Hi guys, I'm really sorry to announce that I'm discontinuing this story. I really had a great time when I was writing it, but I think the year gap has really thrown me off of my groove. Not only that, but I'm moving to Japan in March and will be attending high school over there. You know what they say about Japan and school - it's fucking hectic (even if I'm only a second year). So, I won't even have the time to write whilst over there as, if you didn't know already, a lot of Japanese high school students' lives are taken up largely by school (and it'll only be worse if I join a club, in which I'm planning to).

Believe it or not though, I was planning on finishing this story up before I leave, but I've ran out of time (I've lost my work multiple times too, due to technology issues). So, I'm soley focusing on studying Japanese and, in short, getting ready to move.

However! Even though I'm studying my ass off, I do try to still find some time to write. So, if you'd still like to read my stories, be sure to follow me, because I may post some one shots here and there if I get the time!

Again, I'm so sorry. I've had such an amazing journey with this story, but I've just lost it, you know? I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did. It was fun while it lasted. Thank you.