Oh man, the last chapter. I'll make this one a bit longer, but I'm not sure how long. Enjoy.

Chapter 6: Saviour

*Cove Morning*

Toothless' P.O.V

I woke up, perched up on a rock. I opened my eyes and saw that the sun was barely up in the sky, but there was enough light to see. I tried to stand up, but my head throbbed in pain.

"Arrggh" I groaned. I knew what this was. It was a hangover. It wasn't the first time I had one, because every year this would happen. I stood up, and jumped down off the rock, ignoring the pain. This year was one of the few years that I remembered what happened the night prior, and I felt extremely bad about myself.

I never managed to find Stormfly, so I just went to the Cove to sleep for the night. I walked over to the pond and took long gulps of water, trying to get rid of my hangover. It helped a little bit. I heard something land behind me. I turned around and, to my surprise, saw Stormfly.

"Stormfly?" I said. I walked up to her and went to kiss her, but she backed away.

"Don't even bother Toothless. I'm extremely mad at you from last night," She said. I felt even guiltier.

"Stormfly, I was drunk last night. I didn't mean to kiss Lightstar," I explained.

"Then who did you mean to kiss? There was no one else there," Stormfly said in anger.

"That's not what I meant. I couldn't control myself and I just kinda went for it without knowing," I said.

"Well I don't care. You've hurt me, and I'm sorry but I can't forgive you," Stormfly said, turning her back to me in disrespect.

"This isn't the first time this has happened. Remember, a couple of years back, I got drunk and tried to kiss Meatlug," I said while laughing a little bit. Stormfly turned around.

"But this was different. You and Lightstar loved each other once, and so I assumed you were leaving me for her," Stormfly explained.

"No no no no, I would never leave you for anyone." Stormfly's face perked up a bit, "You're my mate; I will stick with you till the very end," I finished. Stormfly then smiled and moved closer to me.

"If you mean that; then prove it," Stormfly said. I moved my head closer and kissed her passionately. She kissed me back the same way. After a few seconds we broke from the kiss.

"Was that good enough proof?" I asked. Stormfly smiled at me and licked my cheek.

"It was passable," She said. I smiled.

"What do you mean 'passable'?" I asked, knowing that she was joking.

"Well… I guess it was good," She said. We both chuckled. We had a moment of silence.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I asked.

"Oh no I'm still indescribably pissed off," Stormfly said in a cheery tone. I chuckled. I turned to my left and saw Snowball flying down towards us.

"Nightwing!" She called out as she landed. Stormfly and I rushed over to her.

"What is it Snowball?" I asked.

"Lightstar's missing. She told me that she couldn't live without you, and then she flew off somewhere. I don't know where she is," Snowball explained. I got extremely worried.

"Come on, let's go find her," I said. All three of us took off into the sky and started looking for Lightstar.

Lightstar's Flashback

*Dragon's Nest Boundary*

"You have no choice Lightstar," My father said. Nightwing, my father and I were stationary flying just beyond the boundary of the Dragon's Nest. That was where the Red Death's hideout was. "If you step past that border, you'll be controlled by the Red Death. Your only choice is to come with me," Dad said.

I looked over at Nightwing, and he looked at me. We both nodded at each other.

"So be it," Nightwing said. We turned around and flew passed the border.

"No!" My dad called out.

As we flew past the border, I heard whispers in my head. I couldn't control my body and Nightwing and I flew through the fog. After a while, we saw an island up ahead. This was the Dragon's Nest.

We flew into one of the caves and landed in front of a large hole. I looked around and there were Dragons hiding behind rocks and in caves. I looked down and saw a giant Dragon arise from the red mist. It was the Red Death. The Queen looked at Nightwing and me.

"A Night Fury; and a Snow Fury. I have big plans for you two." The Red Death said in an evil voice. "Tell me your names," The Queen ordered.

"My name's Lightstar."

"I am called Nightwing."

"You two will sleep in one of the caves outside. And don't even think about escaping; my top guard, a Whispering Death named Razorspine, patrols the island. He will find you if you try to escape," The Queen explained.

*One Month Later*

"Nightwing, are you sure it's safe?" I asked. We had left our cave and were ready to leave the island.

