: ... Yes.
Nora: Hug.