When Spencer opened his eyes, the very first thing that greeted him was the sight of his oldest brother's sleeping, drooling face. That was so very at odds with the last thing that Spencer remembered that he actually closed his eyes and opened them a few times just to see if maybe the picture would change. But, no, it stayed the same. Spencer stared at him and wondered if maybe he was dreaming. Things definitely had this sort of soft, floating feeling to them. Then again, if he was dreaming about his brother drooling beside his bed, he might need to see someone once he woke. There had to be something wrong with him to dream about that.

The last thing that Spencer remembered was lying on that table in Sinister's labs. He'd been lying there fighting so hard to hold on to his control and failing miserably at it. Things were a little foggy there, but he thought he could remember telling Remy to get back, to get himself and their daughter out of there, and then he remembered the electricity filling him up to the brim until there was no way he could hold it back anymore. It burst from him and the whole world had whited out. Now he was waking up here, in what was so obviously a hospital, and his brother was here but Remy and their daughter were nowhere in sight. Fear ripped its way through him.

Spencer felt more exhausted than he could ever remember feeling and it took a great amount of effort to make his mouth move. Fear gave him the added strength, though. He had to talk to Scott, had to ask him what happened. Please, please, let them be okay. Please let them be okay! He licked dry lips and forced his throat to work. "Scotty." His name came out so soft, so weak, but when he tried again, it was a little stronger, a little louder. "Scott. Scotty."

It was the last one that did it. Spencer watched as Scott jerked like he'd been poked and his head snapped up. The sunglasses prevented him from seeing, but he knew that Scott's eyes had most likely snapped open. There was only a second's pause where Scott registered that Spencer's eyes were open and then he was sitting forward, one hand swiping across his mouth to wipe away that bit of drool, and his other hand was reaching out for Spencer. "Sherlock! You're awake!"

"The baby." Spencer croaked out. Those were the most important words right now. The fear was gripping him even tighter, making his heart race, and his eyes were wide as they stayed locked on Scott's face.

Those two words were all he needed. As always, Scott understood him. He caught Spencer's hand up in his and gave it a tight squeeze. "She's fine. Her and Remy are both fine. They're down at the nursery right now. Remy's been splitting his time between the two of you."

Relief crashed through Spencer like a tidal wave. They were okay. His eyes slid closed and the tension drained out of his body. His family was okay. He didn't know what he would've done if something had happened to them. If he'd accidentally hurt them, it would've destroyed him. But they were okay. They were safe.

Scott's free hand brushed over Spencer's forehead and Spencer opened his eyes once more to find that his brother was smiling down at him. "It's okay, Sherlock. Everyone's fine. You didn't hurt anybody."

"What happened?" Spencer asked softly.

"We arrived right when Remy came barreling out." Scott told him, continuing to stroke lightly at Spencer's hair. "Jean put up a barrier to keep us safe. When she let it down, we went in and found you just lying there on the table. Sinister was nowhere in sight."

Spencer nodded weakly. "He left when Remy ran."

"Well, he'd already stitched you up, so with Hank's help and Jean's TK, we got you out of there and loaded onto the Bird. You were out like a light. Hank's pretty sure that your emotions fueled your energy, building it up inside of you sort of like a volcano, and your shields finally couldn't handle it anymore. It just burst out of you." Worry colored Scott's voice and in that moment, Spencer could see the stress lines on his brother's face, the tired and drawn look there that suggested he'd probably been sitting beside Spencer's bed worrying for a little while now. Sure enough, "You scared the hell out of me, Spence. You burnt your energy down to almost nothing. It's been a day and a half since we brought you in and you've been out the whole time."


"It's not your fault. Just, don't do it again." Amusement curved Scott's lips. "I'm not as young as I used to be, you know. I don't think my heart can take it."

A weak chuckle slid from Spencer. "Old man."

"Watch it, you little whippersnapper."

Memories were tugging at Spencer, things that didn't quite make sense yet, and he struggled to put them into words. "Sinister." He finally managed to say. "What…what did he want?"

The worried look that cross Scott's face only served to fuel Spencer's worry. "We don't know." Scott said. He let out a frustrated sigh. "Things were a bit hectic when we left. Rem went back, tried to see if he could get anything out of the system, but the base had already been cleaned out. We can't figure out any reason why he took you guys. Did he say anything—anything at all?"

"Said he wanted some blood." Spencer closed his eyes, the memory of that moment washing over him. "Said he didn't want her, just some blood, an to make sure it was a safe delivery."

"Why would he care about your delivery?"

"I don't know." That was the question that had plagued him through his captivity. What were Sinister's true motives? What was it that he really wanted? Not knowing was terrifying. With him gone and his base cleared, would they ever know? He was scared that he didn't know the answers to any of that.

The urge to sleep was starting to tug at Spencer again. He still felt so drained, just utterly exhausted, but he didn't want to go to sleep. Not yet. There was something that was very important that he wanted to do before he did. Hearing that Remy and their baby were okay was one thing—he needed to see them. He needed to see that little life that had been inside of him, needed to hold her in his arms. He'd only seen her for a moment and then everything had gone to hell. He needed to see her. "Scotty?"