"Of course I'm sure," Nightwing said.

"What if Razorwing catches us?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I knocked him out," Nightwing said.

We had reached the shores of the island, and we hadn't been spotted yet.

"Lightstar," I turned around to face Nightwing. "I can't go with you," I was shocked.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"If we both go, the Red Death will send search parties out to look for us. But if I stay, then she won't need to, I'm still considered to be better than a Snow Fury," Nightwing explained. I calmed down a bit, but I was still frightened by going off alone with Nightwing.

"I understand," I said. I started to cry a little.

"Don't worry. We'll see each other again, and when we do; we'll be together again. I promise," Nightwing said.

"Nightwing…" I said softly. I leaned closer to him, and we both kissed each other. "I love you," I said, breaking the kiss. Nightwing started to nudge me.

"Now go… Go!" He ordered. I took off away from the island, looking back at Nightwing.

As I took one last look, I couldn't help but feel lonely already.

*Cliff Side Somewhere On Berk*

Lightstar's P.O.V

He promised me we'd be together again; yet he didn't keep that promise. I stood at the edge of the cliff, bracing myself for what was coming. I couldn't live without Nightwing's love. I was devastated by his words the night before, and I couldn't live with myself. I took a step closer towards the cliff, now standing at the very edge. I was going to end it all.

*In The Air*

Toothless' P.O.V

"There she is!" I yelled, seeing Lightstar at the edge of a cliff. We had flown in from the other side of the cliff, so Lightstar was facing away from us. We landed a few meters away from Lightstar.

"Lightstar!" I called out. Lightstar turned around with a depressed look.

"Nightwing? What do you want? I thought you didn't want me in your life," She said, turning back around to face the cliff.

"Please, I only said that out of anger; I didn't really mean it," I said.

"But… what makes me sad is that you won't be my mate. You broke your promise… you're just like every other male out there," Lightstar said. She took one paw off the ground and moved it forward.

"Lightstar no…" She then leaped off the cliff, "NO!" I ran as fast as I could and followed Lightstar down the cliff face.

I flew as fast as my wings would take me, as I tried to get past Lightstar. I flew past her and off to the side. When I almost reached the ground, I turned around and flew towards Lightstar, who had almost reached the ground. I flew as fast as I could, and I pushed her right before she hit the ground. We both rolled onto the ground, after I had saved Lightstar. When we stopped we both got back up.

"Why did you save me!?" Lightstar angrily asked.

"I don't want you to kill yourself over me. I won't be the cause of another friend's death!" I said, referring to Hiccup's father, "I won't go through that pain again!" I shouted. Lightstar looked at me with a shocked look.

"Nightwing…" Lightstar said, softly.

"Lightstar please. Don't go and kill yourself because you can't be with me. If you kill yourself, then so will I." Lightstar looked completely stunned.

"Then… then I won't do it," Lightstar stated. Her words made me happy.

"Thank you Lightstar," I said. Stormfly and Snowball then landed next to us.

"Is everything alright?" Stormfly asked.

"Everything's fine," I said.

"Lightstar… are you still going to kill yourself?" Snowball asked. Lightstar chuckled.

"No Sis. Not anymore," Lightstar said. Snowball breathed out in relief.

"Let's get back to the village," I said.

*The Great Hall*

I walked around the Great Hall, observing the Vikings and Dragons that were conversing amongst each other. Most of the Dragons nodded to me in respect while saying 'Alpha' and I nodded back. I walked up to Cloudjumper, who was chatting with Valka.

"Hello," I said. Valka and Cloudjumper both bowed to me.

"Alpha Toothless," Cloudjumper greeted.

"Greetings Alpha," Valka said. I made a small growl, telling them to stand up. "I hope everything's well with you and Lightstar now," Valka said.

"It is, thank you," I said.

"I just checked on Lightstar, she's doing fine," Cloudjumper said. His words soothed me.

"Thank you Cloudjumper, that's nice to hear," I said.

"I'm sorry about what happened last night," Valka said. I was puzzled at how she knew.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Cloudjumper told me everything," Valka said. I turned to Cloudjumper and gave him a stern expression.

"You followed us?" I asked. Cloudjumper stood up tall.

