Huh. I'm updating this. Will wonders never cease? Enjoy!

Erza wanted to let out a yell as she was tossed ruffly into the back of a Ray by one of the academy guard members.

She was surprised to come face to face with Natsu, Gray, and Lucy, who were all restrained by a full body paralyzing blow.

Headmistress Harper stepped up to the side of the Ray and gave them all the harshest look she could muster.

"You four have been quite a lot of trouble." She said as she began to pace before them. Erza wasn't held by a paralyzing blow, she was, instead, gripped tightly by fear. This woman had robbed her of her voice for who knew how long, if Erza pushed her luck just a bit more, the woman might decide to steal a lot more.

The powerful threat to any who oppose her, known as Azalea Harper, narrowed her eyes at them.

"Since you stowed away, you have no knowledge of where we are."

She began as she started pacing back and forth, four pairs of eyes following her, "You will be taken back to your guild, and let me tell you only have the pleading words of my two best students to thank for not being in a cell for the rest of your lives. Or not even having the rest of your lives. Good day, and do not come back."

With that she stepped back and the ray's doors were slammed, they were lifted from the ground a moment later.

Back on their way home.

In the Chrysalis Academy mess hall.

"Shut up, Cain! I did not cry!"

"Did to."

"Did not!"

"Did to."

"Did. NOT!"

"Did. TO!"

"I have an idea, why don't both of you shut up?" Carra suggested, breaking up the shouting contest between her partner and the black squad boy.

"Yeah just hurry up and eat so we can enjoy this, the Headmistress said we did so good with that capture operation that we get the rest of the week off. Just think about it! Three whole days with no training and no classes!"

Maya exclaimed as Cain raised his arms, making a mock impression of the angels singing.

"Truly it is a thing of beauty." Anne agreed, she and Kye were at the large round table as well, bringing the amount of people at the table to ten, they were the ones who had charged into the cell and paralyzed the enraged wizards, so they, to, had been given three days of freedom.

"I'm thinking...beach picnic anyone?" Wendy asked, smiling as she set down her fork.

"I'm in!" Maya exclaimed, her twin brother nodding.

"Count us in too!" Kye exclaimed for him and Anne.

"I do need to get a tan." The ever pale Carra agreed.

"Sounds like fun." Angela said.

"Well it's settled, picnic on the beach for this first of three amazing days of freedom!" Romeo announced.


Later that afternoon, at Fairy Tail.

Team Natsu had been literally dropped onto the sand on the beach behind their guild hall, and they did not look all to happy as they stumbled to their feet, barely within control of their muscles again.

They had been hustled into the building, and this was where they were now, with Erza being rapidly checked over by Mira. Mira said that within a few hours Erza's voice would return, thanks to the fact that Headmistress Harper had possibly held back her strike. Erza thanked Mira with a nod and now Master Makorov began to speak.

"I...I wish desperately to get Romeo and Wendy back. Really I do. But how can we bring them back if they actually want to be there in the first place?"

Lucy stood up.

"There's no way! We had to attend the school as supposed students, we had to be members of that body and it was terrible! All day classes and training!"

Makorov huffed, taking a swig from his beer mug.

"I don't know what I can tell you...but this academy, the Chrysalis Academy...we need to check it out either way. Perhaps we can manage something peaceful."

All the members of Fairy Tail seemed rather ok with this decision. After all, once they were on the island, they could find the young guild mates that they had missed for so long.

Erza, meanwhile, was wondering which side Romeo and Wendy would stand too should it come down to a war on the sands.

"Let's go! We'll rescue Romeo and Wendy from themselves if we have too!"

Macao, as expected, was eager to depart.

"But how? I mean, we don't even know where the place is!" Max pointed out.

Lucy put a finger to her chin for a few moments, then an idea appeared to have come to her.


Warren jumped at suddenly being addressed and actually saluted.

"Can you pick up Romeo and Wendy's thoughts? You must know them well enough, right?"

Warren furrowed his brow.

"Well, we know that the island is in the general direction of west, so if we start sailing towards it, I can certainly give it my all to pick them up."

Macao stood.

"What are we waiting for, then? Let's move it!"

Several hours later.

"Ahhh..." Wendy sighed contentedly as she rolled over onto the white sands, knowing she was probably getting covered with the stuff.

"You said it."

Anne replied as she laid down on the sand next to Wendy, the two side by side, staring up at the sky.

