A/N: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Enjoy!

Ally's POV

Lunch came and ended like all of the ones before; of course, somebody dumped my entire lunch on me. I had to change into my gym clothes and try to get my books and make it to class in two short minutes. Long story short, I got a detention slip from Mrs. Stevenson for being late to class for the fifth time. I was nervous, I had never gotten a detention and Austin gets it so many times, I'm suprised he hasn't been kicked out of school yet. That's not the only bad news, Cassidy hasn't gotten a detention so she won't be there to distract Austin, which means, he's going to be all over me instead. Great. Just great.


I sat down and tried to finish my homework but my paper was swiped off of the table and my pencil was snatched out of my hand and throw across the room.

" What's up, Dorkson?" Austin nodded.

" Why would you want to know?" I snapped, getting up to get my paper and pushing through chattering students to get to my pencil. I got it, but came out of the crowd with a bruised arm and leg, and messed up hair all in my face, covering another big bruise on my right cheek.

" Have fun in there?" Austin joked.

" Absolutely not. " I huffed, blowing the hair out my face. Austin just stared at me for awhile, and I was getting kind of scared. " What's wrong? " I asked, unsure if I should have spoken.

" Your face." He tried to say nicely.

" Oh, thanks. That makes me feel so much better. " I said sarcastically. " Now, I feel so pretty."

" No, theres a bruise on it." He said.

" Yeah. I know. There's some on my arms and legs, too." I shrugged.

" Damn, you must be one tough nerd to be able to just weakly walk into a strong crowd, come out bruised, and just shrug like it's nothing." He said.

" And you can't?" I teased.

" Hold your tongue, Dorkson." He said. I scoffed and continued on my work. Or at least tried, he kept asking questions and making fun of me.

When detention was done, I groaned loudly because one, I didn't get anything done, and that leads to reason Two, Austin was still being annoying and asking so many questions. To the ones I didn't answer, he repeated it over and over like a little kid.

" UGH! " I groaned. " Will you just shut up already?!" I yelled.

" Jeez, talking long enough makes you finally snap." He said. I rolled my eyes and continued walking to the door. I pushed open the door and walked out, feeling the slight breeze blow my hair around.

Forgetting about Austin, I walked around and instead of going straight home, I found a large tree and climbed onto a low branch that was about two feet higher than me. I got comfortable and pulled out my book. While writing down some lyrics, I felt the branch move and some leaves rustle. I shut the book and whipped around to see who or what was making that noise.

" Oh, hey..." He said, dragging out the hey. He was hanging off of the tree and looked ridiculous with his legs dangling below him.

" Trying to scare me, Moon?" I smirked. He sighed and got all the way onto the tree before speaking.

" I was trying to climb the tree as swiftly as you did. You're like a ninja. " He said. I laughed and quickly snuck my book back into my bag. He didn't notice. Hmm, Maybe I really am a Ninja. Ninja Ally. " Why do you keep stalking me?" I joked. '' Don't you have somewhere to be instead of hanging with a nerd?"

" Right." He said, jumping off of the tree and failing the landing. He tripped over his own feet and fell onto his butt. I laughed while he jumped up and dusted himself. " I meant to do that." He lied, pointing a finger at me. I laughed again and jumped off to see if I would stick the landing. I did. Suprisingly.

" Like how I meant to do that." I smirked.

"Whatever." He walked away. I chuckled and walked home.

With homework all done in less that ten minutes, I walked to my 'music' room. It's a room with all of my instruments in it. Well, most of my instruments, some are in my room. I found a seat at the grand piano, and pulled out my book. ( I don't really know the names of any instrument so, I apologized if I got that one wrong.)

I glided my fingers across the keys and words flew out of my mouth and you could just hear the sound of how perfectly it flowed. During my song, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. The more I thought about it, the more worried I was getting. I still kept singing though, just in case there was like a murderer outside my window and if I stopped, then he or she would know that I heard them and like, break into my house.

I finally managed to calm down and stop singing. I casually got up and walked to the window, bracing myself. My tense and trembling little hand, finding it's way to the curtain. I bit my lip and carefully inched the curtain out of the way a little. I winced, expecting to see someone or something at the window, but all I saw was nothing. Nothing but grass and trees. I let out a relieved breath and walked back to my music room. There was still a part of me that felt like there was something wrong, though. I shook it off and went upstairs to my room.

I took a long hot shower to wash away all of the fear I'd felt earlier. I got out and walked to my closet. Getting dressed into a gray tank top and black shorts, I made my way back to the bathroom to dry my hair, put it in a messy bun, and brush my teeth.

Crawling into bed, I pulled the heavy blanket up and drifted off into a deep sleep.

A/N: Yeah, yeah. I know it's short. I had nothing else to write for this chapter, I'll continue the rest in the next chapter.