A/N: I decided to write another story! Yay! I DON'T OWN ANYTHING. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Enjoy!

Ally's POV

Highschool has always been pretty easy for me. All I had to do was avoid everybody and have good grades. So basically, I was a nerd. And in highschool, nerds are bullied. Yes, I am being bullied by the most popular slut in school. Cassidy Crystals. So, now would be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Allyson Dawson, Ally for short, and I have brown eyes and chestnut colored hair. I'm very pale, short, and pretty thin.

My days were always the same, wake up, go to school and get bullied, go home, do homework, write in my book, and then go to sleep. But, everyday when I got home, I was alone because my mom is in Africa and my dad is always at a convention or in another state or country. It all ends up with me alone. It's almost like I own the place since no one is ever home and I pay the bills with the money I make at my dad's music store. Yep, we have a music store. Well, I have a music store since I'm all alone.

Anyways, today I woke up, took a short shower, brushed my teeth, dried my chestnut hair, changed into a red shirt with a white diamond pattern, black and white striped skirt, and a see- trough white lacey jacket that went almost all the way down to my knees, and tied it all off with a skinny dark red-ish brown belt. I put on a very thin layer of mascara and blush, and some dark red lipstick with a thin layer of lipgloss. I don't usually wear makeup, but today I felt like doing it for some reason. I put on a long necklace with a big black gem at the end and a brown diamond patterned leather bracelet. (Yes, I know I went into a lot of detail. Be warned, I do that a lot. ) I slipped on some brown leather boots, grabbed an apple, and walked out the door.

I put in my earplugs and hummed the songs that passed through and flooded my mind with beautiful melody. These songs were like no one has ever heard of before. The reason is not because I listen to nerdy, old school music, which I do sometimes, but these songs were mine. I wrote them and recorded them and put them in my phone. Yes, I have a phone. I finally saved up to get one. Not many people would belive I have a phone but I do, so you'd better believe it.

When I arrived at school, I threw away my apple core and took out my earplugs, wrapped them around my phone, stuck my phone in my pocket, and then walked past the doors and into the school, down the hall and to my locker. Cassidy Crystals and Austin Moon were making out on it. What a suprise. Not. They were the most popular 'couple' in the school and were always making out on my locker because I was the poor, unlucky soul to get the locker right next to Austin Moon.

The reason I said 'couple' was because they weren't really a couple. Cassidy was the biggest slut in the school and Austin was the biggest jerk in school. Also known as, the 'bad boy' of Marino High. He was a player, a jock, and a jerk. What else am I missing? Oh, and he was also a complete ASSHOLE. That's not something that you hear from me very often.

As usual, I hid my face to avoid eye contact and tried to get to my locker. Usually, once I grabbed my lock, they would move and resume each other's faces off on Austin's locker but when I thought they moved, I felt Cassidy's cold hand dig into my shoulder and push me down. I didn't fall down at first, I just stumbled back, and then being the clumsy nerd I am, I tripped over my own feet and fell on my butt. They pointed at me and laughed about how stupid I am and I guess they were getting loud because the rest of the people in the hall joined in and soon, The 'crew' came.

The crew contained all of the populars who were led by Austin and Cassidy. Austin's side of the crew contained; Dallas Centino, Trent Matthews, Elliot Johnson, and Dez Fisher. Cassidy's side of the crew wasn't big, she only had Kira Starr and Brooke Smalls.

Trent was just a social party type of guy, he was also dating Kira. Elliot used to be my friend, until Brooke took him and changed him. He didn't care at first, but then, they made him realize that I was a nerdy loser and he joined them. Dallas is surprisingly single considering his good looks. And I might have a tiny crush on him, but remember, I said tiny crush it's not like I'm in love with him. And that leaves Dez. Dez is really not meant for this group because he is way too nice. He is a really funny, colorful, and childish person but he is also Austin's best friend since maybe birth.

I have no friends since Elliot and right now, I'm really hurt that no one is standing up for me. I have done lots of good things for all of these people and they just laughing in my face. I don't know what I did to this world to make it do this to me. Why am I so hated? I can't believe they are all just standing there watching me suffer.