"What is it, honey?"

"Can you…" He paused, a yawn breaking through. "…get them? I wanna see them."

The hand in Spencer's hair smoothed it back again and Scott's voice went gentle. "Maybe you should sleep a little more first, Spencer. You look beat."

Spencer shook his head and forced his eyes to stay open. Not yet. "Please? I need to see them."

For a moment Scott just looked down at him. Then he sighed and nodded. "I'll go get them."

It was a battle for Spencer to stay awake once Scott left the room. There was nothing and no one to distract him from the exhaustion that was dragging at him. He must've fallen asleep, though, because the next thing he knew there was a hand touching his face and he was blinking his eyes open to one of the most beautiful sights. Remy was right there in front of him, gorgeous eyes uncovered and so full of warmth and love. "Remy." Spencer murmured happily, leaning in to Remy's hand. He made a soft, sleepy sound and fought not to shut his eyes again. This was a much better site to wake up to. "Much better than Scott drooling."

Multiple sets of laughter came around him and Spencer realized that it wasn't just Remy that was here. That was proved when Scott called out "I do not drool!"

"You so totally drool." Alex shot back with another laugh. "I bet Jean has to put sponges in your pillows just to absorb it all."

As those two started to bicker, Remy never took his eyes off Spencer, nor moved his hand off his face. "Mon amour. Mon cœur. Je t'aime."

"Love you too." Spencer sighed out. He blinked eyes that felt far too heavy and tried to make himself stay awake for the most important part of this, the part he'd been waiting for.

Remy seemed to realize that. He bent down and kissed Spencer's forehead and then nudged carefully at his arm. "Pull y'r arm in fo' a minute, cher. No, don't move de rest of y'." He added that warning when he saw Spencer trying to shift. "Just pull y'r arm in to y'r chest. Dere y' go." Once Spencer's arm was in, Remy very carefully sat down on the bed and then stretched himself out along Spencer's side. He got one arm around Spencer's shoulders and his other arm was reaching out. That was when Spencer noticed that Alex was moving up to them with a small, wrapped up bundle in his arms. Suddenly it wasn't as hard to stay awake. That empty ache that Spencer had been feeling before down in his heart, it started to fade as Alex got closer. Spencer tried to sit up a little more eagerly but Remy's arm kept him held in place. "Just rest, cher. She's coming. Just sit right dere an let us help y' out."

He didn't really have much of a choice. His body just wasn't recovered enough to do a whole lot on its own. When Alex carefully handed the baby into Spencer and Remy's waiting arms, Spencer realized why Remy had sat the way he had. Sitting like this, he was able to slide his arm under Spencer's, giving him the needed support to be able to hold up their daughter. Spencer barely paid any attention to it, though. All of his attention was on this wonderful, beautiful little bundle that now sat in his arms. The emptiness was gone now. She filled it. She perfectly filled that little place in his heart where he had carried her emotions even without realizing it for the last nine months. He could feel them now, warm and sort of fuzzy, not quite that strong yet. There was a sort of contentment edged by sleepiness. "She just ate." Remy murmured in his ear. "I was just burping her when I felt y' wake up. Was halfway here when I met Scotty in de hallway."

"She's so beautiful." Spencer whispered. He couldn't take his eyes off her. That sweet, sweet face, the little mouth that already he could see had the slight natural pout to it just like Remy's did. Then she blinked open sleepy eyes and Spencer let out a soft "Oh." Her eyes were just so beautiful. So uniquely beautiful. She didn't have the black sclera like her Papa, for which Spencer imagined Remy was quite happy, but her irises—they were like a stunning mixture of Remy and Spencer. The irises themselves were red, just like her Papa's, but they were flecked black that sparked and danced like little black fireworks, just like Spencer's colors danced in his. "Look at her, Remy."

"Je sais. Aint she beautiful?" Remy leaned in, resting his head against Spencer's, and happiness was just radiating from him.

"She is that." Scott chimed in. He and Alex were standing on Spencer's side of the bed, smiling as they looked at them. Spencer could see that she'd already charmed them; all of them.

"Rem hasn't told us yet." Alex said suddenly, looking up to Spencer. "What's her name?"

Spencer cast a surprised look at Remy, who smiled and kissed his forehead. "We'd narrowed it down to two b'fore, mais I knew y' had one y' wanted, so I figured I'd wait fo' y."

It was Spencer's turn to smile. He tipped his head back down and looked back into those gorgeous electric eyes. "Charlotte." He said, lifting one finger to trace it over the smooth skin of her cheek. "Charlotte Marielle LeBeau."

"It's perfect." Remy said. He snuggled in a little more, bending down and dropping a kiss on the crown of her dark brown hair. And it was perfect. In that moment, with his family around him, Spencer thought that nothing in the world could've been more perfect than this.

I know this ends with some questions, m'dears, but I promise you'll get answers to them. I have the sequel already started, but I won't start posting it until I get some other stories wrapped up. It'll pick up when they're back in New York, though, and it will answer some of the questions you're left with here. I hope you all enjoyed this! When I post the sequel, I'll add a chap to this story with a preview just to let all of you who have this on alert know that the sequels up. See you then!