I do not own naruto, but i do own this plot.

Time warped
Chapter one - Travel Time

It is during the 4th great shinobi war and many more and more people are losing their lives and naruto is becoming sick of it. Naruto starts letting his anger get to him despite Kurama trying to keep him calm. Naruto begins to charge head first at kagura when the ground falls out from on his feet sending him falling to a dark abyss.

"naruto!" he hears sakura scream then his world goes dark.

Naruto is pulled from the darkness when he feels something jumping on his stomic again and again until it jumps so hard it causes him to rool over spitting up the water that he is unaware of in his lungs. when he opens his eyes he nearly jumps and if not for being wrapped in bandages he would have.

" How's it going naruto" says a ninja cat

"wh-what the...?" says naruto barley there

"hello, naruto dear are you okay?" says granny cat

"w-where am i?" says naruto

"well naruto, you were drowning and itachi brought you to shore" says granny cat

"what do you mean itachi brought me to shore?" says naruto in confusion, no sooner does he ask a young boy resembleing itachi walks in.

"oh good, your awake althou i'm confused how you fell into an underground pond" says the young boy

"I-Itachi?" says naruto

"yes, thats me who are you?" questions Itachi this naruto goes to the water's edge and looks at his reflection just to jump back cause there looking at himself is a 5year version of himself.
(WHAT THE HELL!, I'M ...I'M GAHHHH!)thinks naruto

"oh, no, no, no, no this can not be happening, okay think naruto...think you were fighting...then falling, and then... then...GAhhhhhhh i have no idea" says naruto while speed talking and pacing.

"So your name is naruto" says granny cat

"Huh? oh yeah" says naruto

(why is she acting like she does not know me) thinks naruto

"Not naruto uzumaki by chance?" says itachi

"Um, yeah Why?" says naruto

"I see, wait a moment and i'll take you back to the leaf" says Itachi as he walks out, once she knows itachi is out of ears shot.

"Now naruto sorry bout acting like i did not know you, i know your confussed so i will make this as simple as i can i am the one who summoned you to this time" says granny cat. (great just great i'm a little kid not the best years of my life) thinks naruto

/no offence kid, but i agree with you on that/ says kurama

"Why me?" says naruto

"so that you can stop this and save itachi, save him from slautering the clan, and stop donzo from taking all the uchiha sharingan and blood to create the ultimate weapon and monstrosity" says granny cat

"what's that?" says naruto

"you my dear, if donzo was not killed by sasuke he would have soon used the sharingan on you making you his ultimate weapon" says granny cat

/damn that stupid motal/ says kumaru

(if sasuke did not kill donzo i would be a weapon) thinks naruto,After hearing this naruto's legs give out and he crumbles to the ground

"m-me a weapon, your saying i was never ment to be a ninja?" says naruto as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

(Kumaru, i was never ment to be anything but a weapon) thinks naruto
/damn them he will pay for this/ growls Kurama

Unknown to either -

Itachi is listening in his sharingan active, and fists clenched in anger. He had recognised naruto from the times when he picks up sasuke from the academy, but to find that naruto was the jincheriki and that donzo plans to use him as a weapon it just angers him to no end, with his mind made up he walks in.

"hey naruto are you ready to go?" says itachi while quickly deactivation his sharingan. naruto looks up and nodes then gets to his feet, slowly fallowing itachi.

Once in the village -

Naruto thanks Itachi and starts to walk in the way of the orphanage, when itachi suddenly grabs his hand and starts pulling him in the opposite direction.

"h-hey where are you taking me?" questions naruto

"to my home, you almost drowned today so you need a good rest and a good meal, now come" says itachi leading him. (nothing unusual i'm used to it) thinks naruto

while walking through the village everyone is whispering and gosiping while giving naruto dirty looks then naruto flenches when he sees ubachi and his gang come running towards him with rocks. itachi emediately notices it and his eyes narrows and shift to the sharingan, Instantly the villageres and kids shut up and ubachi and friends run in the opposite direction.

After awhile the arrive at the uchiha estate(man this place is huge) thinks naruto. Soon after going past a few houses they arrive at their destination. itachi lets go of naruto's hand to open the door. naruto hesitates (can i really go in? kurama i'm scared)thinks naruto

/well he is obviously inviting you in so lets go/ says kurama

Itachi sees naruto's hesitation and gives him a slight nudge, naruto gitting the clue finally walks in to see a woman and sasuke walk in.

"oh itachi welcome home dear, and who's this?" says the woman

"hi mom, sasuke i'm home, this is naruto he and sasuke go to the acadamey together" says itachi taking off his shoes.

"well hello naruto, my name is mikoto why dont you come in dear?" says mikoto

(wow, this is sasuke's mother she's beautiful) thinks naruto while standing there spacing out with confusion, for the first time in his life, he as a kid is being treated like a person not just 'that kid'.

"naruto dear?" says mikoto

"hn, Hey loser are you gona stay like that all night?" says sasuke

(really must he call me loser?)
/yes he really must/ says kurama
(who asked you?!)

At this naruto looks up
"huh, what?" says naruto

"my mom just asked you to come in, So hurry up loser" says sasuke

/temper naruto temper... and he's not listening to me/ says kurama

"hey who are you calling Loser! ya jerk" yells naruto

at this sasuke runs into the house after sasuke, Mikoto watches as naruto chasing sasuke, she was going to tell naruto to take off his shoes only to realise he has none.

back with naruto -

he continues chasing sasuke through the house until he runs right into itachi, the impact sending naruto to the floor.

"carefull naruto, and please wash your hands it will soon be time to eat" says itachi helping naruto to his feet.

(i get to eat with actual people freaky)

To be continued -

hey guys what do ya think? hope ya liked it. well any way please review and leave lots of comments also tell me what people you want naruto to run into as a kid.