Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. It rightfully belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Prompt: Imagine your otp taking their child to their first day of school

Kakashi knew this was going to happen, but it was just Yamato's coping mechanism, otherwise he would be a complete blubbering mess. They were standing outside of the Academy, watching as other parents were saying goodbye to their children, and turning to return home. It was clear these parents had other children that they'd taken to their first day of school in the past, and were seasoned veterans at saying good bye. The newer parents were more obvious, struggling to say good bye to their child. Kakashi knew that they were the most obvious of them all; Yamato was fretting over Naoki, their five year old son, making sure that he hadn't forgot to pack anything for him.

"Remember, your lunch is in your—Naoki, look at me when I'm speaking to you." Yamato grasped for his son's attention. The little boy was fidgeting, a ball of energy. He had always been an unruly child, boisterous and playful at all times. He did not share the calm and coolness Kakashi exhibited, nor the neat habits Yamato portrayed.

"Daddy, I wanna go plaayyyy!" the boy complained, his head whipping around to look at Yamato again. He had been staring off at the small jungle gym set up outside the school for the children to play at before classes began.

"In a minute, Naoki, Daddy is trying to tell you something." Yamato replied.

"Yamato." Kakashi finally spoke up. "You've told him this a million times. He knows that his lunch is in his backpack, and to play nice with the other kids. It's time to go."

Yamato fidgeted from where he was leaning down to speak to his child. He didn't want to let go yet, it was obvious. They had both raised Naoki since he was a little bundle of a joy, and nothing could have really prepared him for this moment. But he had to, and he knew it. "Okay…well remember your lunch!" he stood up straight, taking his place next to his partner. "I know this is hard, but remember Dad and Daddy love you—" but he couldn't get out the next few words as their son interrupted him and said "Bye bye!" bolting off to the playground to play.

Yamato had known better than to expect a teary goodbye, or for their son to cling to them and say "I don't wanna go!" but it still stung a little.

Kakashi only chuckled, putting an arm around Yamato's shoulder and turning him to head towards home. He couldn't help but laugh at the wide eyed expression on his partner's face. "He'll be fine. He is our child." he pulled his arm away to shove his hand in his pocket. There wasn't a response for a few moments and Kakashi glanced at Yamato's face to see tears welling up in his eyes. "Yamato, are you crying?" he asked with no shame.

The other man quickly wiped at his face sniffling. "N-no!" he denied, feeling slightly embarrassed. How could Kakashi be so strong about this? He felt like a puddle of emotions, so weak compared next to Kakashi. He quickly replied to Kakashi's other comment. "I can't help but worry, because he is part YOUR child too." he teased.

Kakashi only shrugged. "I turned out alright and you did too. Naoki will be fine." He reluctantly reached over for Yamato's hand to grab it and give it one quick squeeze. "No tears, okay?"

Yamato was slightly cheered up by Kakashi's small display of public affection."Yeah…okay then." He nodded.

"Now then…about that free time we have now…" and Kakashi's grin said everything.


Now he knew why Kakashi had been in such good spirits.