"As your bodyguard and second in command it is my duty to make sure that you are safe," Cloudjumper stated.

"You always have a good enough reason to get out of trouble don't you?" I rhetorically asked. Cloudjumper chuckled. "I'll check on the others; bye for now," I said.

I walked away to go check on Lars and Durga, who were sitting near the fire. I walked up to them and Lars seemed to be showing Durga something that was in his right hand.

"Hello guys," I said. They both turned to me.

"Hi Toothless," Durga said.

"Hey Toothless. Happy Snoggletog," Lars said. That's right, Snoggletog was today.

"Oh; I had completely forgotten that today was Snoggletog," I said, chuckling. Lars and Durga laughed. "What's that you got there, Lars?" I asked. Lars held the necklace up. It had a diamond on it being held by a small metal chain.

"This is for you Durga," Lars stated. Lars put it over Durga's head and around her neck. Durga looked down at the necklace with happiness.

"I love it. Thanks Lars," Durga said, looking back up at him. She kissed him on the cheek. "I'll wear it always," She said.

"Toothless!" A voice called out. I turned around and saw Hiccup waving at me. I rushed over to him and nuzzled against him. "Hey Bud," He said.

"Hey Hiccup," I said. I took a step back so I could look at him.

"I have something for you," He said, "but you have to be in your Dragonian Form for this." I took another step back and transformed.

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll see, now close your eyes and hold out your hands." I did what he said and closed I closed my eyes and held out my hands. I felt something cold cover my lower left arm.

"Hiccup; what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hang on," He said. The same feeling was then on my lower right arm. "Okay; now open." I opened my eyes and they widened when I saw silver gauntlets on my arms. I held them up and inspected them. They were surprisingly light. "What do you think?" Hiccup asked.

"I like them," I said.

"They're made from Gronkle Iron," Hiccup said. That would explain why were so light. "If you look at the fingers, you'll notice that they have razor sharp claws on them." Hiccup was right. The fingers had blades on them.

"These are great Hiccup. Thank you," I said.

"Happy Snoggletog Toothless," Hiccup said.

"Happy Snoggletog to you too Hiccup," I said. I changed back to a normal Night Fury; the gauntlets weren't there anymore. I looked left and saw Lightstar and Snowball walking towards me.

"Nightwing," Lightstar called out.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Snowball just spotted our brother flying nearby," Lightstar said.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked.

"My brother, Shine, is the new Alpha of Snow Fury Island," She said, "and he's looking for us." I was surprised that after all these years they were still being hunted down.

"So I guess you're going to have to leave aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah; I'm sorry," Lightstar said.

*Edge of the Village*

Me, my family, Lars' family, Lightstar, Snowball and Hiccup stood near the cliff side, bidding the Snow Furies farewell.

"Well, here we are again," I said to Lightstar.

"I can't believe I have to leave you again," Lightstar said.

"Who knows; maybe we'll see each other again," I said.

"There's something I want you to have, Nightwing," Lightstar said. She used her right forepaw to remove a bracelet that was attached to her left foreleg. She slid it down her leg, took it off and held it up to me. "Here," She said. It was a light blue with a white stripe in the middle.

I grabbed it with my mouth and put it down on the ground. I then put my left foreleg through it as best I could, and slid it up my leg.

"It's something to remember me by," Lightstar said. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thanks Lightstar," I said. She started to turn around but stopped, and turned back to me.

"Umm? Before I go, could I have a goodbye kiss?" She asked. I was taken aback by here question, but I allowed it.

"Sure; why not?" I gave her a quick kiss on the lips to tell her goodbye. "Goodbye Lightstar," I said.

"Goodbye… Nightwing." She turned around and flew off with her sister. I watched as she flew away from Berk. I then noticed Stormfly stand next to me.

"Please don't get mad at me," I said, still looking at Lightstar.

"I won't. It was only a goodbye kiss," Stormfly said, "You two won't see each other for a while, so I'll let it slide." I laughed a bit at her words. There was a short pause.

"Happy Snoggletog," I said.

There you have it, the final chapter. This was one of my popular stories. Thank you guys so much for reading all of this, I really appreciate it.

See you all next time, XenoX out.