Standard Disclaimers Apply. Dreams on the Ceiling

When fate beckons, how many means could there be to a single end?

Important Author's Notes:

I'm using a modernist writing style and the story is well… different from the others out there. Proceed with an open mind. Hope you put your trust on me again on this fic. More explanation at the bottom of the chapter. ^_^


The idea of giving up everything she had believed in was so tempting she could already taste it.

It was bitter.


Ever since Kaoru was a child, she had this habit of locking herself inside her room as she pulled her favorite pink floral curtains together and turned off the lampshades beside her bed. Then, she would sit down on her queen-sized bed, fluffing her two pink butterfly pillows before she pulled down her floral comforter.

She wanted nothing but silence and peacefulness. She needed it for daily sustenance.

She would then lay her back against the soft and comfortable cushion, snuggling her skin against the silky sheet, loving every second of that heavenly feeling. Slowly, she would open her eyes and stare at her ceiling.

There was nothing special about it, actually. I was just white.




The perfect canvas to start her painting.

In this complete serenity she had set up, she would dream.

It was almost always the same. She was in the park, sitting on her favorite spot— the swing. The swing had three wooden seats supported by faded metal chains on both sides. It had been there for 50 years— giving comfort to two generations of the city she lived in, Tokyo.

The swing was wise, I must say. It had been there long enough… to witness the innocent children's laughter, the heartbroken's tears, the mother's pride and so much more. It just stood there, watching all forces of nature pass by.

I guess somehow, it reached her. She loved the swing because it gave her a calming effect. Maybe she felt that it understood her like it did the others that sat there before her.

Her dream would usually start with her sitting on the swing, playing by herself. She laughed in amusement at the feeling of freedom the swing was giving her… despite that fact that she would never lift her feet from the grass.

Correction: She loved the swing as long as her feet anchored her. Without that support, she was sure that she would fall. When that happened, she would no longer love the swing.

*Notice the word when… she assumed or perhaps, knew deep inside her that one day, her swings would raise high enough that her feet would no longer be there.*

But then, you see, it was all part of her dream. As she was swinging herself backward and forward with her feet planted securely on the grass, this nameless man would arrive and stand behind her. Without further ado, he would place his hands on the metal chains, following her lead. He would just stand there almost passively.

A few unvoiced words would be exchanged as he would slowly take control of the swing. Little by little, he would push the swing a little higher.

Little by little, her feet would lose its hold.

Then, as more unvoiced words had been exchanged, he would suddenly take confidence and push the swing as high as he can, using all his strength, wanting to take the girl to new heights.

What she predicted came true. She did fell out from the swing.

She no longer loved the swing. She loved the man who caught her when she fell.

Few years had passed and the painting of her white ceiling remained. It mirrored her ideals, hopes and dreams.

Nevertheless, as Kaoru reached high school, she knew better. She wouldn't let all her dreams to be boxed up— just like a classic movies of romance, which were played over and over again in run-down theaters. No, she was going to take action. She had dreamed of her meeting with her soul mate since she was a girl and everything must go according to her plan.

It must!


[At  present]

As Kaoru arrived home from work, she hanged her coat on the coat hanger on the back of the door. With labored steps, she climbed the stairs to her room. She opened the door, flipping on the light switch on the side.

As the bright light illuminated her room, you would be surprised at what you were about to see. Gone were the floral curtains, lampshades, pink butterfly pillows, pink comforter and silk sheets. There was no trace of pink anywhere. No trace of any other color, for that matter.

In fact, there wasn't a trace of anything anywhere. Everything seemed gone and emptiness took its place, filling the void. The only remnants were the white walls, the bed, which was now covered by a simple cotton cloth, and of course, the white ceiling. There wasn't even a slight evidence that a dreamer once occupied the room.

At that point, the bedroom became nothing more than a place to sleep.

Ah, the contrast of a jaded heart from a flower garden.

All these came to be because she loved to dream too much. To daydream a perfect situation wherein the she could manipulate every scene. It was where she painted all her hopes and dreams. But…

…she never realized that they were all false.

An illusion.

A set-up.

Something forced.

Even the tedious ritual she followed through before doing the actual daydreaming session was a set-up. Without the serenity that she needed, there wouldn't be anything for her to stare at but her white ceiling.

Her white ceiling which now symbolized emptiness, loneliness, and misery.

Author's Notes:

Like I said before, I am playing with a modernist writing style. This is a first person omniscient POV KenKao fic. I placed it in my POV because I wouldn't be able to relay what's on their subconscious if it was written on theirs. No… it won't be all narration. This is just the prologue of everything. Kenshin would appear on the next chapter meaning there would be more KenKao interaction… dialogue, thoughts, actions, the works.

Hmmm… I seem to be having this habit of always starting the fics with Kaoru. Anyway, I couldn't do it any other way.

Moreover, I caution you to proceed with an open mind. This fic is sort-of angsty/eccentric/[actually I can't find the exact adjective]  because I would be playing with concepts regarding dreams, hopes, reality and fate. With regards to something as powerful as love… which among the four controls it? I am going to reach deep inside to know what is really real and at the same time cross the boundery of fantasy. You'll know what I mean in the next couple of chapters.

Anyhoo, these concepts had been bothering me for the past few days causing some depression attacks in any case, I am writing this for therapy. Just creative outlet.

What else? Hmmm… I guess, this is a crazy fic that I just need to write before I move back to my other fics.

So now, the question is… what had happened between Kaoru's highschool years to the present that allowed her to feel that way. How would her past experiences affect her meeting/relationship with Kenshin. How are her decisions affected and why?

This are the questions we sometimes fail to answer in life and in reading. Sometimes thoughts aren't enough. Experiences are much stronger in molding us whether we are aware of this or not.

Read on and find out! Leave me a review for faster chapters! ^_^