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"
Wendy hummed in agreement to Anne's statement.

The boys were all out in the shallow of the waves, what had started as a swimming race had dissolved into a game of keep away with a beach ball.

The girls, on the other hand, were all stretched out at once place or another along the beach, or kicking up water in the surf.

Wendy giggled when she heard the sound of Romeo and Kye crashing into the water in a wrestling match over the ball.

For one moment, everything was perfect, she was with her friends, and Fairy Tail was the farthest thing from her mind.

This was when the sail of the Fairy Tail ship came into view.

"You have GOT to be kidding me." Wendy whispered, when Anne looked up at him in question, Wendy merely raised a trembling hand and pointed at the oncoming ship.

"Oh, good grief...we have to go warn Headmistress Harper!" Anne cried.

The roughhousing boys dropped the beach ball and ran to the sand, all of them hurried to yank on flip flops or sandals, and they all took off towards the school entrance.

Headmistress Harper's office.

Headmistress Harper had to admit, this was rather nice. No intruders to deal with, no rowdy students being sent to her office, no inter squad fist fights being started, things were calm and peaceful.

She leaned back in her high backed purple chair, her incredibly long, swishing high purple ponytail was cascading over her shoulder.

She tucked her hands behind her head, she was wearing a tight leather long sleeve shirt with the butterfly symbol of the academy on her back in silver sparkles. She was also wearing short black shorts with thigh high leather boots that had several blades concealed within them.

Her ponytail was held up by a large black bow, and it was the only thing on her that was purely for fashion, not for combat or necessity.

Perhaps I should take a vacation...when was the last time I left the island and it wasn't for work? Must have been years ago. Yes, and Vivian has been telling me I need to take a break. Hmm...maybe I'll spend a week or so in Crocus...not to steal anything or kidnap anyone, just to unwind. This whole assassin/kidnapper/thief for hire thing can really take a toll on a girl.


Green eyes shot open and a soft sigh escaped her lips.

"It'll have to wait." She murmured as she sat up straight, just as the door burst open.

Headmistress Harper knew it was serious when she had a bunch of shirtless boys and girls in bikinis covered in sand and dripping wet standing in her office.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a level voice.

Wendy swallowed hard.

"Headmistress...Fairy Tail is here."
"What?" She looked slightly confused by this statement.

"What do you mean here? It's impossible for them to have stowed away again." She pointed out as she came to her feet, heels of her boots clicking on the tile.

"There entire ship. Possibly the whole guild. All of them are here."

Carra reiterated for Wendy.

Headmistress Harper's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Really, now?"

She turned, holding her hands calmly behind her back, and strode over to her window, she tugged at the dark purple curtains and gazed out at the normally endless, empty expanse of perfectly crystal blue waters, looking like it was filled with glittering gemstones from the way the sun would reflect it's light.

Now that view was marred by the sight of, in the Headmistress's mind, a hideous, abnormal, overlarge ship with that insignia on it.

She let a soft chuckle escape her, then turned to all of her students behind her, with their hair still in soaking wet strands and a few actually shivering from the combination of the air condition inside and the fact that they were drenched.

She looked all of them over, one by one, right in the eye.

Each of them squirmed under her unwavering, emerald green eyes, a turmoil going one behind them was so fierce it was like a volcano threatening to erupt.
"Now, now."

She gently clapped her hands twice, and all of them automatically straightened up.

"We can't have out guests coming ashore to see you all in your swimsuits, covered in sand, can we? Hurry now, go and clean up, we've got a welcoming party to plan."

All of them bowed as one.

"At once, Headmistress."

I figured why not? I said I was gonna try and wrap up some of my abandon stories and this is one that was just too interesting to let go. Especially considering this was one of my first original fanfiction ideas. It was probably kinda strange, my writing style has changed a lot since the last chapter was written, but, here it is, the Chrysalis Academy! When I was rereading this I realized that some of the other students are unclear, so here's a little way for you to tell who's who.

Wendy + Romeo = Best duo in the academy. Best girl and boy. Black Squad.

Angela + Garo = Second best duo in the academy. White Squad.

Carra + Cain = Third best duo in the academy. Red Squad.

Maya + Misu = Twins and the fourth best duo in the academy. Blue Squad.

Now that that's out of the way. Please favorite, please follow, please review! Thanks! ;)