" HEY!" I heard. " LEAVE HER ALONE!" Maybe I spoke too soon, maybe somebody will actually stand up for me this time.

I turned my attention towards the source of the loud voice and saw a short Latina girl with an angry look on her face and her hands on her hips. She had long, black, curly hair, and was covered in cheetah print clothes. I was happy that she was standing up for me, but I got nervous when Cassidy stormed up to her. A little ounce of hope ran through me as I saw that the girl still wore a strong, proud, and determined face.

" Or what?" Cassidy narrowed her eyes at the girl. " Huh? What're you going to do about it?" She sneered and jabbed the girl's chest.

" Or, bad things will happen." The girl glared back. Cassidy's glare seemed to be challenging her because she stepped up closer to Cassidy. " Let me tell you something, you've got quite the pretty face. And, you know, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to it.'' The girl warned, cracking her knuckles. "But, no damage. I mean it's not actually your real face. It's all that makeup that you're wearing. You wear so much makeup, that it's gone to the point where no one actually knows what your real face looks like. Face it, you're a fake." The girl spat, causing Cassidy to jump back with a disgusted look on her face. She opened her mouth to say something but then just glared at the girl, scoffed, and walked away.

"This isn't over." Brooke and Kira warned at the same time, narrowing their eyes and pointning a finger at her.

" Damn right it's not over." The girl said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The girls just scoffed and walked away to Cassidy, dragging the rest of the crew along. Once they turned the corner and were gone, the girl walked up to me and stuck her hand out for me to grab.

" Thanks for that." I said and grabbed her hand, allowing her to pull me up.

"No problem. They always do that to people. I just happen to be in the area." She said.

" At the perfect time. I don't know what they would've done to me this time if you hadn't shown up." I said dusting myself off.

" This time? You mean this has happened to you before?" She asked.

" Yep. Everyday actually. But I wasn't expecting it to happen right now, they usually move when I grab my lock but this time I guess I blew a fuse." I said and she gave a small laugh.

" I'm Trish, Trish Dela Rosa." She introduced herself and stuck her hand out again to shake mine.

" Ally, Ally Dawson." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Well Ally, I'm pretty sure we'll be late to class if we don't leave now. Where you headed?" She smiled.

" Uh, sadly, to the gym." I sighed.

" No way me, too! How come I haven't seen you in any of my classes?" She asked.

" Uh, probably because I usually sit in the back and hide in the corners. I'm usually the one of the first people to get out in dodgeball and any other type of competitive sports games." I said and shrugged my shoulders while Trish let out another small laugh.

" I usually get yelled at for playing on my phone or not participating. Then I sit out and do makeup work, most of the time. When I get bored I just doze off and there's usually someone next to me who wakes me up when class is over." She said and we both laughed and made our way to the the gymnasium.

As we walked through the door, I looked at the board and read that we would be doing dodgeball. Hooray! Said no one ever. I sighed and walked into the locker rooms to change into a baggy gray shirt and mid-thigh length black shorts and black NIKE tennis shoes. ( I don't own NIKE.) I tied my wild hair into a messy ponytail and walked back out to my usual spot in the back corner of the gym.

A few minutes later, I saw Trish walk out wearing zebra print leggings, a leopard print shirt, and white NIKE tennis shoes. She looked around unti her gaze rested in my direction and she smiled and walked towards me.

"Hey." She said and sat down next to me. We talked until the bell rang and she scooted a couple feet away and Mrs. Davis blew the whistle to quiet everyone down. She divided the class in half and lined dodgeballs across the middle of the gym and while she was doing that, I looked at me team and stared in horror as I realized that Austin, the crew, and all of the 'aggresive' people were on the other side. My side had all of the people who didn't care or try to participate. The only good thing about this is that Trish was on my team.

Mrs. Davis put the whistle to her mouth and I dreaded the time when the screech of the whistle would come. 5, 4, 3, 2, SCREEEEEEEECH!

We were so doomed.